Rabbit Ears vs Flat HD Antenna

What makes the flat sort better?

Attached: ant.jpg (511x252, 33K)

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HD antennas don't need to be flat.


I should have specified indoor, but thanks.


based boomer

flat is a gimmick. rabbit ears are always superior.

My experience has been the same.
What about these sorts? The first uses what looks like an RCA connector, I'm not sure why.



Attached: ant1.jpg (1023x650, 124K)

if it looks like a gimmick, it is

2 dipole + magnetic loop?
cute, but is this efficient?

look at this. I hate it when they do this, being vague about the connector types. This one doesn't even mention the F-Type - RCA adapter it pictures.


That's why posting the thread.

it's been effective since the invention of tv

What is with all this connector shit?


Attached: ant.png (780x1502, 1.17M)

Why does he call the F-type SMA and the whole family RF?

>family RF
never mind, I was mixed with the "F" part.....

Rabbit Ears are better for VHF Signals, Flat Antenna's are really unreliable when it comes to them. UHF on the other hand works great on them.


For those links take into consideration positioning of Rabbit Ear Antennas, and for either Flat/Rabbit ear take into consideration the distance to the channels you want for Digital TV

they don't look like they predate the cold war.

>lists mini-UHF instead of IEC

Dad bought a "smart" tuner with a god damn microphone in it
I constantly unplug it because i dont want cia niggers listening

growing up we had some battery powered rabbit ears monstrosity that looked like a mini satellite
why was it always better than our regular rabbit ears?
it was a constant fight over who got that antenna when the old man was done with tv for the night as it gave the best reception

Attached: 4453_0.jpg (570x378, 44K)

Too bad it didn't come with the fingerprint/retinal scanners and blood-type extractor.

>battery powered
Signal boost, but you knew this, right?

dumb kid mind never really thought about it. i used to steal the batteries for my gameboy and replace em with my dead ones

That's not F. They're all used for RF.

I bought one and put it up on my backporch, shit works wonders 50-ish channels for my area

>on my backporch
lol on my backporch

Why not just a external antenna?

external directional antenna

When i was little even though we had cable for some reason ontop of our house was one of those giant rooftop antennas. It's not there anymore but I do wonder if it was still there how many digital channels it could pick up, being so big.


lol amplifier