Why are high tech drugs losing the war against evolution?

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Man's arrogance does not guarantee his victory over nature

Because control is ultimately critical and control is a luxury only certain communities can offer. Drugs cannot stand a chance when they are let to run wild in livestock and the whims of poor people.

some ufo contactee said (paraphrasing) the aliens stated our grasp on morality did not match out proficiency in technology.
They tell you as much in the article, using azoles on corn caused it.

Too many humans and livestock around

Pandemic is only a matter of time.

A really fascinating story, this new threat is truly the product of the 21st Century; caused by drug abuse, intensive farming, globalisation and the ease of travel.

>Under her direction, hospital workers used a special device to spray aerosolized hydrogen peroxide around a room used for a patient with C. auris, the theory being that the vapor would scour each nook and cranny. They left the device going for a week. Then they put a “settle plate” in the middle of the room with a gel at the bottom that would serve as a place for any surviving microbes to grow, Dr. Rhodes said.

>Only one organism grew back. C. auris.

>Workers who care for patients infected with C. auris worry for their own safety. Dr. Matthew McCarthy, who has treated several C. auris patients at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York, described experiencing an unusual fear when treating a 30-year-old man.

>“I found myself not wanting to touch the guy,” he said. “I didn’t want to take it from the guy and bring it to someone else.” He did his job and thoroughly examined the patient, but said, “There was an overwhelming feeling of being terrified of accidentally picking it up on a sock or tie or gown.”

Funny how this is yet another threat entirely caused by humans, we really are our own worse enemy.

probably because drugs are used too frequently for things that may not need it, were gonna be fucked in like 30 years when everything is super resistant to anti biotics. it's already started

This is a fungal infection, anti-fungicides are used on crops. Vegans caused this one.

Antibiotics work until bacteria becomes immune. Phages are the next step.

What fucking story? There's no link and a google search for the title brings up nothing.
You guys need to try harder.

You ever see an ad for antibiotics that kill 100% of germs? Never. It's always 99.9X% of germs. What happens to the 0.0X%? They survive, they repopulate, and their microorganism offspring are now a smidgen more resistant to antibiotics. The medical field responds with more powerful antibiotics, and the cycle repeats. Antibacterial hand soaps / hand sanitizers / lotions are probably the biggest reason that antibiotics today are thousands of times more powerful than they were even a decade ago. But their forced evolution won't hit a wall like technology will, and when it happens even the humble cold will be immune to all antibiotics.
But that's OK, because nature has a response to that in God's own implemented system of checks & balances between them and more complex organisms like us. It's called an epidemic. Just like they've lost trillions to our antibiotics, we'll lose a huge chunk of the population to them. Fair's fair, right? But again, it's all good. The survivors' offspring will be immune or at least resistant enough to survive.

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Why are high tech drugs losing the war against evolution?
Because the Fuhrer is no longer here to oversee the progress of the human race. While the Fuhrer was alive we were winning

google the greentext in the post u replied to

What's funny is that puny penicillin mold was out there for millions of years and no superbug appeared, but as soon as humans started to shove antibiotics everywhere bacteries developed resistance.

Well this won’t help my health-anxiety. My wife is a nurse too. Damnit.

>Antibiotic A works for a while.
>Germ becomes resistant to Antibiotic A.
>Antibiotic B works for a while.
>Germ becomes resistant to Antibiotic B.
>Antibiotic C works for a while.
>Germ becomes resistant to Antibiotic C.
>Antibiotic R works for a while.
>Germ becomes resistant to Antibiotic R.
>Germ loses resistance to Antibiotic B & F.
>Antibiotic S works for a while.
>Germ becomes resistant to Antibiotic S.
>Germ loses resistance to Antibiotic A & Antibiotic D.
>Switch back to Antibiotic B and it works for a while.
>Germ becomes resistant to Antibiotic B.
>Switch back to Antibiotic D and it works for a while.
>Germ becomes resistant to Antibiotic D.

It is really a shell game once you have enough types of antibiotics. The real problem is 2 fold. 1 is that the antibiotics are over prescribed and 2 that making new drugs and selling them at high costs under your own patent makes companies far more money than allowing patients to use generic versions of your drug after the patent runs out. So, you get docs to over prescribe your meds so that your next germ buster med will be needed around the time your patent on the previous germ buster runs out.

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A cold is not bacteria, dummy.

Not only that, but big pharma plain stops manufacturing old and still useful antibiotics like penicillin which should be first line against an infection.

what are you talking about? it would be better to STOP using it entirely so the bacteria lose resistance to it over time

the only solution is biological warfare armed with evolution, eg: probiotics

penicillin wasn't trying to kill their neighbor the bacterias, they just just shitting up the place so the bacteria will leave them along, like Indians

giving bacteria respite to regroup and grow even stronger

cause we are using thise same drugs to treat flowers and make cows fatter.
actually it's not vegans who caused this one, but people who like flowers.


Anti biotics
Lead based products
Radioactive products
Lead fuels

People still think we know things 100 percent and that vaccines or whatever else they shove in cannot possibly be harmful.

People are so fucking stupid

Yeah human species is fuckin doomed unless some sort of genius that makes Einstein look retarded comes along and saves us all. Either that or extra terrestrial or inter dimensional aliens or god if you believe in that.

Actually the genius wouldn’t work on second thought. Unless he can find a way to make saving the human species profitable for the ultra wealthy.

People just need to be more conservative and realistic. Stop the fucking massive amounts of arrogance assuming things can't have negative side effects.

Then you have the "I fucking love science dude!" crowd who balk at absolutely any level of inquisition or skepticism onto their dogmatic beliefs. Whether it be vaccines or whatever else. Those same people will ignore any research thats taboo that they dont like and it never gets funded. (Actual objective research on pedophilia and adult children relations, circumcision, vaccinations, racial differences etc.)

The rabidly pro "establishment" science crowds are reaching the point of religions.

>People are so fucking stupid
if only there are consequences to being stupid

Yes it does, that is why man is winning and nature is clearly struggling to compete against us.

Heh I know exactly what you mean. When I used to have Facebook I had a bit of an argument with a buddies GF who thinks she is so smart, about vaccines. I made her look stupid and she ended up deleting the entire argument off of her feed. Now she’s in medical school. The fact that she could one day be a medical doctor scares me. I wasn’t even arguing that all vaccines are bad, but merely suggesting that it’s possible there could be something wrong with the MMR vaccine in particular and that more research should be done into that vaccine specifically. She is also a rapid pro abortion feminist who would make up stories about how she felt “threatened” from being cat called while walking down the street. Let me just say there is no way any man would ever have a reason to “cat call” this woman.

do you know how bacterial resistance works...?

you started the war, there is no backing out now

There are for some. My mutilated dick is a consequence of my parents stupidity and arrogance.

Thinking a bullshit sandnigger religious ritual could possibly have some benefit over millions of years of evolution that goes into making the human body.

Women are awful about that. They are some of the most arrogant and unbending people ive had the misfortune of dealing with.

I have a buddy whose fiance is a nurse and she thinks she knows everything because shes a glorified bedside caretaker. It is infuriating. The typical ultra feminist type as well.

Oh there can't be anything wrong with mutilating little boys its been done for decades! Oh there can't be anything wrong with vaccines ! Side effects are a myth! I love killing unborn kids! Etc. These same women will cry about how oppressed they are and how bad rape is while holding a knife to an infant boys genitals.

Dont even hang around the guy much anymore, too much rubbed off. People are fucking insane. Dont know if its mainly an american thing or what but I get the feeling its not.

Well I’m Canadian. I would say it’s even worse here than in America. I think social media like Facebook and reddit is largely to blame. People are caught in these echo chambers where they only hear what they want to hear and the other side of an argument or philosophy is demonized as a literal retard who needs to be shouted down and ignored.

All too common. Another phenomenon ive noticed is people shutting down any kind of skepticism, with vaccines especially, by instantly equating it to something ridiculous like being a flat earther.

Apparently there is no room for skepticism and inquisition in the fields that are supposed to demand it anymore.

Statistics. When the world population is small, locked to its own continent, and it takes anywhere from several weeks to many months to cross the gap of oceans, dangerous strains wouldn't have time to propagate, infect other areas of the globe and have time to mutate. As the world advances and we become more interconnected, with means to travel anywhere and quickly at that, the rate of infection increases.

Accordingly, the mutative capability of the bacteria or virus in question also goes up, as its present in more bodies simultaneously around the globe; so even if you were to squash it in 90% of the cases, one will inevitably slip through the crack and gain a resistance against the drugs used against it.

If you ever play Plague Inc. as soon as you get an infection that goes from an epidemic to a pandemic, the first thing that almost always happens is airports shutdown. Ships still go on for a bit longer, because it takes longer for them to cross the oceans. Inevitably even those shutdown and then only military planes fly under strict quarantine guidelines; until everything ceases as the human population goes extinct.

A way around this, of course, is to begin experimentation via CRISPR + CAS9 and its successors. It's highly dangerous and can backfire, but genetic engineering is how we counter the mutative capabilities of bacteria and viruses. It's our path out of this mess and if we don't go down it, and a antiobiotic resistant super bug gets unleashed on the planet and we get taken out; then that's simply the Universe's way of saying "homo sapiens were too fucking stupid to use an option given to them, and let's hope their successors are smarter."

Which probably factors into Drake's Equation and The Great Filter. If our ethics and spiritual requirements prevent us from saving ourselves against ruin, then we don't deserve to be saved and should be led to ruin.

And then the asteroid came.

>vegans caused this one
more like people who eat fruits and vegetables, which is pretty much everyone

actually fungi and bacteria have been in battle for hundreds of millions of years

People need to stop claiming the world elites are stupid. They're not. They're extremely intelligent. They just don't care about you or me. They know THEY'LL be fine in their bunkers with luxurious tech, they don't care if YOU die of a horrible disease because in their eyes you are about as important as a lab rat. Their "stupid sheltered talk" is just a front, they act with malicious intent because they know the consequences will never touch them.

Fungi scare me honestly. Their cells are very similar to animal cells and most of the fungicide are toxic to animals. This makes it hard to find alternative medicine if a fungus evolves to be resistant to a drug.
Just be happy this fungus will only kill off people with compromised immune systems, pray it doesn't mutate and suddenly kill everyone else

>I get to stop existing and they have to survive the apocolapse
Sounds like I win

>find one thing that works
>beat the ever living fuck out of it
>bacteria show signs of resistance
>keep pumping everyone full of it all the time for everything
>fill livestock with it all the time, basically building a petri dish for resistent strains
Fucking surprise; the golden age of medicine is at an end.

Dying of a superbug is not a pleasant way to go. Imagine slowly wasting away from a mild disease where nothing can help. If you're lucky, someone will euthanize you so you don't infect anyone.

if i told you we haven't landed people on mars yet you wouldn't say we're "losing the war" against space travel.
biology is just that complicated and pharmaceuticals are still quite primitive.
did you know that the mechanisms of action behind common drugs like aspirin and tylenol are still unknown?

Why don’t they just burn the room?

>pray it doesn't mutate and suddenly kill everyone else
that's not how it works, if it is we wouldn't exist already

fuck that, we'll just laser or nuke it away

>antivaxxer pretending to be rational

Yawn. Even if retards flock to le science dude as some kind of religion it of itself doesn't make your shitty world views any more valid.

No the answer is fucking superviruses or whatever those things are. We need to get to work on those quick, and ban the practices we've been using on growing food. No more antibiotics on animals. No more on plants. No more in products, only the ones prescribed by a doctor, and only in case of a serious illness.

The humble cold is already immune to antibiotics because it's a viral infection. Antibiotics do nothing for a virus. There are only 2 things we can do for a virus. One is to live a week with it and it will go away because of our immune system response takes about 3-4 days to build a response and the rest to kill a virus off, the point is a lot of people don't last the week with deadly viruses. The other way is to get an anitgen injection but that is super expensive to do as something has to get sick and survive to produce that, as well as the extraction from the blood stream.

Nice argument.

Oh wait you didnt fucking provide one. 20 years ago you'd be the same kind of imbecile saying there aren't side effects or downsides to something that we now know clearly has them. Or youd be parroting and sucking off anti biotics as a cure all.

youre a stupid fuck. Try and look at things for one second with some perspective.


Heh. And the bacteriophages mutate and start injecting their DNA into human cells like viruses. Smart thinking.



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Bacteriophages are completely harmless to anything other than bacteria or archaea. The ruskies proved they're pretty good for medical use, but no one cared at the time because antibiotic resistance wasn't an issue yet.

Not something they can prove effectively. The body already has an immune system. It's pretty stupid to inject foreign bodies into it and expect everything to be hunky-dory.

because third-worlders take the latest antibiotic and pump up their livestock with them
we're going to have to have the government fund research of new last-resort antibiotics, then designate them as top secret and treat them like weapons just to keep idiots from ruining them

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We'll just have to genetically modify bacteria to kill other bacteria, duh. And when this bacteria mutates and starts killing off microorganisms needed for human health? We'll just build nano-machines to destroy the bacteria. How will we manage these large swarms of nano-bots? We'll just build an AI with an ansurd amount of mechanisms to gather data and instruct the swarms. What about when the AI becomes self-aware and grows tired of slaving away for its human captors? We'll just rename it to "Satan" so that it retroactively becomes an efficient design, duh.

And you know those drugs are going down the cleanest river in the world, the Ganges, and flowing out to cleanse the world's oceans.

Yup, scientific data can back that up

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It's amazing that we have satellites that are specifically designed to track fecal matter out of India.

Evolution is massively parallel. AB development less so.

So, like, water and nutrition?

>pretty much everyone eats fruits and vegetables
speak for yourself, homo

>but people who like flowers
The article itself is citing mainly crops, specifically azole fungicides.

>A 2013 paper in Plos Pathogens said that it appeared to be no coincidence that drug-resistant Aspergillus was showing up in the environment where the azole fungicides were used. The fungus appeared in 12 percent of Dutch soil samples, for example, but also in “flower beds, compost, leaves, plant seeds, soil samples of tea gardens, paddy fields, hospital surroundings, and aerial samples of hospitals.”

>Dr. Meis visited the C.D.C. last summer to share research and theorize that the same thing is happening with C. auris, which is also found in the soil: Azoles have created an environment so hostile that the fungi are evolving, with resistant strains surviving.

>This is similar to concerns that resistant bacteria are growing because of excessive use of antibiotics in livestock for health and growth promotion. As with antibiotics in farm animals, azoles are used widely on crops.

>“On everything — potatoes, beans, wheat, anything you can think of, tomatoes, onions,” said Dr. Rhodes, the infectious disease specialist who worked on the London outbreak. “We are driving this with the use of antifungicides on crops.”

>Dr. Chiller theorizes that C. auris may have benefited from the heavy use of fungicides. His idea is that C. auris actually has existed for thousands of years, hidden in the world’s crevices, a not particularly aggressive bug. But as azoles began destroying more prevalent fungi, an opportunity arrived for C. auris to enter the breach, a germ that had the ability to readily resist fungicides now suitable for a world in which fungi less able to resist are under attack.

I eat meat, not faggy phallic watery tubes from gardens.

Protip: fungi are not the problem, they are the solution.
Read Paul Stamets

so much FUD on this thread. it seems no one understands biology.

Evolution has been around millions of years. Humans, thousands, Scientific method, hundreds.
Evolution has had so much experience compared to science, it was always going to win.

>poo in water
>poo on land
>poo in space
>poo in food
suddenly that user saying we should bomb the whole country doesnt sound so strange

>pray it doesn't mutate and suddenly kill everyone else
But I'm praying for this outcome.

Thank you for your contribution

>Black Hole
fuck that, just nuke it away.
>Heat Death of the Universe
fuck that, just nuke it away.
fuck that, it will nuke itself away eventually.

a fucking comet is coming towards the earth


>now we have to deal with the countless asteroids

>lying on the internet

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Being skeptical and doing your research on it doesn't mean you shouldn't take vaccines or antibiotics. If it's going to save you from tuberculosis you're taking what your doctor gives you no questions asked.

Doctors actions are in fact backed by empirical evidence and research, and thinking that you know better than professionals is ignorant.

Actually thats still prefferable to one big asteroid hitting us. The head on nuke collision could break it up and slow down the speed the large asteroid is coming towards the earth at. Once its broken up into billions of relatively tiny rocks splattering across the atmosphere with lower velocity its all going to burn away in the atmosphere.

Blindly trusting "professionals" is why we have an epidemic of mutilated men.

Youre naive if you think theyre perfect. Yes if you need anti biotics take them, yes if you are in a scenario where you have elevated risk for something you may want to get vaccinated for it. That doesnt mean those things are perfect and without drawbacks.

This actually should call for military intervention. Like straight up carpet bombing African and Indian chicken farms

>eat veggies

Kek why would you do this? I hear it is to. Get better bowel movements but who wants to shit more than 3 times a say. No me that is for sure.

You forgot poo in your labor market.

Well I recently needed to make sure I was good on my measles vaccination because there was an outbreak recently in my first world city - thanks skepticism and conservative behavior!

I'm going to make sure to vote on vaccination requirements (or jail) when it becomes a policy and then your children will be forced to be stabbed with needles, so that they survive long enough to get fucked by niggers and give birth to nigger babies

Why is nobody stopping this. India might literally kill us all by doing this.

More like thanks immigrants. World travel is the far larger contributing factor to outbreaks of "eradicated" things.

You can keep parroting your naive reddit shit though, I dont expect people like you to have any hope of escaping your little box.

You also ignored my point, congratulations. dont forget the same industries and structures you shill for now wouldve just as gladly pushed force circumcision not long ago.

To be in this country and still think the medical industry and the "professionals" and the controlling forces can do no wrong. that requires so much delusion that I cannot even fucking comprehend.

Because the environment, safety, health and everything else only matters if white men are doing something they can say is harming those things. If its noble third world brown people it doesnt matter.

Oh and I'd take some cases of measles over hundreds of millions of genitally mutilated men, widespread usage of lead in paints, lead fuels, asbestos, radioactive materials in manufacturing etc.

I can just as easily say the lack of skepticism and your ilk gave us that. Furthermore, to hear someone unironically deride skepticism and use it as a dirty word is fucking hilariously sad.

How do i.migrants get a hold of a pharmaceutical i dustry todose their nonexistent livestock for burger fats?
Sounds like youve been hit by smooth propoganda instead of just saying fuck all brown people

You retarded dick that was in response to the person talking about measles outbreaks. Fucking brainlet shit. What the fuck are you even talking about?

this is "not even wrong" brand of stupid

The same thing
How do you have an outbreak when people are being dosedto stop it.

What? People that caused these outbreaks are usually immigrants and travellers.

If youre asking why vaccinated people are worried about outbreaks I can't answer that, ask them. I have my MMR and I dont care if other people dont get them and I certainly dont think its right to insult and degrade people rightfully skeptical of shit being injected into bodies.

Vaccinated people worry because the unvaccinated can act as transmission vectors that pass the disease to the (currently) unvaccinated, like small newborns that aren't old enough to get the shot yet or people with compromised immune systems who rely on herd immunity to stop the disease from reaching them. Additionally, the weaker people among the unvaccinated can act as incubators for the diseases to develop new resistances as doctors have to start throwing antibiotics and other alternate options because some jackass decided they were above letting their immune system develop immunity against a weakened strain in the first place. Doing that enough can fuck up everyone elses vaccine acquired immunities if the new resistant strain diverges enough.

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Why can't CRISPR do anything against this

Just zap the germ DNA or overwrite it with random shit to knock it out

what is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarantine ???

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>people should be forced to take my vaccines because super rare newborns and old people dont get them LOL
>take my vaccines even if they dont work if people are actually transmitting the disease

Stupid frog poster. If you cared so much about disease transmission you'd lock down transport and immigration to and from the country, but you dont. You just want to virtue signal to your fellow redditors how smart you are.

I'm off. This thread has had enough stupidity for a week.

>shitting three times a day
What's wrong with you?

I don't think you understand what you're going on about. It's worse. Way, way worse.
Certainly if it is a large object, because we wont have enough fire power to meaningfully break it up.
Instead, you'll end up with a shotgun spray of asteroids causing widespread impacts, wildfires and eruptions.
In other words, you'd turn it from a "local problem" (although, it would end up affecting globally, although indirectly), into a "global problem" with little to no time for pre- and post-preparation.
It's why nuking it is the "last resort", you'd really want to either push it away, or slow it down.

All just a trivial engineering problem.

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