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Why the fuck is your root only 10 gb?
shit now you are making me scared. How do I check my root size, i just got into linux mint from Windows 7
execute lsblk on the terminal
oh shit I only have 6 gigs left. I guess my next action is to increase its size 3 fold
There's a GUI app for drives. But you can df -h in the terminal
shit I shouldn't have made it 20G, fuck now I have to do everything all over again. 40gigs should be fine
just install ubuntu and uses guided partition mode
yeah, don't fuck with manual partitioning. let the installer do all the work. you don't need a separate partition for home folder.
>you don't need a separate partition for home
I don't think the Mint installer has a guided partition mode thing, so this weekend i'll back up and reinstall everything. Can't believe I allocated 170Gs for /home
what is wrong with Mint? the only other linux distro I've ever used before was Ubuntu so I thought it was fine
seems like you allocated 453gb actually
anyway watch this video
it's fine. don't listen to that retard.
1 bleachbit
2 qdirstat and delete
3 kys faggot
>falling for the ubuntu/mint meme
Can I just unpartition home/transfer its free space to root?
Move it to a new drive using dd if=/dev/sdX of=dev/sdY bs=1M (where sdX and sdY are from lsblk, X being your old and Y your new drive), then resize the partition in gparted
I have
sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk
─sda1 8:1 0 10G 0 part /
─sda2 8:2 0 2G 0 part [SWAP]
─sda3 8:3 0 453.8G 0 part /home
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
I can only move root to home, but won't this break everything? (Since home's mount point is not / )
Oh you mean like a pendrive?
Live USB with gparted
Why you fags not online resize that shit? All modern filesystem can do this, even ntfs.
gotta start somewhere. mint is least likely to alienate newfriends.
That's not always true. Granted that maybe a common user doesn't need it, but a separate partition for /home may be useful.
>Not using lvm
you don't need it, but if your install shits itself, having home on a separate partition is really nice.
Also, why the fuck all this idiots install Linux without reading at least once what the fuck is going on during install? It's not that hard and one of the first things you come up to are if you are going to use separate partitions for root, home, recommended sizes and if not what other filesystems you can use.
go for more if you have a huge disk. I think I have 100G on a 1TB drive on my desktop and more than 50G on my laptop with a 500G drive.
Just do a fucking search, don't be a homo and read a bit about what the fuck is going on on your drive.
>multiple partitions on a fucking home system