Why have you not supercharged your network with 10gbps?

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i dont need it and dont want to spend the money on it.

Waiting for $200 Ethernet switches. Optics is ass and SPF Ethernet modules cost $100 each.

>Optics is ass
enjoy your ground loops

I can not enjoy optics at all when Dad can just barge into my room with a tire and "HELLO SON! I'll just drop my winter tires here, hope you won't mind!"
N-no, it's ok. I guess I'll just replace the optic cable.

it's here right now... check out Ubiquiti's edgeswitch line

>He doesn't run cat7

Not enough throughput on my network to justify it.

already have it linking my cephfs nodes to my proxmox cluster

>Ubiquiti switches

Attached: chew.gif (294x233, 111K)

> Available with 24 or 48 RJ45 Gigabit ports
> For high-capacity uplinks, each 48-port model includes two SFP+ ports for uplinks of up to 10 Gbps
> starting at $199 USD MSRP.
Not yet, $200 is for 24port, which don't have 10gbps ports.

I don't want cancer


10G is too much hassle. I'm waiting for multi-gigabit ethernet switches to get cheaper so I can use regular cables.

What did he mean by this?

this, fiber doesn't radiate while copper ethernet definitely does

Fuck my life. These fuckers were out of stock everywhere because they're the only single model of 10GbE switch under $200. And now, just after they got back on stock, some other fucking e-celeb made a video about them. This is why we can't have nice things.

get this instead then

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i'd have to buy a bunch of new drives to even attempt to use the bandwidth

>Mikrotik switches

Attached: sakura_concerned.png (389x386, 207K)

That's almost twice the price, and I don't need half of the features.

gigabit is ought to be enough

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What is this post about? Vibrations mess up the connection?

i think it's a chatbot

What's the problem with ubiquiti? When I worked at a MSP my boss predominantly bought Ubiquiti products.

I want to, but I can't justify spending that much money.
I don't think I'm even capable of saturating that anyway, and it's not like it's going to make my internet access faster (which is already gigabit).

>What's the problem with ubiquiti?
overpriced by 10x compared with mikrotik routers

What drives do you use in your ceph cluster?

it's quite laughable that a 20 year old network standard is still what's commonly used everywhere. Think back to 1999 and the computers and hardware we were using back then. Things have changed quite a bit, haven't they? Yet on the wired network side of things we've been at a stand-still for quite some time.

Mikrotik's fine. Yes, they are cheap and that's a good thing.

$100 is a weird way of writing $18

hard pass from anyone who know shit about networking.


Attached: beartato.jpg (151x138, 8K)

Why not infiniband?

Attached: mellanox.jpg (800x598, 109K)

Fuck both of you, Mikrotik is nice

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who do some people hate some brands? if its cheap and works what is the problem with that mikrotik switch? is it just tradition or is there some big flaw?

they feel threatened that they made the wrong choice

infiniband cable 1m $70

You can get infiniband cables for $10 on ebay. The main issue with infiniband is routing to your existing ethernet network. You can do it by setting up a machine connected to both as a bridge with some static routes, but it's a hassle.

Isn't mellanox owned by nvidia now?

well thats dumb

>not needing 10gbps

Attached: linus.png (393x500, 367K)

>he thinks being at a standstill is a bad thing
You cannot improve on perfection. Changing Ethernet would be completely and utterly pointless right now.

Because Australia.

Because I can't even make use of my 1Gb connections yet.

> Vibrations
No, the post is about third parties able to destroy optic cables.
Your mom is a chatbot, niggerfaggot.

100GBASE-T when?

I already have 10Gbps its only $70 where i live.

Sorry third worlders.

why? my ISP can barley give me 80Mbps at night.

the company i work for, whom made over a 1.3 Billion AUD last FY is impressed that they have a 2.5Gbps between data centers.
but yet can't even offer more than 8Mbps between the stores and the data center.

Your dad drops winter tyres inside your walls? :thinking:

> inside your walls
Show me anybody who cared enough to wire optics inside walls. inb4 "me".

>Hurr durr, everything old is bad, I need ten gigabit ethernet because it's current year.


I will but not with SFP shit

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because greenland

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post speedtest faggot
oh that's right you won't because you're full of shit

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Jesus that's so trash.

because my network only consists of my router and my laptop

Maybe your dad will think you're cool if you do some wire drops from the attic and set up a wall outlet with them

Everything can be fixed, no question about that, but until then - no point in considering brittle cables.

underrated post eh

>he lives either in bumfuck nowhere or sweden
>implying sweden is not third world
hamdullillah m8

because you can't even fucking buy pic related switch, probably the only reasonably priced new 10gbe switch out there for home use


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oh they mad

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it's contained to the south for now. Norrland master race.

Attached: 250px-Sverigekarta-Landsdelar_Norrland.svg.png (250x569, 44K)

>living in insectland

better than burgerland

sure, but i live in switzerland :^)

Unless you're a business where several workstations need to move huge files around several times a day, or some sort of large organization like a college, there's no need to have >1Gbps networking.
This is even more true for private users. Unless you have several people living with you and your internet service is itself in the several Gbps range, >1Gbps networking is a meme.

Most people putting it into their home networks just do it cuz they like how it makes them feel. A standard 1Gbps network using patch cables is more than enough, and this will remain true for many years.

Hell, most devices you can hook up to your network will bottleneck way below 1Gbps as it is.

>implying switzfag is any better than burgerland

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>implying it isn't
we are truly free and have real democracy, where the people decide :^)

i mean swiss is better but the country itself is totally irrelevant in the world.

fuck you i want my torrents to go blazing fast and stream 4k high-bitrate videos from my NAS without stutter

... how fast is your ISP connection?

irrelevant, just pointing out you're retarded for saying "only X needs Y in situation Z"

But I have user.

Nice little switches for the price, worked with every optical transceiver i had, didn't work with chink 10g rj45 transceiver though

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> I want my torrenting to be super fast through my home network
> the speed of my home network's connection to the rest of the world is irrelevant

Jow Forums

learn to read, brainlet

post pic of location

based mikrotik

>he pays 10x prices just for the brand


You don't need optical to have 10g. Only retards think you need it. Install 23awg cat6a and use 10g interfaces. Make sure you upgrade your RAM and disks, or it's all pointless.

>You don't need optical to have 10g.
The company I work for made that mistake. 10G ToR switches on copper. Now they use 600W per switch instead of 180W like the SFP version. Because fiber was not familiar enough for them back then

even the 100mbps connections were more than enough for me and i have 1gbps now. this will be fine as long as my current hardware works. maybe 10gbps will be standard when that happens so i can buy some cheap hardware that supports it.

But how long would it take for a fiber installation to begin to return on its investment through the power savings?

>literally too customizable
>Jow Forums choise

back then it was 10 and 100. normal people didnt have gigabit yet.

what would you ask for HP procurve 2510G-24 or 2819-24G with optic output things?
I dumpserdived total 8 gigabit switches, but I have no use for them

maybe for autists too so they can stream their lossless 8k tranny porn

The PowerMac G4 Gigabit Ethernet (First computer with GbE standard) came out in 2000.
GbE wasn't widespread then, but it wasn't out of reach for the nerd/prosumer either.

you pay 10x price just for the brand when you buy Cisco

>commonly used
Its still not even standard I got some router like 6 months ago it cost £80 and doesn't even have gigabit eth I just assumed it did. Was bottlecapping my network and I didn't realise for like 4 months

Do you have pcie x4 SSDs in your nas? If not, you're only gonna read that data at a couple hundred MB/s.

Retard he has 40GBASE-T Cat.8 twisted pair PTP Connection across the globe.

A question for everyone willing to help:
I have a 1000/100 internet connection at home but the modem/router of my isp has shitty wireless.
Should I go for ubnt ac-pro?
Is there something 1200ac cheaper but reliable?

Because, it is still overkill outside of the enterprise and datacenter world.

Unless you are moving 100GiBs worth of data on a daily basis. It is nothing more then eWankery.

>Should I go for ubnt ac-pro?
>Is there something 1200ac cheaper but reliable?
get the EAP245 V3 or EAP225 V3

> Should I go for ubnt ac-pro?
Depends on your house. If you have something that needs several APs, go and get it. If you need just one AP, Unifi isn't required.