Why is there no modern x86 cpus besides intel and amd?

Why is there no modern x86 cpus besides intel and amd?

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Because it's all a conspiracy. The elites create a false feeling of choice - AMD or Intel for mass markets. The term redpilled has value as those who escape the botnet are free from surveillance. As a consequence, they have been freed from the matrix. Enjoy your day, user.

because: licensing and manufacturing costs.
the tinfoil hat you're wearing is cutting off the circulation to your brain.

>licensing and manufacturing costs
>the tinfoil blah
You are blind and completely engulfed by the matrix. It's funny. You think you see but you don't. Have a great day, user.

hello schizo user

Jewish IP laws to maintain power and hinder progress

because Cyrix made shit CPUs that used excessive electricity and put out face melting heat.

Why did Applel switch to Intel. They had RISC architecture PPC.

They did this because they couldn’t get a PowerPC 970 ‘G5’ in a laptop due to power consumption and the extreme heat it produced.

Same reason Cyrix failed. IBM was putting out power hungry chips that produced too much heat. Steve Jobs knew laptops were the future and PPC was a poor fit for laptops.

Thanks for the insight.

There literally is thu
like Centaur

I don't think it's possible for any newcomer to break in the CPU market.
Because to make a next generation CPU you need the know-how and technical capabilities of the previous generation.
So a newcomer would have to start from 0 and work his way up there, which would take years and tons of money with no return.

it is, the chinks are just doing it with tons of chink govt money

Based chinks making a decent chip without a CIA backdoor.

stupid cunt. instead it has a chinese government backdoor.

>Why is there no modern x86 cpus besides intel and amd?
Stop asking questions, goyim! Besides that's a false statement anyway.
Turn your luminescence down, please.

hey atleast you can choose your backdoor

Don't care about that. Long live our Chinese overloards

Cucked and bluepilled

Any """"""""""""""""""""Western""""""""""""""""" CPU already contains a CCP backdoor by virtue of the specs being given to a CCP run subsidiary. A Chinese CPU just cuts out the manufacturer and CIA/FBI/NSA backdoors, so you've only got the CCP one instead of all three.

a choice between an nsa backdoor or a chinese gov backdoor? hrmm decisions.. gonna have to go with the nsa.

cause they cross licence patents and cryrix and via are dead

Because x86 is based on a 40+ year old tech, and it shows. The ISA is a disaster area and only insane semiconductor tech gets this turkey airborne.

A new ISA is way overdue. Not sure RISC-V is the best one, it is far too orthodox.

what is Zhaoxin.

because any CPU manufacture who understands enough about x86 to build one is already hired by intel or AMD.

look at ARM if you want to know the future of computing. its already in everyone's phones, and some servers are already using it, we just need to wait a few decades for it to trickle down i to the desktop market.

Love this memeo