Which distro is the best for gaming? I hear manjaro is good but I'm a windowsfag so I don't really know that much about linux. I use my PC for about 50% work, 15% media consumption and 15% gaming, and I do a bit of photo and video editing here and there, so getting good driver support from nvidia is probably the main thing for me.
Which distro is the best for gaming...
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Given your goals, Ubuntu would be. Ubuntu isn't the best GNU/Linux distro, but it would fit with what you do.
You can use proprietary Nvidia drivers by enabling it in the software update settings.
You can install Steam easily.
Can't for wrong with latest Ubuntu + PPAs for latest graphic drivers.
Alright, sounds good. Are you recommending stock ubuntu or any other skin? I lurk enough to know theres a few types of ubuntu
Xubuntu is fine because it doesn't use GPU to render and because stock ubuntu uses Gnome which is shit.
Windows for most games
Ubuntu or Debian or a build off of Debian for best performance on games that DO work Linux.
AMD and Intel have both showed to favor Linux on past bench marks, and Vulkan renderer also favors linux. Aside from Doom 2016 and a few other games though good luck finding games that meet the requirements of both linux and allows Vulkan Renderer though. Maybe in the future.
Ignore these ubuntufags, use Manjaro or Arch
Unironically, windows
Nobody uses Linux for gaming
Linux is the future of gaming.
kubuntu is pretty good
Any distro with steam in the repo, and even if they don't you can install it from the steam website.
None of them are better than the other for gaming. You will not be able to play what's popular without windows. No apex legends, fortnite, overwatch, etc
Just use plain Ubuntu, OP. GNOME is shit, but you can figure out what you want later, at least after trying a distro with lots of official and unofficial support.
Dont use ubuntu. you have to deal with garbage PPA to get the latest drivers. use manjaro kde instead. its similar enough to windows and u get the latest drivers automatically
steam os
thanks for the laugh friend :^)
>steam os
>only runs 10% of games in your library
What a joke OS
Just use ubuntu and stop being a fag.
It runs the good 10%...
dont you ever (YOU) me again
U useless lump of shit
Fuck you nigger its absolutely useless
Gas yourself
Enjoy payday 2, cs and civilization
literally any distro that supports gpu drivers and can install steam / wine? every distro i've used worked fine for gaymes.
everyone here is a faggot who just wants to shill their favourite distro. dont listen to them. if all the games you play are on linux then go ahead, its a cool os and you'll only lose a bit of performance. but if your pc is shit or you're gonna give up games you actually enjoy by switching to a less popular OS, seriously just keep windows. that or dual boot, best of both worlds, just make sure you encrypt your linux partition so microsoft doesnt spy on you. even windows 7 has spying, so you have to protect yourself. have fun buddy.
>absolutely usele
yeh your right im actually use ubuntu/wine or other crossplatform software...
i just wanted to start a fight..
So get the rope you fucking cunt i fucking HATE YOUUUU!!
Using a windows emulator
Linux mint XFCE, good stock apps
Wine totally is an emulator
Those stats can only be bullshit. Dont get me wrong, I would love to see lincucks outperform wangblows but I dont think we're there yet.
you loose brainlet
No u
Gayming is not technology
Gtfo and use winblows
you have no base you are a fucking tard
Sorry sir but you are wrong, Gayming is technology, I really think gaming is the main reason companies even bother to create components for desktop computers nowadays
Just gtfo fucking idiots
>thinks gaming on linux is better than windows
Yeah i dont care you are using a sub optimal config
Steam OS
It's not even close to what I said
Hey! Do not brag about us
You're an idiot yourself
I dont care just use your inferior shit
I compared you to using my machine properly for higher purposes than wasting time on games
games are a nice way to relax after a day at work, its not really wasting time
>muh productivity
You heard of dual booting, retard
Of course not you are gay