Pick up that can, citizen!

Pick up that can, citizen!

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crypto fags on suicide watch

Pick it up bitch

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what does this have to do with crypto?

because this make all crypto pointless when they can just do this to you.


USA, what a shithole.

actually nothing, they can now imprison anybody by claiming they refuse to decrypt their hidden volume which can't be proven to exist.
also fuck brainlet mods IP banning from dynamic IP ranges. Every couple of days i run into this shit, come on.

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Naja if it's a bit of a consolation, at least this way your government outs itself as a fascistic one, you should hope this gets worse and maybe then one day the general population will realize that innocent until "proven" guilty should be a principle that is upheld.

They found file download hashes and a lewd loli pic that matched CP and a witness (his sister) testified agaisnt him, he never stood a chance.

>"Forensic examination also disclosed that Doe [Rawls] had downloaded thousands of files known by their "hash" values to be child pornography. The files, however, were not on the Mac Pro, but instead had been stored on the encrypted external hard drives. Accordingly, the files themselves could not be accessed.

The court also noted that the authorities "found [on the Mac Book Pro] one image depicting a pubescent girl in a sexually suggestive position and logs that suggested the user had visited groups with titles common in child exploitation." They also said the man's sister had "reported" that her brother showed her hundreds of pictures and videos of child pornography. All of this, according to the appeals court, meant that the lower court lawfully ordered Rawls to unlock the drives."


ie see obstruction of justice thing

Use Encryption they said

Fuck you Jow Forums

that has nothing to do with bitcoin?

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>if they can do this in USA how much worse elsewhere where there's no constitution
Imagine what they can plant on a dissident's computer if they don't like him and no encryption can protect you.
God have mercy on us.
We are living in the end times.

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You're not the boss of me!

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. I don’t see why you guys are even arguing about this.

>They also said the man's sister had "reported" that her brother showed her hundreds of pictures and videos of child pornography

its hilarious how eurotards always try to post stuff like this when they literally get thrown in execution prisons for misgendering people online

who said anything about bitcoin?

>Be guy in OP
>At first refused to decrypt but then legitimately forgot the password
>It was a magazine subscription code on the coffee table over 1 year ago
>The house is gone
>god knows where the magazine is
>tell them I don't remember but they think I'm lying

it's still useful to crypt in case of tyrone

>this atrocity is fine because they do worse
Have you considered that the us is the last reasonably free place that is slowly turning into shit like literally every other country?
So stop with this
>but europoor is worse
And fix your own shit instead of letting it go to shit.

That's why we need a encryption software that offers secondary fail-safe password which tricks people into thinking there is nothing.

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>Have you considered that the us is the last reasonably free place
it hasnt been free since 9/11

How’d he get caught?


shows to you how bad the world is when a police-state is the most free of them all

thats not what crypto means retard

are you being serious?

it isnt, thats the point

As you know, Europe consist of many different countries. They are notorious for the kind of stuff you're describing in England. Other countries have different quirks. I'm not saying they're perfect, but most of them are a hell of a lot better than the UK when it comes to using Nineteen Eighty-Four as an instruction manual.

By being an idiot and showing a woman who obviously wasn't going to be interested in his perversions, same with Jared Subman
Like wtf don't tell people and don't take your computer in for virus cleanup

The year is 2050. Encryption is still banned by most Western countries.

>human microchip program is in full swing
>Google's BrainLink neural interface is unveiled, prompting concerns that people will be able to encrypt their memories and communicate in secret with each other, which is against the law
>two United States Congressmen try to push for the decriminalization of encryption but suddenly become embroiled in two completely separate yet simultaneous sex scandals as they're writing the bill
>a California man is arrested for growing his own vegetables without a permit
>Microsoft announces the next version of Windows360 will have a new feature called "PersonalEncryption" which allows the user to encrypt their files on the cIoud through a legal loophole which stipulates that Microsoft and the government must have the encryption keys; mainstream media hails this as a great privacy feature
>the United Emirates of Great Britain and Northern Ireland announce that under concerns of safety, all new systems must have remote desktop enabled by default and be connected to government servers; European Parliament members consider implementing this in the EU as well
>most Linux distributions are now banned
>superSSD (SSSD) and superSATA (SSATA) connections allow such fast transfer speeds that the US President says he will make them mandatory for all systems by 2060, after which a law will be passed to make it mandatory for all data to be copied from your laptop or tablet whenever you pass a security checkpoint; as part of TTIP and TPP, European and Asian countries are expected to follow suit with these regulations
>Jow Forums announces the death of its founder, Christopher Poole, who died in his Philippine beach house; the memorial thread on /b/ gets over 9000 upvotes

why is this board full of pedophiles

exactly. that's what bitcoin does. it cryptographs things

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Are you guys honestly defending this guy? This isn’t some oh no there goes the American way situation, nothing against the constitution. This guy is a pedophile

Are you guys seriously arguing against his indefinite jailing? Seriolsy?

it is an obvious infringement of his civil rights to imprison him for refusing to incriminate himself

everyone here fantasizes about their PC being raided by the FBI for some reason

5 dollar wrench.


buddy I don't even like Made in Abyss

i see. and how is that?

>a California man is arrested for growing his own vegetables without a permit
My sides weren't ready

i know that was my point

Based and combine pilled

they have strong evidence pointing towards what was on there

>a California man is arrested for growing his own vegetables without a permit
due to water shortages?

but they cannot imprison him for failing to decrypt the drive. they may be able to imprison him for other reasons, i guess.

What if he bumps his head and forgets the code?

only in Britain which is a police state hellhole

he's not in prison, he hasn't been sentenced, he's being held in custody until he decrypted the drive

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Here's the fucking kicker: It's federal law that you're only allowed to be jailed for 18 months on contempt of court, but they've arbitrarily decided to hold him longer with no intention of releasing him. He's also a fucking cop. Who wants to bet this is about more than CP?

Which is besides the point. The fifth amendment doesn't have an "except when there is circumstantial evidence suggesting remaining silent would """"""likely""""""" prevent confessing a crime", those are all reasons for them to have a search warrant to go through his shit and in the case of a shitty enough legal defense may warrant some sort of light conviction. In relation to refusing to decrypt, they're excuses and arbitrary, and it's still unconstitutional. Now the government can just make up arbitrary reasons when when they want to lock up any person of interest indefinitely, and that's assuming they even tell anything to the public about it. What kind of fucked up psychological influence this kind of thing has on the public.

The entirety of the west has turned into a shithole.

Implying the constitution makes a meaningful difference to government anymore. The constitution has no real power, it's literally a post-it note reminding the populace "don't let the government pull this bullshit or you're in for bad times". They've effectively convinced enough useful idiots that it can be handwaved with any shitty old excuse. Nice fucking 2nd amendment protections, Trump administration.

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americans sound so fucking stupid when they start talking about their constitution

what the hell is sectarian language?

Except if somebody don't like you, and plants something on your computer.

You're like a dumb cattle led to slaughter and can not see into the future.
Like the dumb cattle who thinks their slaughter house master is benevolent and want's what best for them.

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Nice shitpost glownigger. How does the fifth have any meaning whatsoever if it's void in the case you're suspected or investigated for a crime, and where does it specify such?


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>literally can't follow the conversation because he's completely clueless
Begone retard.

Pretty much

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As if the Pakis and Somalis who commit crimes on public transport can read.

Start saving a bunch of pictures of FBI people, photoshop their faces over gay porn, write erotic stories about them breaking into your house, completely pacifying you, and having you suck their dicks and get spitroasted by the whole squad.

Jerk off vigorously when they do confiscate your computer and start thumbing through all of that.

why do americans think the entire world knows about the details of their constitution and legal system? you think I know what "the fifth" is? you think I care?

Nice samefag. Everything about this case is directly illegal in multiple ways. Forcing someone to modify evidence in the hopes of further incriminating them is unconstitutional. Indefinite imprisonment for contempt directly contradicts federal laws. When the government breaks its own civil-protection laws one can no longer assume the accusations against the defendent are in good faith, and he himself was an active cop when he was arrested. Everything about the affair is disgusting.

+1 for the epic videogame reference xD
Who else is a gamerbro here?

>modify evidence
they're not modifying it, they're revealing it

1945 was the end for the west and it just continues to get worse and worse from that point. Except for the introduction of Thinkpads. That was cool.

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fuck off naziboo

Nah. Fuck you commie-loving pooftah.

nazis and commies are the same shit

Good thing I'm not a nazi then as they haven't existed since the 1940s

Why does the whole world think they can comment on shit they don't understand when it comes to america? Why are you posting about something you admit you don't know anything about? Typical retarded fucking euro that smugly shitposts about american issues while never having heard the names Rotherham, Telford, Nice, or Köln let alone America.

ahurrr authoritarian means fascist

All I did was call you an idiot

>they're not modifying it, they're revealing it
They're demanding a specific answer to a question from a defendant, which they may not even be capable of answering. Which is unconstitutional.

And then you admitted to being the idiot yourself. Good job champ.

Fuckin horseshoe niggers

>implying Fascism isn't just Authoritarianism taken to its inevitable end.
What's there not to understand? Your government does something bad so people call it bad just because it is legal doesn't matter at all.
>but muh rapefugees
Yes they are here, and they are a problem but this is not the topic here if you want to talk about them make another thread.

Lack of knowledge about something that doesn't concern me doesn't make me an idiot

>does illegal thing involving computer prolly cp
>"i not giving da password"
>omg why he in jail ???

Why can't you just claim "I forgot the password, sorry". There is literally no way they can prove you wrong.

how's that different from being an animal in a cage?

>Jailed indefinitely for pleading the fifth
>In a country whose judicial system in "innocent until proven guilty"
>lmao but what about porn

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because knowing the underdeveloped brain of a pedophile, he probably initially said he will not as opposed to I cannot

>don't have enough evidence to convict someone
>still jail that someone
Because they will just act as if you said you don't want to give it.
You are always guilty and noone will defend you if they say that you are guilty for cp


They don't have a way to prove it, so they are holding him indefinitely. Its illegal but who will defend him? As he is guilty until proven otherwise in the court of public eye.

>using plain dm-crypt
>Sure it's this
>Decrypts successfully
>Still random data


Sectarian: separatist, dissenter, dissident, nonconformist, free thinker, renegade, recusant, schismatic, revisionist;

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>what is obstruction of justice

to be fair, the dude is essentially a pedophile and indefinite jail time is the next best alternative to the rope desu

Katie Hopkins is a dipshit

Are you honestly celebrating practice where putting people into jail until they admit guilt so they can be charged with whatever judge seems fit and send to to prison (this time for concrete number of decades) again?

It reminds me inquisition where they used torture until you admited a thing so they could finally execute you properly.

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Acting without knowledge does, as does making pointless off-topic shitposts.

>Your government does something bad so people call it bad
Literally everyone in the thread, including myself, is doing this. Read the conversation. I'm calling out on someone who throws out shitposts and then admits to not knowing anything about the topic at hand.

Second what the government is doing here is in fact illegal. There are pre-existing laws that they are breaking by imprisoning this cop for the time and reasons they are. It's an action that fundamentally undermines the legitimacy of the justice system.

>but this is not the topic here
Hence why I only mentioned the names for people who know what I'm talking about, instead of going on a spiel about rapefugees. People like that poster are ignorant about both Euro and American politics, yet pretentiously shittalk American politics. I have no interest in educating him, just making it clear how ignorant he is.

Everything that you want it to be. that's why they use it for this.