My sister wants to get into coding, she's 14. Should I tell her it's not for girls or give her some baby shit like scratch and say she's programming? Pic not related
My sister wants to get into coding, she's 14...
C or bust
Don't be a fucking faggot user. Teach her how to code. We need more women who aren't complete and utter normalfags.
My wife asked me for help on learning programming because she wants to get into making her own games and making her own websites and shit.
Hindering people who want to learn is the biggest beta faggot move there is.
How does that cd work?
>We need more women
citation needed
You know which books go get her
wtf user you sound like a fucking cretin, just teach her some code, man, its your sister, not a nigger
teach her then in a few years she can teach me, if you know what i mean
send her ass to a CoderDojo.
Does she have a fetish for fat sweaty guys that smell of Cheetos? Because she better.
You'd probably want to start with HTML+JS+CSS. They provide instant results and are (perhaps too) error tolerant. Scratch is mainly geared at younger children. Though I don't know how you'd transition to a lower language from there. Don't rush it.
Teach her python, it's easy and you can do a lot of things with it like bots with selenium.
Tell Ber getting into technology is fun as a hobby but find a sector that doesn't scuk ass
Neither you nor your sister should come anywhere near an IDE.
Just teach her C
Perfect starting point
If you need to ask here you are quite definitely the worst brother in existence. I would tell you to off yourself but I don't want that due to your sister suffering from it. Seriously, get a good book for beginners and gift it to her.
Python is a good starting point to actually get her to do stuff then later you can teach var types and whatnot a bit later in c or cpp or something (she has to actually be interested)
>manage to have a qt 3.14 sister interested in programming
>flip her off
I can't even. What the cocking christ is wrong with you?
I would say this but
is probably right. If you have to ask here then you may not be a great teacher. Get a Python for beginners book/pdf or something
brush her teeth
Op's sister here.
thanks for nothing you absolute retard im not stupid unlike you, i can see through your bullshit and can just google it on my own, Just wanted a starting point but i guess you arent even good doing that.
> Should I deny her an education or deceive her?
You are a faggot.
give her python and pretend she is coding
if she shows potentials, tell her one language is not enough to be good at programming then show her more complicated stuff like c. or whattever else
> more complicated stuff like c
If anything, C is easy peasy because computers weren't convoluted as much in the 80s. It is verbose, yes, but it may be a good thing for learning what programming languages do.
op btfo
if you become a good programmer and get into gnu/linux you will be the most precious treasure in the world for any Jow Forumsentoomen
>inb4 im le trollbaited xd
>she's 14
too old
>Should I tell her it's not for girls
Tell her its the easiest way to get a passive income so she can enjoy her life in whatever way she wishes.
It doesnt matter if she actually becomes a programmer, teach her goal oriented hard work and discipline.
No you faggots don't get it, I'm not sure how you came this far in your lives without figuring this out but I guess I'll clue you in: women can't learn. You keep saying just let her learn, you don't understand, she can't, it's beyond her capabilities. You night think that's for her to decide, not me, but you'd be wrong about that too: responsibly deciding for themselves whether they're capable of learning is also beyond women's capabilities. The answer is no they can't learn, and no they also aren't mature enough to know they can't learn, and there are no exceptions. Women who think they can learn and have no one there to tell them otherwise are nothing but problems, and women who by some miracle do actually manage to learn something are just even more serious problems. Women like that are liabilities because they make other women believe they can learn as well. Women who insist on believing they can learn are the bane of society, they ruin and feminize all intellectual circles.
Is she smart? Is she not retarded and likes math? If so give her C like everyone else said
>We need more women
No, "we" don't
Give her a link to some easy to understand python tutorials. That's how a lot of people got into programming I guess
I want to make little programmers someday. I do.
we don't need self-taught women coders
we need coders who learned from men, stupid
there's a real fucking difference
this guy knows. id teach my son/daughter how to actually use a computer so he knows theres more to it than youtube tiktok compilations and fortnite.
You shouldn't either
Unironically python, it's basically English. From there she can goto C#. Starting off with anything harder than python will make her hate programming.
>hello world uses megabites of data alone
there's no use in teaching women how to program. If you think bloat is a problem now, imagine if women were programming.
Post picture of sister’s dirty panties in hamper
Imagine being such an insecure beta that you feel the need to reach so far to take this shit out of context, gets it.
If you have such a deep hatred for women, don't you think you should do something about the way they are instead of acting like a bitter faggot because you can't get laid?
afraid because you'll never be one?
In my computer science classes, there's a big push from the staff and school to get more girls in programming. The issue us that it's like 75 percent dudes in there, and nobody really pushed us to do it, we just wanted to do it so we did it. So if your sister wants to do it because that's what she wants, then show her how to do it, because programming is for whoever wants to do it. Don't be a fucking dick dude.
Seriously, C is very nice because it teaches you to be explicit with the computer. Which fits very well with the general rule that computers do exactly and only what they're told. And the lower level aspect is good for learning a lot of useful and interesting things that python and Java wouldn't ever teach you about since they do it for you. C++ on the other hand...fuck that shit.
Who fucking cares? She's learning to code. That literally doesn't matter. And there are plenty of programs written in python that are magnitudes better than anything you could ever write. I don't even like python, but you're a retard.
I have to agree. K&R
Your sister
get her fucking around with python or something, it's easy enough to learn but not completely useless if she wants to do more than hello world for her Look i'm a koder" instagram posts
if she gets into it then she'd be primed and ready for shit like C or Rust