Terminal Only

So after a argument with a friend, I am going to use terminal only for a week. Any recomended software?
So far I have:
Lynx for the browser
Weechat for IRC
Any other things I'm going to need?

Attached: terminal1234.png (2000x2286, 99K)

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How could you possibly have an argument that ends with "im going to use terminal only for a week"?

>So after a argument with a friend, I am going to use terminal only for a week
Give more context please. What happened with your bf exactly?

Do you mean only using a TTY or using only a terminal emulator?

What do you do with your computer? Are you just a web browsing neet or do you work?

good opportunity to learn emacs and emacs lisp. you don't need lynx or weechat as emacs has a browser and irc client built in.

ranger for file explorer
vim for text editor
npm and pip
transmission (torrent client)
dwarf fortress

He and I got into a bit of an argument over the practicality of the Linux terminal. He claimed that the terminal wasn't useful anymore and he could do everything GUI wise. A few insults later and this bet happened.

Programming, bit of web browsing. And thats about it.

Going to be honest, never used emacs much mostly neovim. Where should I start?

Attached: this.jpg (200x202, 8K)

Not him but just watch a youtube video and you are set. Also learn to use "C-h" for the various help.

yeah wait but does dwarf fortress actually start in a terminal, doesnt it start in a separate window? Or is this just the result of me using lazy newb packs for the last 4 years

For games try roguelikes like Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, GearHead, NetHack.

Strategy games like Curse Of War or (instead of Dungeon Fortress) Goblin Camp (pic related). They run on the terminal.

Attached: Goblin-Camp.png (1002x799, 131K)

>Dungeon Fortress
*Dwarf Fortress

And this is CDDA

Attached: who needs mutagen eh.png (1591x879, 82K)

Why are you using software with a GUI when going terminal only? All you are doing is skipping the point and click to launch and then choosing shitty programs to run.
Wget the page and use an editor to browse the page.

use rtc, it's a reddit terminal client

how dose he plan to verify if you did it

He and I see each other everyday in our day to day lives. But really there is no way for him to.
Interesting, but I dont think I'll be playing a lot of games.

Go to the next level and use only a shell account with SDF.

why would op lie to his friend about something so insignificant?


>terminal only

Attached: vt220 (Custom).jpg (620x497, 44K)

>elinks is better than lynx.
It can draw tables and support multiple tabs.

>vim for text editing.
Emacs is hard to learn and unnecessarily bloated.

>mc (midnight commander) for file manager.
Unlike ranger or nn, this is an orthodox file manager with two panels side by side, making operations like copying and moving files much easier. It can also open archives like directories.

>transmission or aria2c for torrents.
Which one you want to use is up to you. Personally, I use aria2c.

>mpd or mplayer for playing music.
Both of these can play stuff off of youtube if you install youtube-dl. Speaking of youtube, you can browse it with youtube-viewer.

>there surely are some nice text adventures you could play to waste your time as well.

>elinks is better than lynx.
Links2 can import bookmarks from Chrome and Firefox.

>vim for text editing.
Vim is bloated and harder to learn (this statement however is true, unlike yours).

Literally emacs on a kernel is all you need. If you aren't a dumb normie you will be swimming in exciting shit to do for a lifetime thereafter. Enjoy.

dwarf fortress is rendered using openGL in a window framebuffer, just like any other game, it wont run in the terminal

>wont run in the terminal

mutt for email, ranger for file management, ed for text editing

>He claimed that the terminal wasn't useful anymore and he could do everything GUI wise
Get a better friend.

/lit/ here, I use Emacs for all my writing. It's worth it for org mode alone.
emacs -nw will run it in the terminal; vim is amazing as will.

You forgot about Angband. angband -mgcu runs it in you're terminal.
I love to use cool-retro-term for playing rougelikes. It's also a cute software toy.

>/lit/ here, I use Emacs for all my writing. It's worth it for org mode alone.
Have you tried worf the vi keys for org mode?

>Have you tried worf the vi keys for org mode?
I haven't made a init file yet but I will install evil mode.

A terminal???

Mutt for email.

A life.


Now all we need is a desktop interface like this.

If you're gonna go hardcore, go hardcore. Base Linux/Unix commands only plus nc for web capabilities. That means your file manager is ls/mv/cp/ln , your editor is vi (not vim, nvim or emacs), your browser is nc plus vi (or you can write your own browser in C!)

You might be able to use nc for IRC otherwise you've gotta write your own client in C or shell.

No using ssh to get to a PC with more software. Ssh is allowed purely for the purpose of doing professional work or moving data and files or basic admin tasks.

Even nc is making it easy on you but I don't want you to pussy out.

>browser is nc plus vi (or you can write your own browser in C!)
How far is too far?

Attached: meme_senor.jpg (955x951, 354K)

a brain

i was checking some unix commands guides online and found this, what the actual fuck?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-04-10 08-50-31.png (1193x738, 156K)

sudo apt-get install gentoo

nano/vim ./df/data/init/init.txt

"Linux/OS X users may also use PRINT_MODE:TEXT for primitive ncurses output.


Should work according to the internet

What's the discrepancy?

i thought mv command doesnt require elevated privilages. certainly not for home directory, am i wrong? (im still learning)

>Vim is bloated

Attached: 1299216704063.png (429x410, 8K)

I know there's all sorts of tools for programming on a standard system but what about tools for writers? Obviously `vi` for the writing itself, `spell` for spelling, `fmt` and `pr` for cleaning up for printing, `sed`, `grep` and `awk` as well have their place; is there anything I'm missing?

You could cheat and use browsh for a web browser

privilege requirements for file operations come from the file mode. If user bob wants to mv a file into user alice's home directory, but alice's home is set to 0700 (only she can read/write/execute it) then bob needs root privilege to put the file there. It's a very basic and old security model, and not hard to deal with. These days if people want secured multi-user linux systems there are many ways to make it more granular than "root or user"

No command requires root to run. It's the file permissions that rule everything in unix based systems (there are system capabilities and resources that can be restricted or granted, and there are other security schemes but on a vanilla linux system when you're new, just learn about file permissions). It goes back to the philosophy of everything being a file. The mv command is available to everyone, but certain files might be restricted to the current user. There is not a special admin mv command, the command simply attempts to perform the operation, and if the user doesn't have permission, the kernel denies the attempt, and the program raises an error.

thanks a lot!

I do all my file management in ranger

Lmao, dont use ed mate. That shit was meant for when text was printed out on a type writer.
Use Vim instead or even just nano, anything will do just dont use ed.

He lost an unrelated argument and this is punishment.

if you think that the terminal is so practical, why are you only using it for a week?
your friend already won the discussion

Nigga, I've been using only minimal debian + i3 and that is it.

mplayer, youtube-viewer, youtube-dl.
You can use mplayer from the TTY even

>He claimed that the terminal wasn't useful anymore and he could do everything GUI wise. A few insults later and this bet happened.
You are both stupid and wrong for taking absolute opposite positions. The terminal is useful in some scenarios and the GUI in others.
If you're trying to prove to him that it's viable to only use the terminal for everything, you've already failed since you use a normal web browser in your daily life (even if you do go a week without using it).
Your friend, on the other hand, probably will have no problem going GUI only for a week especially if he's on a distro like Ubuntu with a DE.

I'm really not sure what you're trying to prove by doing this.

How do you even get new videos from a channel then? Do you have everything already bookmarked?

If you need actual writing tools (page layout, fonts, bold/italic text...), you can use groff.
Youtube viewer can search channels. You can even sign in ith your google account and view your sub box with -SV. Or you could use an rss reader to subscribe to channels.

>Youtube viewer can search channels. You can even sign in ith your google account and view your sub box with -SV. Or you could use an rss reader to subscribe to channels.
That's actually very cool. I'm trying to find ways around using the web browsing jew and seeing YouTube's retarded recommendation section ever again without having to block the elements in the browser.

>Vim is bloated
shame on you, sir

Holy fuck this is cancer for the eyes.

For audio:
or mpd/mopidy + ncmcpp

>He claimed that the terminal wasn't useful anymore and he could do everything GUI wise.
That might be true for normies that just watch porn all day. How does one compile a kernel with only a gui?



>He claimed that the terminal wasn't useful anymore and he could do everything GUI wise
he's right, and you're retarded. The entire notion of a terminal comes from the days of character terminals strapped to mainframes. A bitmapped display, when used correctly, is an incredibly powerful tool and forcing your display and GPU to pretend they're a glorified VT100 is a waste of electricity.


Here's a re-rendering rather than just a scanned document.

A modern laptop or SBC along with the monitor will use a fraction of the power as that CRT terminal.

You get used to it.

Links2 can browse Youtube and invoke external commands to open videos. That plus MPlayer is killer.

There's also $40 at stake. Yes its a stupid moronic competition, but I'm in to far at this point.

Oh, and links2 can import firefox and chrome bookmarks.

What are the parameters?
Just no X?
Framebuffer allowed?

TWIN is pretty nice

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yeah have fun watching videos with libcaca

Excuse me but mplayer uses the frambuffer so is full HD, not just pixels.

Just fucking use GUI and tell him that you used terminal for everything

Fuck GUI, is overrated.

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emacs, you don*t need a browser just wget pages and mail them to yourself

you can get tile sets if you are a faggot

Can even watch videos.

I'd recommend a book to read.

fbi (and fim) can show PDFs on the frambuffer btw

alpine for email

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