How can other distros even compete?

the debate has been settled

Attached: intel-clear-linux-logo.png (563x323, 68K)

lfs is a better distro

never heard of it

>never heard of linux from scratch
marketing manager using windows 10 confirmed

Lfs isn’t a distro it’s a book

>8gb liveCD

What are you? A zip drivelet?

i disagree, yes it's a book but aside from being a book it's also basically a distro

Is a recipe a meal?

Attached: 2021F535-F5DF-4E67-A5CD-140FF1901793.jpg (680x521, 79K)

>Botnet/Linux: Botnet Hardware Edition

LFS is not a recipe for a distribution.

>A book that guides you in creating your own distribution of Linux
>Not a recipe
hmmm ok den


By being usable and not botnet.

Ok. Where's the iso file for LFS that I can use to install it?

Nothing can compete with tails

Does this have packages? Based or cent or debian or something?

its like fedora silverblue, boots fastest out of anything.
last time i tried it, live image and install was extremely slow and so was firefox for some reason; think networking in general was buggered

Does AMD have their own Linux distro?

Meanwhile Arch live medium is 600 megs.

Why would I use Placebo OS?

>food analogy

I want this

But why?

It's trash. Try it for yourself and see.

It has it's own package manager/repository that only has a handful of packages. Theoretically, you can get YUM to work on it, but I couldn't figure it out in a reasonable amount of time.