Since when is AMD viable for budget gaming builds? Specially small form factor?
Since when is AMD viable for budget gaming builds? Specially small form factor?
They aren't
Fuck off, shill.
>buying ayymd for gayming
Top poorfag
I can get a Thinkpad for 1/10th of that, that can play all the Jow Forums approved games
>how dare you talk about computer hardware on a technology board
Have you been living under a rock?
>rx 590
Imaging buying that housefire when the 1660 is equal to it and consumes half the power.
since forever, amd started their business cloning intel's chips at a much lower price
AMD as a brand was always for poorfags
People with real jobs and real salaries use Intel and Nvidia
it's only missing one component...
Even when AMD had the better components on the market?
I mean I guess so, it's like rich people eating whale poop, just because it's expensive, instead of cheaper but better food, that also poor people eat.
>falling for the SFF meme
Imagine being so naive to put the most inefficient gpu on the market built by a total gpu n00b like assrock in a case with no airflow and making a fucking yt meme video about it
>posting before watching the video
So Tux Racer?
AMD has never had better CPUs than Intel or GPUs than Nvidia.
Retarded zoomers.
What are the recommended pc specs for making blender/sfm porn?
I'm thinking still images are easy so I want to try that out?
>B-but the athlon 64 was better for like 3 months remember!!!!!!!!
Stop shilling your retarded poorfag shit
Filthy zoomer, Intel was eternally btfo with Athlon 64 for the longest time and was almost bankrupt when X2 was out.
Intel was losing so bad they sued AMD for 64bit instructions because it was being anti-competitive.
I feel bad for people who fall for this crap. Just spend a little more on Intel/Nvidia and you'll have a much better time plus it will age much better too.
Fuck no, Intel always had better options but usually just slightly more expensive
Also AMD never made competitive GPUs either
Enjoy your house burning down
>all the inteltard hate
Scared of Zen2?
AMD's been the performance king on both the CPU side and GPU side. It's been a while, though. Like over a decade. Funny part, not for AMD, is that NVidia outsold AMD when AMD had the top performing GPU and Intel outsold them when AMD had the best CPU
you're wrong and probably just too young to remember when they were on top.
AMD currently is desktop CPU kind in terms of buck and watt per performance.
Hey check this out, caught out intel shills lying about their products!
See here
>people with no integrity and no value for money use intel and nvidia
keep buying 14nm refresh^refresh^refresh every year and keep paying the ever increasing green label premium every generation but wonder why the market only gets more hostile towards the customer.