You're a senior at your company

>you're a senior at your company
>tasked with hiring a new developer
>you gather the resumes and shortlist the ones you find most promising
>candidate comes in
>you greet and talk
>she has some good experience in React and claims to know quite a bit of front end development
>so you pluck out your favorite programming exercise FizzBuzz
>you give it to her
>she squirms in her chair, thinks real hard, stares at the screen
>"Mr. user, I don't mean to stop the process but what does this have to do with web development? Wouldn't it be better to give me a problem where I created a Rails app instead? Where will I use FizzBuzz in the real world?"

What do you do? You're about to lose a """good""" candidate!

Attached: interview.jpg (530x298, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tell of course my mistake
>bend her over the desk
>rail her

We don’t hire women, trannies or niggers here. Get out.

A Rails app that outputs fizzbuzz when a button is pressed

If someone can create a Rails app they would be able to do a FizzBuzz. Nice bait.

>Install Ruby
>Download and extract the starter code from the Bluemix UI
>cd into the app directory
>Run gem install bundler to install bundler
>Run bundler install to install app dependencies
>Run rails server
>Access the running app in a browser at localhost:3000

>A Rails app that outputs fizzbuzz when a button is pressed
But Mr. user, who will ever want that? I can have it load a picture instead or maybe get data from a server. Won't that do?

If you are able to follow those instructions then FizzBuzz is literally nothing.

>FizzBuzz is just a simple problem solving exercise that contains programming concepts common to almost all applications. You can complete it in any language you like, even made a Rails app that delivers the output if you wish.

>put her on a computer with no internet access, and no phone reception.
>Tell her she has 2 hours to do a small proof of concept showcasing her abilities as best she can given the time frame and circumstances, free reign on what it might be.

Make a Rails app that gets data from a server. this data is fizzbuzz in JSON format.

good luck. you have 1 hour.

I'm pretty sure the answer you're looking for is "diversity hire"
2 hours is too much
give em 30 minutes at most

>with no internet access
>forget some method
>can't go to stack overflow

>not able to write your own language and compiler in 2 hours to complete the project
not gonna make it

that is kinda the point

if it is a simple program, fine.

if it is a full blown app, forget about it

>small proof of concept

Shit that never happens for 200, trebek please

If you cant do simple logic problem like fizzbuzz you should really consider a different career or at least company

Excuse me?

I said that this interview has been an absolute waste of my time.
Not only are you presumably unable to complete one of the most simple and widely known exercises of program logic, but you are insubordinate on top of that.
I've no idea what you are trying to accomplish by passing yourself off as hireable, but I must forward your information and my experience with you to my colleagues in hiring positions to prevent their time from being wasted as well.
Security will escort you to the exit.

fpbp, as always

What security? You're a 2-man startup on a basement.

mooooom! get this broad out of the house

Calm down, have a seat over there on the couch.

Attached: thecouch.jpg (800x450, 31K)

Well my brothers got a buddy named Daryl who will make sure you leave or be his bitch for 6 months in his basement til he gets tired of you and beheads you in the name of Islam

Why do I see this sofa all over the place?

Asset how cute she is and whenever she's single. Having failed fizzbuzz her employment depends on these two variables.

I have her talk about what she knows about. Maybe she's a shit software developer but she might be good at something else. Focus on strengths in an interview, and then determine if you want those strengths and how they compare to your other candidates.

And of course she is allowed to write FizzBuzz using any language/technology she wants.

How would you write that program?


>"""good""" candidate
But not a good candidate. Simply and politely explain that fizzbuzz is a demonstrative exercise to show an applicant has a solid grasp of arithmetic operations in the language they're most comfortable in working with.

it's the casting couch, user

it's such an old joke c'mon.

int qt_score = 0

if candidate.relationship_status is not 'single':
return qt_score

if calculate_bmi(candidate.height, candidate.weight) < 25:
qt_score += 30

if candidate.ethnicity in ['asian', 'latina', 'southern european']:
qt_score += 50
elif candidate.ethnicity in ['northern european', 'middle_eastern']:
qt_score += 30

if candidate.attire.legwear == 'pantyhose' && candidate.attire.footwear == 'high heels':
qt_score += 30

if > (candidate.height / 4):
qt_score += 20

return qt_score

That's fine if you like girls with anorexia.

based workplace

it's a programming couch. Girls sit there and code real hard until they pass out or end crying.

That sounds rough.
Is it common at job interviews?

Damn, an actual answer on Jow Forums. What's the world coming to. I came here for the shitposts, sir. Take your logic and reasoning elsewhere.

The fizzbuzz test is a meme. I'd want to see her portfolio.

>less than 25 bmi

Tell her to make a table where every third row is red, every fifth is blue, and every fifteenth is purple, then.


>set up a new project only few times a year
>never remember how to do it and get everything working

So not good at all
Next candidate, please!

Fizzbuzz just depends on whether you know the modulu operator. That's literally it. And it is by far the least commonly used one.

You don't even NEED the modulo operator.

No. Download some shit and installing it always allows you to read the documentation.
It's not hard at all. Nobody expects you to know all the steps of installing a arbitrary program.
Programming concepts on the other hand should be known.
Fizzbuzz does not seem to hard to anyone who has actually programmed before, but anyone who just rearranged stylistic elements of a website has no clue how this works. That's the really sad part.

Burger spotted.

Attached: 1542270285494.jpg (1079x1070, 562K)

It's a fizzbuzz tutorial app

Create web UI where every line of text is in different span. Spans have white background except evey third is red and every fifth is blue. Those thate fifth and third at same time are yellow.
must use pure js.

There. There is what it has to do with web dev.

according to this an obese well-dressed latina grandma widow would be very qt

>Rails is very 19th century
>Here we are in the 21st century
>We use intercal on interstates
>How about you go home and take a look at Project Euler
>Send us a snippet from there
>Any language, any problem; your choice
>Think of it as a logic puzzle
>>>Pleasure doing business, we look forward to hearing from you

Is this really the epitome of programming?
I can easily do fizzbuzz and some pattern printing, am I a good programmer then?

>good candidate
>uses Rails

Not true, have an indexed list of 100 strings. Fill them with the numbers 1-100. Replace every third entry with "Fizz". Then replace every fifth entry with "Buzz". Now replace every fifteenth entry with "Fizzbuzz". Finally, outout the result.