Be me

>be me
>go to pornhub with American internet connection
>the recommended feed: BBC, cuckold, pegging
>use a VPN hosted in other country
>get non-söy recommendations
can anyone explain this?

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>can anyone explain this?


Works on my machine™. It's just a bunch of fake incest.

OP here, I am in burgerland and I live in Los Angeles (yes, I'm a spic)

>watching porn
unbased and cringepilled


Fake news. Everyone knows that Europeans can't afford to buy a VPN.


>>the recommended feed: BBC, cuckold, pegging
It is based on YOUR search history.

this desu

I think a lot of US porn recommendations are skewed by the actual demographics watching it. I'm convinced it's not so much that white people look for BBC porn, but that black people do because if porn's about self-inserting, they don't get anything out of watching a white guy fuck a white woman. It wouldn't make sense for countries basically lacking in black people to have black porn frequently searched.

white women


have sex

go for a jog

brush your teeth

(test) söy

Stop watching pornography.

it's because white Americans want to be, or fetishize black people. there's a reason most of the music in the billboard top 40 are black people


I watch porn maybe once a week, usually on the weekends. watching porn several times a week is peak degeneracy

wash your dick

Came to post this. It's IP based, so maybe someone in your network is being a cuck

You get the recommendations based on your IP. Which means someone watches BBC stuff from your real IP. I wonder who that might be...



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turns you into an ED slave

Call your mom. She misses you

>go to pornhub
I found your problem.

Lower your caloric intake

I'm Greek and every time I google Pornhub the first result is Pornhub Gay

Maybe because I visit every now and then

Attached: 1430781024510.png (400x335, 15K)

Pornhub is owned by MindGeek and the MindGeek COO is a kike with an agenda.

recommendations were based on your cookies, maybe you are a cuck

remember to sit up straight and drink enough water

wyte wamyn love their bbc
wyte men like bbc fucking a wamyn insted of 3" microbenis


Get atleast 8 hours of sleep. Exhaustion will catch up eventually.

The social engineering has gone further in NA, that's all

>The social engineering has gone further in NA, that's all
what did he mean by this?

What other country was your VPN in?

What's ED?

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Erectile Dysfunction

It's all based on your search history for that region. ;)

Attached: vubexjt2yxr21.png (310x310, 72K)

>Lives in California
>Thinks this is an American issue

you watch bbc, cuckold, pegging or they have reasons to believe that you like that

>top 40 has anything to do with what people like
All "popular" music is literally produced and managed by like a dozen people. The average normal will just turn on spotify or youtube music in their car, shops will just turn on a radio channel, and marketing companies will just use whatever's already popular, or whatever the parent company's label has put out lately. Basically whatever sony, warner music or universal put out will play in their own movies and their own ads getting a platform for free, be hyped up before release with an advertising campaign, be instantly pushed to "recommended" on big streaming sites as it's released, and inevitably it will get more and more recommended for being "popular" because it's everywhere thanks to the massive reach of these companies.

because there are literally free vpns on us? only 2-3 legit ones but still

I get recommended nothing but "Step daughter" porn, despite the fact I never even watch it.


>Maybe because I visit every now and then

>watching more porn than me is peak degeneracy

Not if you're on a VPN with a browser without cookies and everything.

Using your own personal browsing profile vs. having your identity masked through VPN. pornhub just feeding you based on search and browsing history

You can't /thread yourself you dense cabbage!

I mean of course its going to recommend what you search for

America has gone downhill a long time ago. Only Europe still holds against SJW hordes.

>pornhub directly
Use something like pornmd friend.


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I'm from Europe and we have bigger problems

Lol why would I?

you or someone else on your home IP are watching some faggot shit

I get different rec videos/categories every time I visit even though I always go straight to the public category

OP here. even on my phone I get those same recommendations. I normally watch JAV uncensored videos, or public/exhib stuff. I never watch cuck/pegging/bbc porn, that is gay as fuck

You retards literally invented SJWs. They're just commie sleeper cells

You likely get recommendations based on you location. The 2 times a year I decide not to fap to 2D, I see mostly the same shit as you do, but with more incest and lesbian. It's simply what's popular in your country, I suppose. How much effort do you put in to avoid tracking on the net? If you have the chance, try a clean browser with a completely different fingerprint on some other wifi.

Cope harder amerimutt.