What is the best browser, Jow Forums?

What is the best browser, Jow Forums?

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tor child hunter

Just use Chromium/Ungoogled Chromium or Firefox ESR.

Attached: Browser_Privacy_Ranking.png (744x940, 184K)

holy fuck i forgot about comodo dragon
thanks op

>lonely manchild tier

Attached: image (534).png (604x612, 210K)

opera (pronounced oprah)

Comodo Dragon master race here

Where's Vivaldi?



Why is Vivaldi bad? Asking for real. I heard it was good, and would stop using it if you can explain what's wrong with it. Thanks.

Unironically use Chrome. With fingerprinting it's easier to track you if you use Chromium or a fork of it.


Attached: 1484067932607.png (984x1862, 1.68M)

Midori isn't stable

Where can I get firefox addons that are compatible with icecat

Attached: Browser chart.png (992x1250, 623K)

B o t n e t


it's not a rank of whether it's good it's whether it spies on you or not

>Elder God-King Tier

Brave is the true patrician browser and you know it.

When I looked into it I couldn't find anything serious. While not under one open source license all the code is visible. I think it's mostly under BSD? I imagine people will say shill or botnet but I need something more concrete to believe those claims rather than speculation.

firefox with a bunch of about:config tweaks and addons

or waterfox if you're lazy because most of the about:config shit has already been """Fixed""" to send your data to "MrAlex94" instead of mozilla, if you consider that to be an improvement.

anyway fuck all your shilling, I use Falkon and qtbrowser.

I use brave for muh privacy. Why do you think it's shit?

They literally deleted their reskinning of chrome and now have their jew coins and brave ads

w3m-img or links2. Anything else is fucking blote

They hook up to "Google services" for you by default, but can be supposedly disabled by jumping around in settings and turning things off in flags. According to one of their mods, as an addendum to denying such services exist.

Interesting, when I look it up right now I'm not finding anything. I'll look into modifying the flags. Though this seems like similar stuff you have to do for firefox anyway

Attached: priv.png (745x436, 24K)

Went through flags and I found some google payment stuff. Doesn't seem like it's actually in use but I turned it off anyway. Maybe someone else can find something but for a blink browser vivaldi seems fine so far

Well I see the Google services, but it seems "Search in address bar" is a third party service? That may be the default option the mod was talking about, I'm not sure.
You might also want to finely comb through settings.

>muh botnet
Prove it.

Attached: vivaldi.png (1536x1750, 126K)


Attached: disgust.jpg (1138x846, 71K)

opinion on new edge chromium browser?

Nice argument, bro

sleipnir was a good browser
good times were had
shame it's uh. kinda dead now.

question neggers
the fuckin chromium and chrome the same no? like, if i use chromium i can log on to my gmail and have all my passwords pop up?

if so why do they rank so differently/why would anyone want to use the chromium engine that unironically powers the ram hog that is chrome

You don't belong on this board. Get out.

chromium is more or less just as much botnet as chrome, use ungoogled-chromium instead (or say, firefox. idunno.)
t. google shill

Fuck jewgle and fuck you.

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The search in address bar is referring to the fact that you use a 3rd party search service as far as I know. Combed through everything else though.

Well for starters the default search engine is google.
The first page contains analytics.
If also allows tracking from facebook and twitter on other sites.
Aside from that it uses awful embedded add-ons like adblock and https everywhere instead of ublock origin and smarthttps

> Chrome is a botnet
> Jewgle

still uses android

1. Analytics from piwik
2.google safe browsing
3. Anti privacy web search engine by default
4. Every install has a unique id that sends data to their servers.
5. Cannot be built from source. The source on their page only contains the chromium fork part.

*Clown shoes honk as a move closer*
>Tor Browser

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What the fuck is comodo dragon?

Icecat is best - demozillad firefox with some fsf shit to laugh at

Also Comodo browsers are basically asking to get tracked. why would you trust a company over open source projects

Use iridium or ungoogled chromium if you really need to use chromium

Much better charts

> tfw installed and even used rockmelt when I was an idiot highschooler, even logged in to facebook through it

I fucked up so much during those years, anons. Is there even any way to reverse the damage?

Attached: pepepalm.png (445x497, 103K)

What is Chromium, exactly?

Brave, pronounced ブレーフ
Use it meanwhile on mobile and desktop
I used icecat before, unfortunately very slow and the experience is not too great imho

I hope this is bait

Unfortunately not. I said I was a fucking idiot.

Attached: Browsers.png (1000x7440, 1.26M)

>IceCat is god tier
It's a meme bros .


TOR (tails)
Hardened Firefox with security extensions
Literally godtier
Any meme browser has a unique finger print and is for plebs

Look at Tor browser on your source then, clown


Unironically Google Chrome
Once you'll get so deep into the privacy meme, you'll realize that the only coherent thing is joining and embracing the botnet


>no privacy issues

pick one user, half of the tor nodes at this point are intelligence agencies

what's wrong with midori?

this thread is just gay

>Anyone not using Tor or Firefox configured like Tor
Congratulations giving out your entire browsing history to Google and Cloudflare. This applies especially to users of forks like Ungoogled Brave Icecat and Librefox. You guys are literal idiots.

Post results of

Attached: pb-browsers.png (1046x385, 68K)

>safari not GOAT on OSX

Is there any *modern* version of Firefox that's been unpozzed? It seems like all the forks are based on ancient versions of Firefox, so extensions are often extremely broken.

>1080p max resolution on YouTube

>give up on protecting yourself goiym
Join the bugman botnet
>make tracking yourself easier so i can do my job easier

Panopticuck only shows 20 out of 10000 identifiers, FAGGOT

Lynx, you non free loving bastard scum

If only I had linked more extensive sites as well. Oh, wait...

Edge chromium

Linuxfags btfo

>Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, one in 98.88 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

> One in 325 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

>But only 2807 browsers out of the 1078846 observed browsers (0.26 %) have exactly the same fingerprint as yours.
Though I don't think this says much when it doesn't even get the OS right.

The detailed results are the interesting aspect, not how unique you are within their database.

Fuck, this guy knows his stuff. Apparently I'm unique and I'm being given away by my fonts and screen resolution.

Is it possible to not be scare by this? If you overdo the security, you become fingerprintable, but if you don't, you're insecure.

What browser are you using?

GNU Icecat. I'm here because I'm strongly considering getting rid of it (see ).

Mine aint here desu

don't work at all
only the experimental audio and "deprecated" canvas and character sizes tests show my browser to be unique AND user-agent because no one else is using this combination of qtwebengine and autismobrowser

Attached: dznauMp.gif (512x384, 1.63M)

what's taking them so long to ship out more updates

Then it should be the same switches as with Firefox.
privacy.resistFingerprinting -> true will force the same default resolution as Tor.
browser.display.use_document_fonts -> 0 should stop font detection.

> If you overdo the security, you become fingerprintable, but if you don't, you're insecure.
Best cure against fingerprinting is browsers shipping with as many counter-fingerprinting techniques enabled by default as possible. Sending patches and/or spamming bug reports and feature requests to get these things fixed is a way forward

Hu, weird how only one of them has a button that I can use on Icecat's homepage.

Still catches me on resolution.

What resolution does it show? Did you change your window size after start-up?

It shows my actual screen's resolution.

wait, is opera good or not?


Are you using IceCat fullscreen?

Only American drug dealers have to worry, or just ultraautists with rainbow tinfoil hats
You wouldn't be posting here if you cared about privacy

True tho. Stupid website

Web dev here with 17+ years of experience. all web browsers suck.
Some suck a tiny bit less.

Not that it matters because everyone uses webkit now, so I can get away by just optimizing for iPhone+android and ignoring everything else. We are literally back in the IE6 days. Except that now if someone reports an error due to something missing, I can just npm a compatibility shim.

Well, I like to use suckless surf for quick searches and most things and I have youtube-viewer for videos, sometimes I like to browse youtube which I use chromium for.

How to harden Firefox fren?


The cia nigger tracks the everyone
Youre spoonfeeding ai owned by jews

nice try officer