What is the best it just werks distribution? I have spent a lot of time setting up Linux but now I just want something that works.
What is the best it just werks distribution...
Never had any problems with my trusted old MBP. Mac OS is an unbelievable stable OS, that after having getting rid of Jobs become more customizable.
Maybe kubuntu? I would prefer xfce over kde but kde seems to be more just werks kinda thing.
or just ubuntu with gnome but gnome is stupid so..
KDE == Kubuntu or KDE Neon
Gnome == Fedora with Xorg instead of Wayland.
Other DEs: Ubuntu "flavors" > Fedora "spins"
Install gentoo
xubuntu strong. bring it on kubuntu fags
Ubuntu if you can stand Gnome.
I use Linux Mint.
Pretty much any of them
If you want something that works, buy a Mac
If you want something you have to fix, buy a pc
If you want something that will eventually do what you want, get any Linux distro and spend months configuring it to do basic shit
>Gnome == Fedora with Xorg instead of Wayland.
lol why, Xorg is trash
fedora, opensuse, debian, mint, ubuntu and any flavors of the aforementioned
these are the only valid answers
Linux Mint 19.1 or Kubuntu.
I use LM19.1, most /comfy/ distro i've ever used.
Smoked meats
Brisket and ribs
with Unity.
Im going back to winblows. Printing is too much of a pain in the ass.
>just works
Get a Mac
t. iToddler
gnu/linux is easy to use
if you cant handle it by an ipad
KDE Neon