

Attached: d3c.png (430x441, 102K)

VERY insightful thread

>the new killer app

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Fuck off freshman comp sci students

>Jow Forums

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>facebook is the internet

>coding ethics


"app" as shorthand for application has been a thing since the 90s

inb4 salty tears

>cancer guy
>(newfag translation: wojak/npc)

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You talking mobile or PC? That shit's acceptable on mobile, but I will punch you straight in the face if you refer to anything on a PC as an app. If you refer to anything as an app on GNU+Linux, I will also rape you and murder your family.

GNU+Linux is a shit basis app, Windows 10 is a much better basis app

God, I wish that were me. Being that obliviously happy is something we autists will never have.

The Boomer meme went from a "hasbeen how do you do fellow kids" to someone who maximized his life score according to his own metric, which has zero cost for how society norms value it

it's "the feels guy" newfag

based autist fucktard

No we boomers called them "programs" back then

no, the frog meme is the feels guy

>MySpace is the extranet

GNU/Linux is an app on Windows

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there's no /boot/vmlinuz-* on WSL

yes it did.

Zoomers don't realise that we have been saying application since the early 80s.

zoomers don't realize the word "app" has always been cancer even in the phrase "killer app" and only zoomer apologists would say otherwise


Program. Programming.

Application. Applicating.

Frog is feels good/bad man only, other feels are wojak.

seethe, iNcel


Feels like it's referring to apply more. Either way it's retarded.

Apps are what I eat before the entree comes, user

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Dumbest sounding buzzword to date.
Hearing that word uttered is like scraping a chalkboard.

Yes, programs, software, applications (later). Never apps. That came about when people started misusing "cloud".

In my freedos vm that's what I call the apps directory, because it makes sense.
They are all apps, though. Just because they are command line doesn't mean they're not just command line apps.

Implement it.

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>tfw I unironically implement solutions when talking about open source autism games I don't get paid for

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It's 2019 not 1980.

Get used to it

i call them

>code artisan