Is this some kind of psyop to deaden the user's will for privacy?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 8.40.16 AM copy.png (999x321, 280K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fb is CIA malware.
Mark Zuckerberg is an actor. Just like the guy who played him in that movie about him.

Attached: adam_grossman.png (1207x677, 490K)

Who cares? Only pedophiles and terrorists care about privacy. Nothing to hide nothing to fear!

See? This is the response they are going for by creating this fatigue.

Now they can rip off your code, shadowban you based on x profile of you before you sign up to any platform if you want to do anything other than consume what they curate for your phenotype.

The entire Adam Grossman story isnt a secret.
Zuckerberg "stole" the entire "electric facebook" idea by buying it from Grossman for 200k.
Just like Bill Gates bought Windows for 10k.
I looked deep into this shit because I was hoping to find some conspiracy but it ended up being nothing, sadly.

Attached: 1548245809242.jpg (1362x1321, 113K)

>it ended up being nothing, sadly.

Mass media story, big movie, American folklore of Zuck making this in his dorm but, no. He bought it while he was a Sophomore in HIGH SCHOOL.

It's clearly a DARPA project and everything about the story of Zuck IS a conspiracy.
What do you mean "hoping to find some conspiracy"?
They created an elaborate story line and hundreds of millions of people believe it.

The fact no major outlet interviewed Grossman for his story is evidence our under total Orwellian control down to almost everyone.

They have been very transparent about wanting to get rid of it.

Zuckerberg bought it in 2005, Grossman probably got paid off later with a gagging contract and got paid enough to shut up.
Grossman was Interviewed by a German media outlet and didnt say much, probably due to a contract, he lives in Boston now.
I'm not trying to deny anything you said tho, both versions make sense and mine is at least a bit less Orwellian. Nevertheless, Zuckerberg is a sociopath.

>The entire Adam Grossman story isnt a secret.

That's why nobody has ever interviewed him and you can barely find any association of him with face book.

>Grossman probably got paid off later with a gagging contract

What? Where's your source? How did Zucc, a high school/ college aged punk "steal" a social network with corporate clients in the East Coast DARPA capital and scrub almost any knowledge of it?
THEN he, on his own, got Hollywood and a large cast, and all news reports to push a story of fiction?
You're telling me 21 year old zucc did all this?

His parents are likely high up in the IC and he's an actor.

How are you shills everywhere?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 9.17.11 AM.png (827x659, 156K)

Whats up with that screenshot, is this supposed to mean anything?
You would find many holes that Zuckerberg left everywhere with this story, it seems all you ever did was do a google search for "Adam Grossman facebook",otherwise you would have found out more.
Calling me a shill just makes you look like a paranoid schizo.

Attached: SmartSelect_20190402-123753_Firefox Nightly.jpg (1095x608, 398K)

Your comment has zero content.

Attached: 41099.jpg (201x251, 16K)

Oh look. You Google anyone else related to founding and look what comes up.

What's that supposed to mean?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 9.32.28 AM.png (964x678, 323K)

Oh look. You Google anyone else related to founding and look what comes up

What's that supposed to mean?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 9.33.14 AM.png (970x713, 348K)

Oh look. You Google anyone else related to founding and look what comes up.

What's that supposed to mean?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 9.33.57 AM.png (971x702, 289K)

Oh look. You Google anyone else related to founding and look what comes up.

What's that supposed to mean?

What did Google mean by this? How did Zucc rig the search results?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 9.34.27 AM.png (967x718, 305K)

Zucc didn't have anything to do with that Facebook movie. It was based on a book by his business partner that he screwed over when Facebook blew up.

>Zucc didn't have anything to do with the movie
>his business partner

Sure, it just created a false story to erase Adam Grossman and inserted a ton of emotional blockage for fake Zucc guilt. Same as they do with all their psyops.
How convenient for Zucc that his only "co-founders" the media, and search results paid attention to were not Adam Grossman.

Way to go trying not to seem like a paranoid schizo.

Attached: SmartSelect_20190403-191700_Firefox Nightly.jpg (620x614, 173K)

ad hominem again.

Your presence is weak.
You feel your job's meaningless and your impotence increasing?

Oh look. A biography of grossman on the first page of startpage results

What a boring read. Where's the Grossman, Zucc relationship. Not in there.
You're agency trying to bore people who find out about Grossman to death with this shit?

Where's the story, the interview about what a fucking coincidence it was they both came up with a facemash, ripping all classmate data?

Or did Zucc buy that and put that in the unsourced NDA too.

You're just bumping the thread by responding.

and it's clearly something to be kept shrouded and secret since an obvious shill is bizarrely arguing against it here in Jow Forums.

We had a good laugh about this thread at the agency but now it is time for you to stop.

Attached: 500full-igor-bogdanoff.jpg (360x450, 24K)

>We had a good laugh about this thread

I'm pretty sure the joke is on you. Having that high security clearance. Making your wife and friends think you're a top secret spyman and they put you on shill duty.
And you're not even good at it.

I can tell you don't take pride in your work or care about the outcome. You're mad to be assigned and passed over by diversity hires, ay?

But let's keep this on Technology.

The other "founders" sure are involded in shady dealings.
The twins are bitcoin billionaires or something.
Thiel has Palantir and gene splicing.
The other one's rich.

Poor Adam Grossman is hard to find.
Missed out on the billions and doesn't even get the Pete Best treatment by the media.

>storing pwds in plaintext
how else are they supposed to store it? as jpg? .7z?

The first screenshot can't be real.

Also, Facebook was funded by the CIA.

Actually, it wasn't. You're close tho.

>The first screenshot can't be real.

It's real and Zucc's backstory is fake.

>>storing pwds in plaintext
>how else are they supposed to store it?

With encryption.

Imagine giving your keys to someone to borrow your car and they secretly make a copy of all your keys.

and this encrypted data, how is it stored? as jpg?

nobody stores the passwords, encrypted or otherwise, just the hashes generated at creation, and these are stored in databases as "plain text".

>the hashes generated

Yeah, I'm foggy on the process, but I know it's encryption and no human is supposed to have access to what chars you type.