Install emacs

>install emacs
>run it
>takes four seconds to load a text file
>more bloated than fucking KDE

I will never fall for one of your memes again.

Attached: emacs.png (500x500, 62K)

Time to upgrade your Pentium 4, mang.

run it in server mode

>emacsclient file.txt
>opens instantly

>blaming hardware for your bloated software design

Every Emacs user starts out like this. You'll soon see the light too.

you probably installed a bloated config file with stuff that you don't even use

>defending Pentium 4

The thing is that you should just run it once a day!
Run it as a server or, even, as your window manager (like a lot of us do).

Interested in trying it out as a vimbaby, how to get started?

>install emacs
>run it
>takes no time to run a text file
You just have a shit computer OP

Use emacs in evil mode

Why is vanilla emacs install comparable in size to vscode - an electron app?

>the absolute state

Attached: 1553192995630.png (600x800, 375K)

Server mode doesn't make much of a startup difference if have semi modern system. If OP has anything better than a Core 2 duo, it shouldn't even take more than a few milliseconds to run. Either he has a shitty old system, or he is loading the files off a slow ass HDD.

Because it includes a fucking web browser among other shit.

Fresh install of Emacs, yeah. But heavily extended Emacs can take some time

What's wrong with that my dude?

>What's wrong with running a text editor as a server?

Attached: 1537865877222.png (400x389, 48K)

My point is that it is exactly more than that, my dude.
It's a lisp interpreter (with all its implications)

>run it once a day
>his emacs uptime isn't the same as his general uptime

dumb frogposter

have sex

emacs -nw

My point was exactly that. I run Emacs as my window manager (I guess you do too).

>apt install emacs
>try to uninstall
>turns out it was a metapackage and update-alternatives have been update-alternatived and dependencies are now depended on.

no, I use stumpwm
I just never close emacs unless I royally screwed something up

Emacs was released in 1976. It should have absolutely no problem running on a pentium 4.

try running it on something that isn't a 20 year old thinkpad

>not using vim
user why would you run an operating system on top of your existing operating system just to edit text?


It is a 10 year old ThinkPad.

show us printscreen , wanna see how it tooks like.


you only open Emacs once, user

is it good as WM? I use i3 but I am beginning to like Emacs.

This is what autism looks like.

emacs is a great OS

That's impressive. What kind of toaster are you using? It takes less than 2 seconds to load my heavy personal config plus starting server mode.

$ time emacs -nw --eval "(kill-emacs)"

real 0m1.733s
user 0m1.420s
sys 0m0.212s
$ time emacs -Q -nw --eval "(kill-emacs)"

real 0m0.072s
user 0m0.048s
sys 0m0.023s