Mojave vs Windows 10

Mojave vs Windows 10

>inb4 Linux
>inb4 interject

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imagine legitimately thinking that windows is better than templeos

For the price of a macbook air I can get a new thinkpad with windows 10 pro.

What if you're just comparing the two operating systems, everything else constant?

Then macOS is far, far better.

MacOS is shit. I say that as a dev, who also has to develop for iOS from time to time.
I used MBPs as both my daily drivers and a dev machine.
MacOS isn't "good". It never was. Sure, macOS was better for non-Windows development that Windows 8.1 and prior but even back then it wasn't "good".

It does a couple of things right - mostly basic UI stuff being actually user-friendly in some situations, and the UI design, while isn't particularly good, is at least consistent as opposed to Windows 10.
Aside from that, macOS severely lacks functionality. UI might be more "user-friendly" in some cases, but it reveals itself to be terribly suited for "power-users". Appstore is about as good of a source of software as Microsoft store, meaning it's fucking shit and people shouldn't ever use it beyond installing some mandatory Apple-made stuff for development.
MacOS is also notoriously terrible at managing system resources. Putting a macOS-driven PC under heavy load makes the said PC completely unusable.

Essentially, the choice to go with macOS over Windows (10) boils down to the availability of exclusive software, unless we are talking about personal preference which I can respect.

Meanwhile, Windows 10 is currently the most versatile development platform out there between WSL and Hyper-V, has by far the widest selection of available software, has the best built-in driver support, great at resource management, has a functionally powerful GUI, has a shitload of features (as in "things it can do"), etc.

Legit complains regarding Windows 10 generally amount to UI inconsistency which is while inexcusable - is minor - and to its telemetry. I personally have no issues with the telemetry and I rarely understand people who do. Not exactly because I do not understand the concept of "privacy" but rather due to said people going to great lengths in order to disable said telemetry and in result taking much higher risks that it could ever be.

You sound like someone who has never used Unix before. macOS has all the functionality of any Unix or Unix-like OS. Who cares about the "app store" when you can easily compile anything you need? WSL in Windows is a buggy mess and most nuseful software either runs poorly in Windows or not at all. Windows has no access to a usable shell, is not POSIX compliant, and has no good package manager, so you have to fuck around and use a bunch of hacks just to get a usable system out of it.


Windows has commando vm

What does osx have for security

Every free (as in freedom) pen testing tool.

>Meanwhile, Windows 10 is currently the most versatile development platform out there between WSL and Hyper-V, has by far the widest selection of available software, has the best built-in driver support, great at resource management, has a functionally powerful GUI, has a shitload of features (as in "things it can do"), etc.
Windows is versatile in a sense, but only because it's so ubiquitous that almost everything has been hacked onto it for compatibility. In my experience, if you don't make games or .NET applications, productive development basically requires you to turn your install into a really shitty Linux distro. This is much easier to do on MacOS with things like pkgsrc, since it's Unix-like.
>I personally have no issues with the telemetry and I rarely understand people who do. Not exactly because I do not understand the concept of "privacy" but rather due to said people going to great lengths in order to disable said telemetry and in result taking much higher risks that it could ever be.
It's a slippery slope. Forced data collection and ads in a commercial product are absolute bullshit, and MS only gets away with it because their product is a literal necessity.
Telemetry also overcomplicates design, which leads to a lower quality product. Windows 10's calculator source was released on Github, and it had telemetry baked in. The fucking calculator.

They already said no linux

To use linux tools to argue for osx is dishonest for the argument. Commando vm is a modified windows that runs as admin and has security tools installed.

What does osx have that mimics commando vm? What mods does osx have?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux. Furthermore, OP cannot inb4.

>OSX is better for laptops
>Win for everything else

There is no such thing as a "Linux tool". Linux is just a kernel. macOS uses BSD tools, which includes many of the same tools used by GNU.



What about Ubantu?

Don't most Debian users complain that Ubuntu specifically isn't just Kernel and they added in all their own tools?

No. What the fuck are you talking about?

>productive development basically requires you to turn your install into a really shitty Linux distro
Sure, but between WSL and/or Hyper-V it's very easy to do.
I'm currently running headless Debian on Virtual Box and ssh to it from PowerShell, so that's also an option.
Windows is better at hosting VMs than macOS just by the mere fact it manages resources better.

I'm not a fan of the desktop Linux meme as they tend to have a bad UI and if you're sticking to the command line there's no reason not to use ssh. Not to mention, if we're talking about web dev, the app is going to be deployed to a specific Linux server which is highly unlikely to be on the same branch your "Linux desktop" is on.

That being said, if you have no need for any of Windows' functionality and your DE on Linux fully fulfills all your necessities, I can see Linux being a better choice. For me, though, it's generally not true, as I jump between Rails and Android with bits of PHP here and there.

That's a retarded assumption. To where do you think I deploy my shit?

Nice English, pajeet.

windows is better than templeos.

nice argument, retard

Are you pretending to be Ben Shapiro or something?

Are you retarded? Oh, wait.

Not an argument.

Why would I argue with a retard?

xD epic


>Not to mention, if we're talking about web dev, the app is going to be deployed to a specific Linux server which is highly unlikely to be on the same branch your "Linux desktop" is on.
new web devs don't deploy on their system anymore, they deploy to containers. no branch matters here.

>best built-in driver support
imagine thinking this

>Rails and Android with bits of PHP here and there
is any of these not available on Linux or OS X?

>new web devs don't deploy on their system anymore
That's wrong
>imagine thinking this
Imagine having no idea about things and still talk about them
>is any of these not available on Linux or OS X?
Of course, they are all available. I'm talking about separating the environments. I prefer my Linux distros clean without any unnecessary bloat and tinkered for the task at hand.

Elementary OS.

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I hate Apple

>That's wrong
everythings in docker now

Attached: 400.jpg (522x400, 158K)

That's wrong.

I mean, sure, people use it. But that doesn't mean "everyone" and "everything".
Docker is running a VM under the hood, so if performance is of any importance to you, you won't be deploying the container itself.
There are other sorts of containers too, not only Docker. You are terribly mistaken if you think everyone uses Docker.

Any reason you're using vbox instead of VMware?

Because he's a LARPing pajeet who only uses php and .NET shit.

Nah, I just have experience with VBox but not with VMware, that's all.
I mainly work with Rails, my dear retard.

VBox is terrible.

Reason being?

Poor performance.

>still using macOS
>still using Windows
>still using linux

I'll look into it.
I'm thinking about setting up Hyper-V instead. Last time I was too lazy to set up the network for sharing the files between the host and the VM.

Using a BSD flavor on anything other than a web server is kinda stupid, user.

What about macOS?

That's an exception. Using it on a web server is also stupid.

Freedos, its humble appearance and beautiful simplicity serve as a strong base for a well functioning and efficient system that you actually control. Install it.

Attached: FreeDOS _ The FreeDOS Project.png (600x600, 37K)

Ew, that shell sucks.

>Putting a macOS-driven PC under heavy load makes the said PC completely unusable.
Werks on my machine

Nvidia drivers are why fuck Mojave

Windows 10 LTSC because macOS is gay.

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