Is this the end? Is amazon finished and bankrupt?
Is this the end? Is amazon finished and bankrupt?
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so is this lady like the richest lady in the world now?
nah there's a richer cunt from one of these women's cosmetics but as any other woman she didn't make the fortune, she inherited it
>Enough money to run a small country for a year just because you divorced some dude
Were humans ever sane?
>$35bn divorce
And people call MGTOW "coping incels".
>not technology
Well, it's not like she married into his money, at the very beginning it was him who leeched from her wage for couple of years until amazon became profitable and it was him who couldn't hold his fick in his panths.
Still the richest man, even after that
>Networth: $170Bn
>Have to give $35Bn away
He still has over $135Bn
yes but she didn't earn a penny of it. he built the future of commerce
She supported him for years until amazon became profitable.
RIP Jeff Amazon
Press F
Does sucking dick legally qualify as support?
Except for my sweet heart ginea rineheart, a true blue aussie legend. She dug her fortune out of the harsh Australian landscape :=)
You are literally retarded.
no, his parents did. stop lying to defend femoids
its pathetic
Why? Because he's right?
What the fuck did she do? Didn't even give him any fucking kids.
Everything he achieved would've been achieved without her. What a bunch of fucking bullshit.
His parents gave him a garage while she worked and provided for him.
DESU, allowing no fault divorce was a mistake, and any man who gets married without a solid prenup these days is a fool.
Welcome to marriage user. If you can't handle it, get a prenup
no, his parents gave him a $300k loan as well. that means food too.
prenups are barely binding, same with wills. you cant rely on the law in situations like these
Well, i didn't knew that, i just remember reading somewhere that she provided fir him at the beginning. So either i misremembering or the article was incorrect.
its all good. thanks for being a good sport about it. have a good night, fren. btw traps > women
>implying that women aren’t able to just have that shit throw out of court
prenups are about as useful as a paper umbrella in today’s society
MGTOW are indeed coping incels tho, it's like rent free all the way.
this. traps are the answer to the femoid problem. either that or just straight up homosex if ur into it
i wonder what he gave to settle this considering there were rumors that the prenap was settled at 50% back then
>Does sucking dick legally qualify as support?
her chin did support his balls tho
Bezos is worth over 100B, 35B is like chump change
women need to be exterminated.
>Implying this isn't just a scheme for Bezos to get his money out before the collapse.
She financially supported him for years. He's still rich as fuck. I don't see what the problem is.
"reee women"
And people wonder why women are not respected more.
Can't wait to buy bargain stocks.
Why? At this point it can only be the man's fault if he gets married.
If, in the current year, you still don't know how it's gonna end then you deserve it.
And he's gonna be fine anyway, he probably doesn't even care too much.
That's less than what she would've gotten if she would've sold her shares normally
as the old wisdom goes: rent what flies, floats or fucks
>traps are the answer to the femoid problem
No it's not.
35bn is well worth over any time she spent sucking his dick, working and doing anything for him to be honest. I'd take care of anyone if I could get 35bn out of the deal.
fuck the sacred institution of marriage lmao
gonna buy some stock i guess
What a fucking cuck . He was smart enough to make the Amazon empire but too dumb to get a prenuptial agreement. Fucking cuckold loser.
This thread reeks of Jow Forums
It's probably 35bn on stocks, idk.
no because that's his personal fortune, and even musky has a huge divorce
I thought for a moment this user was clever and predicted something but then I saw the date it was posted and realized its just a LARP faggot who thinks he knows anything.
lol dumb normies
implying he earned a penny of it and not his workers.
also thats a shit neocorp distopia, not a worthwile future
who says women can't succeed in tech?
When will they learn
The divorce that is the topic of this thread wouldn't even be no fault, Bezos straight up was unfaithful
If you don't want to lose your money then don't get married in the first place.
made me inhale with my nose pretty loud, thanks
>worth ~120bn
>loses quarter
Yeah, no. When you own a nation of peoples wealth you won't be bankrupt anytime soon.
Capital is just work somebody else already did and was not paid for.
what if you waging and saving?
checkmate, red scum
Ok, get back to me when you made enough to live of the capital, why would I deny the reality of this happening, that like denying that somebody wins the lottery.
On the other hand if you did not have to hand over 80% of the value of your labor.....
They've got 4 kids together
Jeff did nothing wrong.
>without a solid prenup
This guy made his ex-wife sign 3 prenups just to be sure, and it where still not enough.
They made the business plan together on their drive moving to Seattle, if ever a woman has earned half it's her not that many are more than leeches I doubt she is though
if all that is true then it's pretty fair
this dudes squinty eye is sp00ky
Half a million pounds and still not enough? I hope the sex was worth it.
The Bezos hack was an inside job.
A lot of MGTOW are failed normalfags who were divorced.
I feel bad for MacKenzie Bezos
She lost the person she loved
think about what she's going through right now, with her family separated
Think about the effect this will have on Preston Bezos, their young son
I don't think 35 billion dollars would even matter much at a time like this
>tfw got gifted 150 shares when website I was working for got absorbed into Bezosphere. Worth $50 each at the time.
>tfw frittered them away over the years and only have 2 left.
Bezos can go suck a cock.
>amazon became profitable
idiots that cant read financial statements buying amazon stocks, I dont blame them somehow you can make money out of them, same with internet imaginary money.
what a faggot
I don't understand why you guys are pissed about at least she didn't ask for half
Some fat woman in Australia inherited the family mining business to become the world's riches woman. Not sure if she is still the richest but she didn't have to spread her fat legs to anyone to get the money.
Not true.
Check out common law marriage. No real way to have a relationship nowadays.
I feel like an autist for being triggered that someone doing 15 minutes of google digging had to include a definition for the word penance.
Fuck y'all that's 3rd grade spelling bee.
>Can't sell your own stocks
Land of the free alright.
A prenuptial agreement wouldn't do much for Bezos, as all of his assets were earned post nuptials.
Amazon had a pretty rocky start dude.
Rich people should never marry. Just fuck hot supermodels and dump them when they hit the wall, and have children through surrogate mothers.
What if they were married before? Pay her a trip to Brazil or Mexico
in divorce, the money should be taken by the state and then given to other divorced women in proportion to their needs not the status of the man they have divorced
He cheated on her with a Latina. He should be lucky he's only losing $35 billion.
I see you still haven't read up on common law marriage.
If you stay with someone for more than 2 years they can claim common law marriage.
If you change your partner so often it's not a real relationship, you may as well fuck escorts.
>have children through surrogate mothers
Why would you risk 50% your offspring's DNA to a stranger?
the $35 billion dollar womb. it gave him three sons though so maybe it was worth
>what's crispr?
how did trump survive
He's a bad person so I'm glad she's getting $35,000,000,000. Good for her. I wish all of these women would divorce their multibillionaire husbands. They're all sociopaths who don't care about you and want as much money as possible. I wish she took half.
Saw a meme on twitter that said he had to work for like 9 seconds to gain back what he lost from the divorce.
Always knew Bezos deserved a better looking wife, maybe a 90-iq blonde supermodel who is good on camera and stupid inside and out.
This old hag ahom he divorced was ugly and if you look at their wedding pics or pics from 2009, you will know whats up.
Kek this
Even as a guy who much prefers hispanic women, I would not have left McKenzie for that walking plastic patchwork hes been banging. I can only imagine that Sanchez was willing to do something kinky that McKenzie would never do
This. Though getting married is some kind of status thing for boomers. It feels like a lot of them won't respect an unmarried guy, even if he is rich.
spotted the insecure lonely fag/trap
spotted the insecure lonely fag/trap