>best desktop environment?
I like gnome because it’s simple and effective.
gnome is lightweight and efficient
>no bloat
>has the tiling functionality of cinnamon, kinda (super + numpad to align windows, assign shortcuts for vertical and horizontal maximising and there you go)
>commonly criticized as ugly but has some good looking themes e.g shikimiki
Kde>gnome 30.32>xfce
KDE is my favorite. LXDE/XFCE good for low-resource machines, but XFCE is slightly better
After 3 years I'm gonna try GNOME again. Last time it was a laggy mess that performed worse than KDE and was barely customizable with most shit hidden behind plugins that required a fucking browser extension.
> gnome
> lightweight
You have to be smoking some good shit to think this
DWM (the Windows 10 one)
Anything other than Tails is gay unless youre a nerd(other distro) or a gamer (windows)
I take that back
Anything other than Tails is gay, no exceptions
Try lastest gnome 30.32
I like gnome on my desktop but on my stinkpad I use i3
I don't like the way kde looks and feels
XFCE lightweight and customizable. I would say KDE but last time I tried was heavy in resources (laptop's fan making lots of noice) and buggy.
Gnome is heavy on memory usage, but is very polished and coherent. And uktimately, it using an extra 300 megs of ram doesn't really matter when you have at least 8 gigs of it.
I'm trying 3.30.2 now and aside from being more confused about settings, as I expected it lags like shit whenever it wants. Scroll at 60fps on firefox, then suddenly 30 because fuck you. Also enourmous buttons that are not necessary in a fucking desktop.
Gnome of course. It's fast, lightweight, stable, simple and have unique design.
I personally like tty
they're all shit
they all end up as a shitty compromise between CLI and GUI, a modular and extensible mess lacking in actual or good components to add, an aesthetics over even-giving-usability-a-thought tire fire and/or a complete and utter copypasta of some other shitty DE but with a few different colors and some claims that they're "completely new and different guise"
not even defending windows or mac, they're all shit
Why isn't cinnamon popular? I find it most comfy desu
Tmux or gnu/screen>tiling wm like awesome or i3>wm like openbox>>>lxde xfce>others>>>>>gnome and KDE
I like Cinnamon
Clean, intuitive, fast
The one that allows you to work effectively and efficiently. Nothing else matters and the amounts to dick measuring/please help me justify my choices.
GNOME and KDE actively pissed me off or bugged all the time.
After installing Xfce and doing a minimal run-through of the settings menus I forgot it even existed.
unironically gnome, it only needs to be lighter for subhumans with 2002 year hardware
3.30 fixed performance
But it's still pretty basic in terms of features
Windows 10
xfce if you have multi monitor
gnome if you have single monitor
LXDE master race reporting in
LXDE. Just because
Xfce is pretty cool
Why do people not like LXQT? I've used it on Ubuntu and Debian and it's comfy af.
Common Desktop Environment
KDE is the easiest to rice so that it looks like a combination of Windows 7 and golden-age OSX. That is what I require.
For me? It's Trinity.
To be honest though, I kind of wish someone would port ReactOS's shell. I think that would be the best DE of all.
Every single usable DE is a copy of Windows - LXDE, XFCE, KDE, Cinnamon - except it's always worse in some regards.
LXDE is dated, XFCE is buggy, KDE is tacky, Cinnamon is ugly.
The only one I've found that doesn't look too much like ass is Deepin DE, and even that has some glitches.
Gnome, all I have to do post fresh install is check 4 boxes in the Gnome Tweak tool and add two keyboard shortcuts, done.
>kills off extensions in Gnome Shell rewrite
Then what
Awesome wm, no display manager, terminal for file manager, thats all folks
who uses extensions? I only use places menu, gnome has a nice default workflow
absolutely based but I can't live without pcmanfm
I use Dash to Panel and Arc Menu which makes Gnome look and function just like Windows
kde is based, everything else is trash
ok thanks
sure you fucking scalie
how do you run AoE ?
Honestly even though i'm a keyboardfag if i had to use a file manager other than terminal, it would have to be a graphical one. Shit like ranger is just too autistic for me
minimal distro like LFS or centos
all the GUI crap is a mistake
I love you lxde user
ilu2 bae
>unreal gold
How the fuck you get a 1998 game made for windows 98 running in linux in 2019. I dont even think i could get that to play on my windows laptop...unless its a steam release?
>How the fuck you get a 1998 game made for windows 98 running in linux in 2019.
Because it's a gog version you silly thing.
Of course
Is there a Proton equivalent for gog or do you have to manually configure every game in wine/playonlinux/whatever? I much prefer pirating gog versions of games, im a 90s baby and the entire idea of Steam turns me off
>looks good
>good HiDPI support (can scale in .25 increments)
>easy af to use
>lighter than gnome
winetricks corefonts d3dx9 quartz mfc42 l3codecx msxml4 vcrun6 riched20 dsound
and set winecfg to win xp , it just werks
>Is there a Proton equivalent for gog
wine-staging with dxvk.
>do you have to manually configure every game in wine/playonlinux/whatever?
It's basically the same as if you were installing it on windows. The only thing that changes is directory locations and that's pretty much it.
Not him, but I'd guess that he is using wine
or just use the native oxygen theme
same aesthetics but made for kde
>DWM (the Windows 10 one)
i beg your pardon
oxygen is such a good theme. I hate how they abandoned it for eye burning #ffffff flatshit
That LXDE logo looks like grey anime hair on Tux
best desktop environment is no desktop environment. just use WMs idiots
seriously. i posted my gay retro rice in a desktop thread way back and all these cum sucking r*dditors have hopped on the bandwagon for r/unixporn upvotes
I really like Cinnamon, MATE, and Xfce. Im currently trying KDE and i enjoy it a lot so far although its a little buggy when themeing. Ill try a WM next. Personally i think Cinnamon is the DE thats really doing a fantastic job, and headed in the right direcrltion.
this. i'm running it without problems on my 8GB X220 and 12GB P300.
oh yeah, windowsfags use extensions