How many productive programming hours can you do in a typical day?

How many productive programming hours can you do in a typical day?

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not even memeing I cant go over 5-6 hours. I assume we are talking about continous everyday endeavour where tiredness can accumulate over time.

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around tree fifty

On a bad day, maybe one. On a good day, maybe ten. Average is probably around 4.

On adderall consistently close to 8 hours

4hrs a day in a 8hrs work day. Rest is taking coffees, texting back to mails, discussing with business, breaks, reviewing other people's code

Yes, as a job.

I've never had a job so I've never tried to push myself too hard.

I spend four hours thinking, code for an hour, and then go home.
Only monkies judge their output by the number of hours wasted debugging and refactoring poorly considered code. Just write it correct the first time and be done with it.

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Few, but i can waste a LONG time doing unproductive programming.

30 minutes honestly

As a hobby? 3 hours exactly.

7 hours, still have to spend 8 at work though.

ADHD fag here, on adderal ~2 before medication plus 4 with medication. Without adderal - depends, 2-3 hours or 8+ when on hyperfocus (but the rest of my life suffers). If I could only control my hyperfocus, that shit is so much better than medicine.

>get to work at 10
>sit down to write my todo list
>at least two people disturb me already while trying to do the list
>get roped into doing other shit
>end up not even finishing the list
>2 pm I might get to start the first item
>6 pm and ten distractions later I am done with maybe one

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What's with all the faggot's that need super silence and no distractions to program. It's not that hard bitches. I roll through several podcasts and movies each day while I'm programming, and I chat with people a lot too, and it doesn't disturb me. Why? Cos I know what I'm doing, it barely takes a conscious thought to program. Why do you brainlets act like you disarming a bomb?

I used to do this. Then I realized two things happened: either I didn’t listen to the program, or the quality of my code dropped.
I only do it for menial work now, but most of that I’ve automated away so it’s uncommon.


Give me an API and I can switch of my brain and still code that implementation down. "Programming" is the act of designing a program and interfaces between sources of data. Unless you are Linuth Torwalt that is a thing that requires concentration.

Funny post user, so what industry are you in?

4 max but 2-3 is more typically.

I just spend so much fucking time debugging.

about 6-7 hours. rest is spent taking coffee/bathroom breaks

Can? Solid 12 hours before I'm gassed
usually I'm clocking in 5-6 hours

Well it's different for me cause I work in a startup without technical supervision so I often take design decisions. I would work like that too if I had everything nicely laid down by a superior and I'd just have to write code.


After that I'm wiped. Can anyone honestly say they can produce at 100% mental capacity for longer than that? If so, what's your strategy?

10 minutes

HA made up crap that let you feel better with your ADHD..
i have it also but im aware.. and i dont try to
take comfort in a magical and imaginative abilitys..
You can write software today with or without it...
So stop thinking that you have powers that you cant control..
grow up

and the rest of the time?

partly an acquired skill, learning how to tune out dozens of distractions in an office.
the other part is complexity vs how familiar you are with the domain. If youre doing braindead work then you can listen to whatever you want.


We get an hour for lunch, I'm ready to go again after that

work on dumb shit that doesn't require effort. also what you eat at lunch makes a difference.
~4 hours is my point, maybe another 2 hours at 60%, then it just tapers off.
i'll never understand the guys that say they can do 60 hrs a week.

B&R but how do you actually do this? I get making designs for an application as a whole (e.g. relational DB diagrams, classes/inheritance for OOPfags), but I have a hard time doing day-to-day design.

I can do 10 or so hours if I’m working on my own project. 5-6 if I’m working a job. I wish my own project would be my job.

9 am to 9pm so like 12 hours a day for 6 days a week.

Also, e4 best by test.

2 hours if I’m lucky

30 minutes max

10-14 hours but then I don't want to touch Vim for three days.

said the code monkey

typical day... I guess around 5-6 hours of non-stopping programming.

Just leaving this here

somewhere between 2-6 minutes per day depending on the problem

this except my average is closer to 7 or 8. Caffeine is key.

10 (as long as I'm hydrated and ate a good lunch), but I stop enjoying it after 3.
I can write OK code with tons of distractions, I can write great code with no distractions. It's a spectrum.

It's usually the inverse in my case. I can work hours and hours to end on work projects but barely 30 min in personal ones. I guess I'm easily distracted and have poor motivation.

I'm a programmer and probably do about 45 minutes of real work in a day.

I spend a lot of time zoned out listening to podcasts.

I usually do 2-4 hours of serious work a day and that's enough to earn the praise of my clients, colleagues and managers.
t. web dev

I don't really care about how to label it. I just know that sometimes, I can focus much longer than usual on a topic and get results much more faster than usual. And that I can't control when that happens and that my social life, health and other stuff suffers when this thing happens. I also don't get it when on meds. If it smells like a hyperfocus and walks like a hyperfocus, maybe it is a hyperfocus?

I dont care how you call it, but it is not normal to be able to not have any signs of fatigue for 10 hours.

If such concepts blow your mind, look up what mania is. Your worldview might be deeply shaken.

lol web dev, he meant real code bro

>hurr muh real code
meanwhile webdevs get paid top dollar while you join a race to the bottom

On difficult tasks if we include the parts when I'm actively thinking about the problem, probe different solutions and try to make sense of what I'm seeing, then 4-5 hours. The actual "writing code" part can last only 1 of those hours, though.


If I'm in the zone, can work the entire day from 1000 - 2300. Take an hour break for lunch, dinner, snacks in between, and occasional walk outside.

Tea every 2 hours. Avoiding chocolate, fizzy drinks, I'm trying to lose weight, and seeing positive results, so encouraging - lots of fruits and nuts.

Started taking iron tablets (around 7-14mg a day) a while ago, defo keeps me awake more. No need for drugs or too much coffee, which makes me piss like a horse.

I work from home doing dev. During productive days, I do probably 2 days worth in 1 day, then aim to stop at 23/2400ish, and read a box for 30-60m to relax, otherwise when I go to sleep I am dreaming about code which I don't feel is too good. Reading a book before bed, allows me to focus on that instead. Sometimes may watch a few episodes of anime during the day, whilst drinking tea.

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