I'm unironically a 30yo boomer

is it too late for me to learn to code
I want to escape retail so badly
I've fell for the /hsg/ meme and the /gnu/ meme but all of it without learning a single line of code
is Javascript a good start?
>why do you want to learn
other then escaping customer service slavery I am interested in smart contracts and the creation of them along with connecting them to external api data
I don't really know what an api is but I kinda know what it does
in the end I think solidity is the language I want to end up with because that's what smart contracts are written in at the moment
I've read get a grasp on Javascript first then move to that
where do I start anons?
or is it too late for me?

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it's never too late, all you need is motivation.

>is it too late for me to learn to code
>is Javascript a good start?
fuck no
>where do I start anons?
Since you'll probably end up listening to hipster web dev fags and start learning JS/node.js and MongoDB anyway, I'm not even gonna try.

thats bs lmao
if youre 30 sure you can learn to code but dont expect to actually get a job. Sad truth.

no tell me user
i really am asking you faggots for help

>actual developer
>not being self employed
that's when you know you're a retard

I'm 30 too. Coding is a meme. Go into marketing and audit. The money is here.

In the time it took you to write this spam thread you could have been programming.

I don't really care about getting hired. if anything I would freelance and just make my own projects. just trying to find a way out
care to expand user?
I'm asking where to start. this really is all new to me. I'm a blank slate

Not too late for you to learn to program.

Too late for you to get a job, unless you turn out to be some genius (you're not sorry).

Start learning basic shell and python scripting on Linux.

Now that I think of it, it really is too late. The amount of shit you would have to learn to become an actual developer..

You need to have a decent understanding of OS'es, shells etc.. Let's say you're becoming a Java dev. Just learning Java wouldn't be enough. You'll need to learn how to use the Java Ecosystem, its build tools, learn about frameworks/libraries (rxjava, vertx etc). Then you'll get yourself acquainted with git, databases, servers, containers, kubernetes etc..

And that's just being a backend dev.

Pick one.

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In order to actually get a job this late in the game you have to be extremely talented. That webdev shit ain't gonna cut it, you need to be making emulators, rendering engines, reverse engineering win binaries. This stuff takes a huge amount of time to learn but if you can do that then finding a job is no problem. The issue now is whether that's something you actually want to do. People who get into webdev can get a job in a year because it really isn't that complicated and often the hard work has already been done for them. In order for someone like you to enter the market you need to be the guy who does all the hard work that no else can. It's not a matter of "you just have to be talented" but rather you just got to stick through with learning the hard shit. The path of "easy code camp then front end work until I learn how to actually be useful" has been cut off for you.

take lions mane to grease up your boomer brain while you study

I don't think anyone will hire a 30 year old boomer without experience.

If you want to start learning to code, JavaScript is unironically a good place to start. The reason is not because JS is amazing, but because working with HTML/CSS/JS feels rewarding. It mitigates the chance you'll lose momentum and quit.


Here's an intro web developer course on Udemy. It's 46.5 hours long, and that's just getting your feet wet. If you can complete that, you'll have gained proficiency, and proven to yourself that you can stick with coursework. From there you can explore other avenues and refine your skills. Discover what's appealing to you and go from there.

Now inb4 autistic screeching about JS BAD.

Is it too late?

>if you think it's too late, then yes
>if you think it's not too late, then yes

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Do what he says

but are you a virgin?

PS. Don't listen to these faggots saying you're too old. Not only is age discrimination illegal in most countries, but it's irrelevant to employers.

My mother has insecurities about her IT job, says she's "too old to keep up". Despite that, her coworkers continually laud her because she has an incredible work ethic and proactivity at tackling issues. That's what matters, not your age. Hell, unlike a lot of these zoomer fags you probably know what an honest day's work is.

there's better jobs in IT for boomers in my honest opinion
take some networking or IT security classes and you'll get a comfy office job
you can make a bunch of money as a on-site support IT technician which requires literally no skills whatsoever

I can teach you how to code if you can teach me how to get a gf

>t. 22 yo zoomer

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literally just talk to women and be able to hold a decent conversation for a while.
If you cant find excuses to talk to women IRL there are plenty online. Take is slow, don't get sad if it doesnt work out

I honestly like the sound of that. with hardware I can stick with what I kinda already know.
any specific courses you recommend?
sure it's pretty easy.
first you have to like yourself. if you don't do that, how can you expect someone else to?
if you don't like yourself ask yourself why
>too fat
stop shoveling doritos and mountain dew
drink nothing but water and maybe some tea
just that small change and you will lose at least 20 lbs in a few months
go to the gym. you'll be ignored there much like you are already accustomed to. you might eventually have some gym bros cheering you on
get a different haircut
trim that beard and shave the neck
look into skincare
there is a roastie equally as ugly as you that wants to bang
>fucked up teeth can't afford dentist
just brush your teeth user. you're thinking too far into this
find a midget

next step is to either
>dating site
>go outside
I say dating site cause you will be comfortable talking sitting in your room at a keyboard
Don't go autistic
and don't be afraid to try something different
asking for nudes only work after talking to a chick for a couple weeks, or immediately if you are a 11/10 chiseled chin chad. I'm assuming you aren't the latter.
you will get a date. you will probably fail the first time but fuck it you got your feet wet
try again
if you don't know what to talk about, ask them about themselves. you can carry an entire date on making her talk about herself and it will make you seem like a good listener. roasties love that shit

that's it man. after that there is no advice anyone can give you. you're on your own from there because every person is different and you will have to handle it from there

that tip is free.


The first thing you need to learn is how to search online. You would be surprised at how far this will take you. A good example is that you get an error message when running a script or compiling. Searching that error allows you to figure things out on your own instead of constantly asking stack overflow or Jow Forums for help. Trust me, if you don’t learn to do your own research, you won’t make it very far.

I've gotten pretty good at looking stuff up over the years just from learning things like Linux errors and building my home server. I'm pretty confident in my looking up abilities

based boomer talk

>Don't go autistic

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what is the logic that its too late for them to get a job.

do they only hire like 18-25year old programmers ? and every one older is expected to have 5+ years?

Start with The C Programming Language

26 here and I'm going to Uni in September. I hope I'm going to make it lads

You can learn new skills way into your senior years. Dedicate some time to it and you'll do fine. Good luck dude.


You will. I went to university with freaks who were in their late 20s; they were the hardest-working motherfuckers on the course because they knew what life is like. I didn't. Now I reboot servers and repoint DNS for a living, ten years after I got my degree in (whispers) Psychology.

OP, get the CompTIA A+. If you know it already, good, but expect to have to work at it because they do test you on all the mad shit you'll never actually need for a job.

And don't worry too much about being shit. My IT support job is full of customers who are totally incompetent web developers. They've been doing this for years and they're fucking shocking at it. Learn it as a hobby if you want, or even look at cybersecurity, which is allegedly such a booming industry that they can't hire people fast enough, even if they only know really basic shit.

If you can leetcode, you can get a job at FAANG/PAUL as long as you're under 40. This will require an extreme level of focus (think studying at a top tier school). But it's a sure path if you can do it.

Yes, Javascript is a good start (and fantastic overall, obviously. Consider nodeJS).

So is python

Good luck. Xoxo

If you’re in retail and not a manager, you cannot be a 30yo boomer

I am
It's soul crushing

It takes like a year max of dedicated learning to become fluent in any language. Some people recommend Javascript but I recommend starting with Python until you understand the basic logistics behind coding and then move immediately to learning C++.

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In my view, it helps to figure out what you DON'T want to do, and then steer the fuck away from that.

I took some CS classes in school, thought that web-dev would be a good way to go, learned PHP, JS, etc. and realized what a bunch of fucking hipster-framework nonsense it is, and now I avoid it like the pest.

So personally, I prefer low-level work these days, so I'm studying up on Linux, scripting, Python, also fucking around with my Arduino, that stuff is fun for me.

You can't learn it all, so figure out what you prefer, and let the soiboi hipsters do the other bullshit

I'm 30+ as well and I have some massively (10-ish) antiquated skills by my estimate, but its never really too late - if you're interested, learn! You alrready have some Linux experience it sounds like and that will help you. Learn some scripting (ie write perl or python scripts to automate things as you need) within bash or whatever.

It can be intimidating considering the wide assortment of programming languages and topics out there, its true, but don't get pulled into the many, many things designed for people who absolutely need to make a career change right this second (or are told to do so), as there is a lot of bad info on code camps and "how to learn the next really important thing bootcamp only eleventy thousands of dollars but you'll make bank we promise!" . Instead, take it at your pace of comfort. Do a little bit of web dev here and there, check out python for a good first language, and of course if you want to be "traditional" check eventually into C / C++ .

There's a BIG difference between deploying a node.js powered thingy or latest Ruby on Rails hotness, versus looking at things like a computer scientist from scratch (understanding algo design and efficiency ). You can learn a FUCKLOAD developing your own operating system from the ground up, but this is more about making you a better programmer and learning how to learn; you're not actually going to make something that is independently "better" than Linux or whatnot for day to day use and that's not the point.

There are tons of tutorials out there from code.org and codecademy, khanacademy, and the MIT OpenCourseware which can be really illuminating if you have the time. Don't forget to have fun! For instance, I learned a little bit of LUA scripting specifically so I could fix World of Warcraft UI addons/mods when they broke and write a few of my own.

A word about smart contracts and anything with "blockchain", be WARY as fuck. There's a lot of useless shit out there

Then tell me you have a house and a lawnmower at least

OP I taught myself how to draw when I was 25, became a freelance illustrator within a few years, got bored of working for other peoples projects all day, taught myself how to code (C#) and am now making games, working for hire as developre on other peoples games, and using my own art skills to illustrate characters and design elements in my own games. I'm 30 myself. The only things I got going for me are a burning desire not to be a normie wageslave and a reasonable white-person intelligence. You can do it, and easily too if you really want it bad enough. Hell, you can do anything given the latter. I'd be incredibly wealthy if only money motivated me enough.

I'd say forget about 'getting a job' as a goal. It's not a goal worthy of effort. Becoming self employed is. As a freelance dev nobody gives a flying fuck about your age, your haircut, how smelly your manboobs are or wether you are a fulltime nudist. They only want the work done, and done well.

>other then
Being that you're 30 and haven't learned the difference between then and than, it's too late. If you weren't an absolute idiot you wouldn't be working retail. You are a sub human

Maybe English is not his first language

I started uni at 27. There were quite a lot people my age. Also some 40 year old and even an old grandma. No one really gives a fuck in uni. What's worse is are those people who have been in uni for like 15 semesters and still dont have a bachelor's degree


I learned how to code when I was 8. I went to a very nice private college where I was the top coder in my class. I grauated when I was 19 and got job at google.

I make over 120k a year and since I so good I don't even have to live in cali. I can stay here in texas and save a fuck ton of money. I'm living a great life and its because I was born to code. I have it in my blood.

90% of the Jow Forumsays on here will never be at my lvl.

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>What's worse is are those people who have been in uni for like 15 semesters and still dont have a bachelor's degree

pls delete

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Get Shenzen I/O.
If you like the game, you like programming.

if you legit want to escape retail learn plumbing or become a cop/paramedic.
Programming is shit, you need to acquire skill beyond comprehension to barely make min wage, that is if you actually manage to get a job which is highly unlikely.
It's absolutely not worth it bro.

I'm 33 and I can barely sort an array.

That's a big chicken.

for you

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[Murica intensifies]

Not him, but what other certs should I aim for? I was a finance student a few years ago, but I dropped out because I was depressed and not good at my major. I've been studying for my A+ for a few months now and I thought about getting more certs in the future. The problem is that I'm just not sure which ones I should go for.

Do the opposite of what Jow Forums says. That's the secret to being successful.

It's NEVER too late, user!

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wow dude thats an insanely high concentration of bald eagles. that place must have fish out the wazoo. I would have been a bit scared being the dude handing out food, those birds are fucking serious about killing stuff.

I know FAANG, but what's PAUL? ???/???/Uber/Lyft?

Pinterest and Airbnb. First one isn't even relevant anymore. PAUL is a shit meme.

you start by getting to know the buzzwords
then you make up a passably workable concept
then you make part of a component of a minimum viable product
then you patent/copyright it, and sell it to the highest bidder in tech
never create a whole product, never bear the risk, never use your own money
generally the A+ by itself is worthless, but a networking will be pretty good and if you get security too you're only missing job experience (the most important part)

>thought that web-dev would be a good way to go, learned PHP, JS, etc. and realized what a bunch of fucking hipster-framework nonsense it is
>so I'm studying up on ... Python

close, dedication actually

The sysadmin road is a good way to go imo. You still get to write a few scripts in Powershell or bash but you don't need to be an it savant to be successful. All depends. I always liked os and server maintenance so that's the route I'm taking. Started reschooling a couple months ago on my 28th birthday and for the first time I'm hyped.

>you're only missing job experience (the most important part)

Yeah that's why I feel like it's useless to get the A+. I only have like 6 years of bartending experience, so I feel like my resume will just get tossed out.

We all need to remember that there is an option to simply lie about having a degree. There is almost no capacity or mechanism in place for verifying your degree status without your cooperation.

If you are without a BA you should pick a decent state school out of the area and claim to have a BA from there. Your employers will not check. They cannot check, in most cases. It gets you in the door.

Do not lie about having certificates or professional credentials. This is to get around the pernicious nature of academic credentialism. You are far better off doing a year or two at a community college and then a couple years building a portfolio or work experience and then lying about your degree.

The civilization you live in has abandoned the social contract. You are no longer responsible for holding up your end.


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I'm not sure if I'm just a retard but I've been working with several apis over the last couple of weeks and I just want to jump off a building.
There's no standard for ANYTHING and you will literally need to re-learn how to do everything when you move to another one.
I spend a whole fucking day debugging an api that returned data without prices when I actually told it to return prices because there's a boolean value the documentation says can be equal to true or false (literally says pieceOfShitData = "true") but in reality you need to put a fucking 1 or 0 in there.
I just fucking hate apis

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that's why most programmers don't like relying on third party api's. it's much better in the long run to build what you need yourself.

it's useless to ONLY get the A+, unless you're willing to work call center/desk support

>I'm unironically a 30yo boomer
I am also an oldfriend in my 30's (get off my lawn, kids!). It is not too late for anything. For programming, since it is purely mental, it would not be too late even if you are in your 70's.

Unironically 31yr old boomer (soon 32). We're all gonna make it user.

How much do you think retail employees get paid?

I took an ROP class in high school and got my compTIA A+, was that shit useful for anything? I never used it. Took a security+ class too. Shit was mad boring and slow.

>What's worse is are those people who have been in uni for like 15 semesters and still dont have a bachelor's degree
I'm crying ;-; user why?