Owned my G4 play for 3 years

>owned my G4 play for 3 years
>it died
>go to check the market for simple smart phones
>everything now has face ID
>finger print scanners everywhere
>simple smart phones don't exist
>I can buy another G4 play but the software has already been obsolete for a year

Wtf why dont simple smart phones exist anymore.......?

Attached: wojak.jpg (1115x900, 309K)

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because poor people are willing to take loans to buy phones

Xperia XA2

I coaxed you into recommending me a dumb phone but somehow you managed to recommend me one with a finger print scann0r

is this what i have to accept now

cia niggers having my finger prints

But a G6 play, almost the same phone, it's got a fingerprint scanner tho

>simple smart phone

the point of this post is I don't want these scanners, I am scared of them

arnt you faggots always talking about how good code is the simplest way of doing the appropriate task?
that sentiment is true in every aspect of life

ive been coming here for 6 years and i am just a mindless consumer who trucks tinhat autists

in a world where everyone gives away their fingerprints, you not doing it doesnt make a difference. you are just as easy to trace as everyone else, thats how it is.
i enjoy my j3 2017 tho, pretty simple and it works fine for me

i dont like the idea, it makes me feel uncomfortable and i dont like doing things that make me feel bad

>i dont like doing things that make me feel bad
alpha as fuck attitude

i love ali g so much

It's your choice to use them or not

what if my finger accidentally swipes it

You can just not use them. It's not like the usual pin/pattern had to be replaced for fingerprint scanners.

what if my finger accidentally swipes it

are you unironically retarded?

im scared

Cover it up with tape, then.

kek OP is probably going to get his fingerprint on the tape

of what, someone having a partial fingerprint of you? you realize you have to scan your finger the right way or it'll get nothing usable? what do you think someone can do with a partial fingerprint? finally, if you're that scared why would you even buy an android phone at all?

cause android is open source and I am more worried of like hackers and stuff who want to take my details

i dont care about gubberment surveillance cause I know its unavoidable, but i dont want some Russian guy taking my cs go skins

>hates finger print scanner
>doesn't just disable it

Face scanners are bullshit

You're actually retarded.

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looks more like underage to me

im 19! i just dont see the point in responding super seriously cause nobody understands me

i just dont like it!