Do you know how to l33t sp34k?

Do you know how to l33t sp34k?

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>do you know how to l-thirty-three-t sp-thirty-four-k?
>do you know how to l-three-three-t sp-three-four-k?

Attached: 1537822830820.jpg (431x431, 14K)

Oh boy, she isn't aging well.

|\| 1 g g 3 |2

>not1337 5P34k

Attached: 1541538358996.jpg (353x401, 56K)

I'd still lick that pussy all day long.

Whos this ripe jewess?

>not 5¡)43|

Yes. I just pull out my big black dick and communication is instantly established.

do you know how to мooн pyнc ?

h0m35tuck t4ught m3

riley reid my fav pornstar because shes okay and will still have sex with small penis. I also keep reading her ama on reddit. Damn, she has already gangbang at highschool.
then you're fucking faggot lol, fuck you.

riley if you're reading this (because you said you browse Jow Forums in your ama) I just defended you from bully. Please have sex with me. you said you would do anyone as long as they clean and normal human.

this my third3 attempt to post this, I can't get pass capthas so I bought Jow Forums pass.

>l33t sp34k
fucking megatokyo ;_;

Cease the consumption of pornographic materials.

Your mind and agency over life are at stake.
Do you want to perish as a slow dick for brain? Or do you want to go past the illusion, and become something greater? Heternomy, slavery and death or Autonomy and tree freedom over self. The choice is yours. You have been warned.

Freedom awaits.

Attached: 1543543463213.jpg (500x572, 110K)

Ĉu vi scias kiel paroli internacie ?

Attached: great post.jpg (1120x487, 246K)

not a sense of irony you must be out of touch with reality.

Your mind is gone.

no I touch your mommy

red pilled

Attached: ToK5nVS_d.jpg (640x656, 44K)

hello this is Riley Reid and no, I don't fuck guy with small dick, never lol. Only big dick.

Attached: download.jpg (168x300, 8K)

False dichotomy.
There are reasons that transcend religion to be opposed to being a slave to the enormities of sexual excesses. Your narrow bugman mind cannot see past these limitations, and parodies it. You laugh at these people for worshiping a God in the sky, meanwhile, you worship and are slave to a God of sorts of your pants, which is even more pathetic.

(0|\/|€ 70 |°/\|°/\

I wonder what boards she goes to

>you will never climb to heaven with your hands full of penis

I still have my feet faggot

licking pussy is gay

1f u c4n r34d d15 th3n y0u r34117 n33d 2 g3t l41d.

weak bait but it worked

Did you read this off Jow Forums, you fucking redditard? How is that a "great post"? That's just some dumb faggot who stopped fapping.

Kek read it no prob


this is what she looked like before SRS

Attached: mahone.jpg (766x1000, 76K)

Come to papa

Do you know how to гoвopит пo-pyccки, пидop?

seething porn addict.

11/10 baitpost


roma invicta

Man, I just wank once every few days so I don't get boners at work from sitting the wrong way, nofap is a meme, I went 3 months and felt no better for it. Porn is just a tool to get to the release, and I intend to use all the tools at my disposal.

This. Like everything else moderation is the key.

Attached: fYP6sBkg.jpg (728x1092, 86K)

You fool. Pornography fuels the urges, fuels the boners, fuels the need for release. When I was habituated to release, I told myself the same lies. In reality, it was making the problem worse and worse with every release. True abstinence once achieved lowers the urges.

>using the K with the less-than carat.

Fucking Jow Forums larpers


>lower the urges
And then what? Dysfunctile erection?

>disliking pornography is bigotry

Why would I abandon the tools that I use to achieve a job? You don't carve a block of wood with your fingernails, you use a chisel. I regularly go days without wanking and feel no urge to use the porn itself, I could force myself to close my eyes and imagine scenarios in my mind, but that would just waste time while achieving the exact same results in the end, sometimes worse than the result because you beat your dick raw trying to think of shit instead of figuring out what gets you hard and just using porn instead to get off in a couple minutes.


You're supposed to be having sex with real women, user.

You're a funny guy

You're fueling this fire. It's possible to be totally abstinent for months, years, even a life time. Your once every few days habit will escalate with time; such is the nature of pleasurable acts.

0P 15 4 F46607 4ND N166312.

Nigger I've kept the schedule for more than a decade, I'm more likely to get further spread out because of aging problems, you should stop projecting your lack of self control on others and take yourself back to Jow Forums with your pseudo philosophical garbage.

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius.

>nofap is a meme
No, it isn't. It really works

So you succeed at being abstinent. And then? What have you gained?

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