Helvetica For Life

The true paternist font is Helvetica. Name me a better one. PRO TIP you can't.
>INB4 Comic Sans Chicanery

Attached: 440px-HelveticaSpecimenCH.svg.png (440x520, 44K)

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Gotta admit, not bad.

Attached: C49ed.jpg (750x750, 138K)

maybe a font that doesn't confuse l and I in 2019?

It's fucking retarded and there's no excuse for it

Then get sherif fonts. All sans sherif fonts have them similar except for the thickness.

So close

ibm plex
san fansisco


San Francisco

Can I use it on a personal website without paying for it and avoid legal whatever?

if you get big, no, but for dumb junk youre doing, no one will give a shit

Thanks, like I said, it's a personal site so I won't really use it for anything business related that would cause a lot of traffic

What is the best go to font for work signatures of you want to look good but the company you work for let's everyone use anything they want, resulting in really unprofessional signatures right on up to the exec level? Every place I've worked before had signature guidelines to prevent this. This is more a concern for emails I send outside the company since the swine I work with won't appreciate it.

Basically, what font says "My coworkers are fucktards but I'm not."


Attached: 145465673585.gif (179x259, 714K)

disgusting peasantry

Attached: Verdana - Wikipedia.png (1200x1418, 125K)

Noto Sans

Consolas masterrace.

Comfy phone font

Attached: botnetFont.png (1920x1603, 225K)

not a sans, compare like typefaces to like
this looks like futura

Not a fan of Apple, but Menlo is the best font I've used for programming.

Attached: Menlo_font.tiff.png (492x584, 55K)

its nearly identical to dejavu, so any percieved benefit is placebo

it's serif not sherif

Attached: eb9.jpg (400x479, 38K)

>92 years old
>still widely used today

It has withstood the test of time.

Attached: 2000px-Futura_Specimen.svg.png (2000x2364, 175K)

Helvetica is a HEADLINE font that mongoloids in 70s, besides for use in Swiss Style posters, began to use in lengthy body text printed publications and then stopped doing that and went back to mostly serifs which are actually readable.

Looking for a new font scheme for kde. I feel like I'm trapped in noto sans because I work with a lot of international files. Is there any suggestions?

Choco Cooky best font

>ibm plex
New release just 3 days ago:

Nevermind, i figured it out.

Helvetica is a beautiful typeface. I also really like Futura, which has withstood the test of time.

>92 years old, released in 1927
>still widely used today by designers around the world

Attached: 2000px-Futura_Specimen.svg.png (2000x2364, 175K)

monospace 8

the j is ugly as fuck

Attached: image.jpg (220x260, 66K)

Out of my way, peasants.

Attached: 9AE2909A-B60D-40D3-A80A-0890C1739FDB.png (468x553, 30K)

Is Pragmata a meme?

Doesn't even resemble a j. Just a long i/¡.

Helvetica and this

Attached: 2F2DA2D9-4839-4F5D-B36D-0FAA74FB97AD.jpg (354x244, 27K)

>black ops one
>press start 2p

Proxima Nova. Poorfags ETERNALLY BTFO.


>Best X in this universe
How surprising right???

Lato/Carlito is beautiful , unostentatious, and above all, supremely readable
i highly recommend them

too stiff, too formal. the og futura is more aestheic and functional (in signage)
shoddy ripoff of futura
a gripe i have always had with futura is that being intended for signage, its capitals were excessively wide, big, and bold, its forms too stiff and geometrical.
verdana achieves a better balance of proportions suitable for body text, and is pleasantly typewriter-ish,
but it draws too much attention to itself.
san francisco, like verdana, is an improvement over helvetica in proportions and readability, but it retains that cold, inhuman, and sterile geometry.
humanist faces like segoe offer the best legibility, with gently varying stroke widths, and moderate asymmetry.

serifs were a mere artifact of stonecarving, yet it is unfortunate that today the most legible fonts remain those humanist "serifs", like garamond, and sans remain bogged down by horrid swiss modernist ideas of austerity, like what inspired the wretched 18th century Didone.

Attached: 640px-Lato-font-plain.svg.png (640x768, 71K)


Attached: LL-circular-screen-3.jpg (756x570, 147K)

Comic sans is the only good font because it's easy to remember shit written in it.