Say something to the poster above you to start a fight to the death.
Start a fight thread (death threats included)
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't understand the rules of backgammon.
You look good in a hat
Good but not great
You evil cunt
Thats wrong, I got one of those faces
Talk back to me again and I'll make sure you have one face less
I was born with two faces so you'd be doing me a favour
Once he's done smashing one of your faces, I'll then smash the other one you unfunny smug cunt
im going to break your bong
Good luck with than user
what do you mean "good luck"
>be american
>be fat
>be pathetic
>get shot
Nigga, we should've invaded your fucking twatshit island after the revolution
Are you completely retarded?
It was our "TwatShitIsland" that created the USA.
Do your fucking homework, before speaking history to me faggot
This is actually Based AS fUCK
Shit was going well between us until the fag living in fuckingham place decided he wanted a war with the frogs over the ohio valley and he wanted to tax the shit out of us for a fucking war we didn't need to have.
FUcking king George was like the george W bush of his time
being a complete retard is hard but honest work
>europes strongest fighters
thanks fellow European. not thanking those *clears throat* savages.
hello west sweden
>have guns and shit
>muricans complain about deaths
>keeps schoolshooting and guns
>children are encouraged to throw rocks at school shooters like troglodytes
>be the best country in the world because MURICA
hello north mexico( in the future eventually)
OH NO i should have said white Mexico :( or maybe both are bad. well whatever
Just cos I happen to be British, does NOT mean I'm one of your average Royalty loving, authority respecting, BritTarded Fuckers!. For they are Many.
Let's start a fight to the death
>>children are encouraged to throw rocks at school shooters
I'll have some Sause with that statement please sir?
geez using a pic. well i do the same then
Ok. It's began. I'm winning. You are losing. I've won. Congratulations. You are now deaded. #GameOver
OwO *snuggles you till your Ded* rawr qwq
oh you think that. hmmmm...*eats bacon in front of your local mosque*
So what does it feel like to be anally raped?
Ok inverted Iceland
>1939: invades neighboring countries
>2018: gets invaded by shitskins
How do you fucking like it Deutschland?
reminder this is your eternal fate
germany please another time. im kinda in a war now...
“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” Helsel said." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
you make no sense, delusional retard
“At one time I just had the idea of river stone, they’re the right size for hands, you can throw them very hard and they will create or cause pain, which can distract,” Helsel said."
the average murican inventor/intellect LOLE!
>average american hater
Jesus Fucking Christ! LOL It's like playing "Palestinians vs Zionists". We have sticks and stones. They have nuclear weapons and Drones.
>average american inventions
welp i got quads so i automatically win
later losers
look at the beautifull american women!!!
i dont get how stupid they can get. they already have some metal detectors and shit in america... but fucking river stone. OMG
>european so delusional he thinks mspaint images is reality
im dying here
neither does portugal lol
I admit the river stone is a dumb idea. This is why all children should be allowed to have G U N S
le list of inventions. mostly because they are European. well look at americans now. the euopean blood is declining... soon you will be the next Mexico.
sorry. its very hard seeing a difference between a MSpaint drawing and american women.
yes lets increase the chance of schoolshooting
Mexico is a shitho- Woah
Jow Forums was never good.
>european trying to take credit for american inventions
its true
Is it just me, or is Bant slowly turning into Jow Forums ?
كيف حال الطقس في ألمانيا اليوم؟
No, that's just the whole website
ahh... well to me both america and mexico is a shithole AHAHAHAHAHA
>americans trying to take credit of being the best country in the world literally 24/7
The hatchet is for everyone, In case of a pedophile coming to Jow Forums you can split its head open with the hatchet and there are more hatchets then there are posters
Based and Redpilled
its just banter
i mean from my end
i just assume most europeans are butthurt constantly. to me its turning into [s4s]
im sorry! im just eh.. idk. having fun. i dont really mean much of this.
Sau Regen im Dezember, Kamerad.
>Implying the Sick Fuckers are not already here
They have been here since the beginning.
im going to say it. the rock idea is terrible
this is Jow Forums and Jow Forums is ment for /bent/ing so it's fine
i know i know! calm down! americans are really nice people. at least those i have met. also America is kind of being fucced from every direction... but i believe it will have a comeback. but it wont be anytime soon. thats what i believe. anyway be happy for your country or try to make it better. anyway dont hate yourself for something you cant change as nationality
Bant is literally worse than /B/. ?B/ is far superior in everway to this bullshit.
Bant is really the latest ArseHole of the Internet!
what if my autism takes it to far... i dont wanna be called evil ritsu again
Be yourself ffs, we'll accept you, get a NAME!
get a name? huh? but i already have the name ritsu.
FFS! HAHA Welcome To Bant! (Proud)
You know what I mean. NameFag it for a bit, see how it goes? You have fuck all to lose and everything to gain! haha
i have namefaged it for a long time here though. and i would say most know who i am. because i mostly act like a fag.
On second thoughts. Perhaps you should stay user
Are you the infamous "Nameless NameFag" ???
thanks dad
wow how mean! im the umm a very cool person on bant! im Ritsu the great! i make people bow down to me. also its very old comments and the red mark is just ritsu. i used to be pretty embarresed by the name i was given.
niggers tongue my anuse
maybe? how is the nameless namefag like. i used to have the name on my comments. but i removed them because some people wanted it gone.
you really hate me dontcha! well its fine... mostly. i love you
Crimea belongs to Ukraine, Karelia belongs to Finland, Königsberg belongs to Germany.
Coюз нepyшимы..
is it bad that i want a kebab now
You win this fight, that makes me legitimately angry.
You are what is now known on Bant as Pure FuckingCringe. Time moves on my NamelessNameFag fren
>Be burger
>Born as a mishmash of various European ethnicities, some nigger and some hispanic.
>Have my cock mutilated because it's a cherished tradition
>Bullied at school because of my mutt race
>Your mom records a video of it and put's it on youtube
>Years later
>Get into car to go to the mart
>It's snowy
>Literal chaos, nobody knows how to drive in snowy weather or roads yet
>Crash car
>Have to walk home
>Get rental car
>it doesn't have automatic transmission
>At my wits end
>Order taxi to get me to mart
>Pay for taxi and tip taxi driver
>I'm finally at the mart
>Get on my scooter because i'm 200lb overweight
>Shart and fucking shit my pants up
>Finally get my Jow Forums post coupons (1.99 bucks each post) and Youtube monthly subscription
>About to go home
>Walk out of store
>Get shot
no kebab is pretty nice
edwf rfw re e5 t5e5
Hey bud, I’ll fight you and if you kill me you can have my key to this warhorse full of vodka
send dick
I prefer Dürüm, but I wouldn't say no to a Kebab.
hey its super cringy but its super nice too! dont you feel good when somebody says you are cute or something like that? gosh i miss those days. but now bant is really really different.
it is! well mostly because i have only eaten mashed potatoe and meatballs for weeks now and i need something more exotic or with taste
isnt that the same thing?
>be russian
kebab isnt the best. but its pretty good. though i would rather have pizza or burg.
yush it tastes the best when you haven't eaten a certain food in a while
>be amerishart
>get your internet freedumz taken away from you by a pajeet
i really want vanilla pudding now.