/monitor/ general

I just play csgo, nothing else. Should i get a 240hz monitor or just a 120/144hz one?

Money is and isnt an issue. You know when youre at that stage where you can afford things but not quiet duck you money.

I was either goibg to go balls to the wall cheap with a
Acer KG251QF
Or choose between benq monitors

Or if anyone has any other ideas (in Australia so limited stock choices).

Or is it worth waiting? Anything new coming out this year?

Attached: 131234-628891-cropped-500w.jpg (500x446, 16K)

Also-- I use a 144hz monitor and its fine. I have the MSI Optix MAG24C which is bretty good but there are probably better options.

240 of course, no contest. CSGO is a game where objectively the most important thing is reaction time. a 240hz with as little lag as possible will make you a demonstrably better player.

What are the caveats to cheap 144hz monitors? There's a veiwsonic one for $99 im looking at

A 144Hz monitor is fine, the difference between 144Hz and 240 isn’t as big compared to 60Hz to 144.

Yes for csgo 240hz is worth it. If you have good eyes you will notice difference

>You know when youre at that stage where you can afford things but not quiet duck you money.

someone translate this from retard to english please

Attached: VRB.png (724x459, 50K)

hit a nibba up with a faceit or esea link or do you only play mm?

Does 4K on 28" have enough DPI to completely disable anti-aliasing on my fonts? Or should I go 4K and 24"?

Attached: 1554350070863.jpg (489x400, 56K)

I have a pair of 28" 4K monitors and without UI scaling 12 point font is so small you need your head no more than 18 inches away from the monitor to read it. If I could do it over again I'd go for 32" monitors.

I think he's saying he has enough money that he could buy any monitor, but not so much he can just piss money away, so price doesn't matter as long as it's good value.

I doubt you're a good enough player to utilize 240.

the difference between 144 and 240 is noticeable but not drastic like 60 to 144

I'd get a 144hz ips just for the ips factor

Not quiet "fuck you" money. When you have no mortgage on your house, have a car and enough for travel but not enough to buy a yatch

Ive wondered. Theyre all the same thing right

Im oce but i do faceit. Sorry friendo

ok but why is the money quiet? does money make noise in your penal colony?

I got to le on 60hz so idk.

>I play csgo and nothing else
>should I get...
You should get a rope and hang yourself

Legitimately this, 144hz monitor and good mouse like ACTUALLY made me a better player

Thread hijack. Can I have one monitor plugged to my GPU and another one plugged to the motherboard?

Booty blasted silver player

Yeah so you're dogshit. Your refresh rate isn't stopping you from being already good. If you're not GE, level 10 on faceit and at least playing A ESEA you shouldn't be worried about your monitor.

You're still gonna be bad.


Acer Nitro Gaming VG271UP
Bought it a month ago.

First 2 days? completely fine.
Next day? Random flicker, thought it was something else
Day after flicker every hour

Month later I get the new monitor
same fucking issue

I'm so fucking sick of this shit, I just want a monitor that just displays.

Probably a bad batch

Im only replying to you because im in the middle of something boring.
1)i never claimed it would make me better
2)im level 10 faceit
3)your contribution to the thread has been zero

If you were lv10 on faceit then you wouldn't be LE. Don't get salty because you're not good at a franchise that everyone already mastered before you were born. Stop looking for a placebo and actually learn how to practice correctly.

DESU you seem like the kind of shitter that would put LFT in his name even though you would never make a CGA team.

>3)your contribution to the thread has been zero

says the cunt thats looking to waste money on something he not only doesn't need but cannot utilize. You're contribution to your own life has been zero.

literally kill yourself

Lol look at this asshurt shitty mad that op can afford things he can't
Post stats old man
240 dude always go for the best

Lol dude I play with a tv monitor and a 10$ wireless mouse, yet I'm ranked global.
Csgo is fucking easy, literally the only FPS where pro matches are a bunch of dudes camping the corner and waiting for someone to pop out

>csgo is easy
>im global

Fair point man, i mean ive done that with pretty much everything else

While holsing angles is pretty huge i agree theres way more to the game and from most other fps ive played they just dont compare to the purity of csgo: all game no gimmicks. Cod dm was fun with friends though but it doesnt have a proper ranking system