Emacs vs vim

for real this time, which is the best and why?

Attached: emacs_vs_vim.jpg (569x400, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Helm Emacs


vscode grandpa


Emacs, because it has really good vim emulation and better plugins.

Pathetic. I can’t take anyone seriously if they don’t write their code in IDLE.

vim because edits text files and removes soap scum from shower stalls.

vim because i never used emacs
ew micro$oft window$

I use both

vim because I only need one OS.

Vi users use their program to edit files, emacs users edit text files to use their program.

The best editor is not Emacs or Vim but Emacs + Vim. If first time using both, use Spacemacs. If you want a more vanilla taste or you have Vim experience, Emacs + Evil Mode.

You are welcome.

castlemacs > everything else

vim is only useful when you don't have a graphic interface
emacs is peak autism

Recent vim to emacs convert.
How do I do :
- copy the current line
- delete the current line
- change the current line
In vim: yy dd cc
So far I do
C-a C-space C-e C-w
C-a C-k C-k
C-a C-k

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vim keybinds inside of emacs

Why do argue over these text editors?
I've used nano and leafpad for years and couldn't wish for anything more.

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The one you are good at.

Do you not get some commands wrong or you pretty much changed to the same commands for both of them?

C-a C-spc C-e M-w
C-u -1 C-S-DEL (backspace)

of course if you find yourself using any series of commands a lot, just record a macro and bind it to a certain key chord

Neither, use LyX for writing documents and Visual Studio for programming.

>I've used nano and leafpad for years
nigga what?
you can literally learn vim in 2 hours and forever be 10 times more productive

Interview pass rates

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Am I the only one that solely uses Nano?

Emacs. If you want vim install evil, it works perfectly.
Throw general or hydra in there and you have easy leader based keybinds.

After a day or two you get used to the new editor and stop being a retard

Because they're actually better. After I learned vim for a while, I'm just clearly faster editing both configs and code than I was with nano.

And I'm picking up more tricks over time (not intensely learning vim, it's just the occasional tidbit or rarely a plugin).

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>visual code has high pass rate
>visual studio has low pass rate

Vim is ok, but Emacs is objectively a better program.

They're different code bases.

not coding your projects on a keyboard made of cardboard and compiling said code all in your mind

Attached: the-way-patricians-code.gif (380x252, 2.28M)

I unironically do this

Emacs because I like the logo better

Visual Studio is a full IDE. A lot of people use it as a crutch, so when they interview without it, they struggle.

doomer - vim
boomer - emacs
zoomer - visual studio code

visual code is basically a full IDE with plugins

>emacs vs vim
>for real
>this time

sublime text?

surprisingly accurate

I tried spacemacs for the first time to day.
I can use it as a fake vim in the terminal with an alias for emacs -nw but it takes like an entire second to start up.
Configuration and installing plugins seems a lot better.
I was able to set up a cool autocomplete thing for a few languages but the go one isn't working and I can't figure out how to fix it. For the languages that it actually works for it seems a lot better then vim's dumb autocomplete.
Emacs seems too bloated and complicated, I should make my own editor.

can you play tetris or watch a movie in nano?

>unironically uses a preconfigured emacs "distro" with lots of plugins
>whines about bloat


surprisingly innacurate
my dad hates the fact that i use vim and always scoffs at using anything other than Microsoft(tm) or Oracle(tm) approved software, he legitimately thinks my libreboot x200 is the stupidest fucking thing one could do
recently he was lamenting the paradigm shift to open source "back in my day your company would develop close human relationships with the contractor company that writes software for you, and you know you can trust them, but now you just pull some npm package from who the fuck knows where and it's open source so supposedly secure but who knows really"
he was talking about some fancy stack analysis features that VS has and how you can highlight json and other things and format it nicely with some kind of alt+tab+something bullshit

your dad is fucking based

I'm a really big fan of emacs.
I've just started programming in lisp and its functionality is just incredible.

It's incredibly easy to customize, as well. If you don't like something, then just cook up some lisp to do it. I'm not sure how true this is so someone on the vim side can possibly respond, but I've seen reports that, since vim has only recently started to support python, the integration isn't as thorough as lisp's integration into emacs.

I am a vim user since forever. People keep telling me that emacs is better as an IDE. I can't get myself to try it out though. I tried it once, but setting everything up comfy is fucking time consuming as hell. pls reply

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emacs because fuck niggers

if I were gonna try emacs I would go all out with it. that is, use it more like an OS. do everything in it. people complain about it taking a long time to start but that's because they're actually using it like a TEXT EDITOR, lol can you imagine?

Alright Jow Forums I've convinced myself to go balls deep into emacs as in using it as a pseudo-OS

Where do I even begin with this?

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I didn't want to learn how to make it like vim myself, is spacemacs basically just evil mode + bloat? would default emacs with evil mode be just as good?

>since vim has only recently started to support python, the integration isn't as thorough as lisp's integration into emacs.
it never will, Emacs is basically just an elisp interpreter and the entire language was purposely designed for emacs. vim can't really compete in that area.

just installed emacs :^)

>Welcome to GNU Emacs, one component of the GNU/Linux operating system.
he didn't need to include Linux there, if anything it's generous

"Do everything in one program" is appealing as fuck, and emacs wins in that department becuase of elisp as configuration lang.

I however decided to just learn a text editor - going for vim since I like modal editing more. I also don't want to learn the more fancy features until absolutely needed... InteliJ is great when it comes to refactoring, why would I refactor multiple files in Vim? I use vim for editing text, that is all.

I just switched to emacs evil-mode from vim. Emacs is far inferior when it comes general usability like shortcuts/hotkeys, but it is the better program for configuring and has more potential. So many times I just want to switch back to Vim because of the retarded philosophies of emacs, e.g.

>can't indent properly in emacs
>if you don't have your emacs setup for your language that you're programming in, it will make the first indentation align with the 2nd worth of the previous line
>this happens because of smart indent
>if you disable smart indent you disable autoindenting from carriage returns into new lines
>just use M-i instead of Tab :^)

>there's no official support for making emacs have numberes lines
>some package break when you enable numbered lines

>millions of buffers which makes everything super disorganized
>dired/file-browser needs to be refreshed manually

>super complicated configurations
>the configurations and functionalities are usually not global but tailored for one of the hundreds of modes and sub-modes
>can't have consistent functionality

>everything you erase from emacs evil-mode overwrites your system clipboard

>C-x C-c closes your emacs session
>the two keys that are the closest together and most easily pressed by mistake

>emacs help
>C-h + 10 other keys
>help manual is all separated and can only be searched via apropos
>vim help
>:h whatever
>gives you exactly what you need to know
>even has help naming conventions to help you find what you're looking for easier

It astonishes me that people use this piece of shit without vi keys. If I didn't have my vi keys for this piece of crap, I would've left it a long time ago.

Helm fixes almost all of these issues (at least the menu ones).

Wtf is Helm?

Holy brainlet, can't even do a web search
Go back to copying .vimrc s off the web instead

Wtf is .vimrc? I'm too much of a brainlet to know.

vi because it's going to be on whatever server you ssh into.

lmgtfy.com/?q=Helm Emacs

>he doesn't use TRAMP

>emacs takes more than a second to start up
that’s why you run it in server mode and never have to shut it down
>emacs is too complicated
>I should write my own editor
I’m an idiot I should start my own school

Mine will be as simple as possible while still getting the stuff I want. If I'm gonna be dealing with complicated stuff anyway might as well make my own.

The file browser is the least of my worries. I am tempted to drop emacs with just how indentation and tab is implemented.


This but unironically

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By default GNU debian ( and HURD ) supplies nano so it's my default, but for more coding I use emacs, it's not complicated and chords are intuitive, not like vi or vim

How is emacs more intuitive than vi/vim? lol


You stating a sequence, ctrl-c for controll, then ctrl-k for kill (line)
How is this not intuitive?
And there is literally no chance for you to do something unintended.
Of course I am talking about ncurses emacs, not gui. Gui is equally shit whatever you use

C-v should be page down
M-v should be page up

>autistic screeching
stick to vi retard

I guess I better go elisp in the functionality I need for a popular text editor that is lacking intuitive features and functionality, retard.

I reminded mine so I don't remember how by default is page down, mine is either literally page down or ctrl-k/ctrl-l

Is there a common keybinding config that replaces the default keybindings and is a community standard for emacs?

brainlet: vim
chad: emacs
big brane: vimkeys in emacs or vscode
galaxy smart: spacemacs in evil mode
very big brian (from family guy): using mouse in notepad++

spacemacs, you faggot

Sounds familiar. Emacs people keep saying Emacs is strictly better than Vim but to me it just seems it's riddled with all kinds of issues because you're trying to make an exact replica of a program inside another program that's not meant for that purpose and isn't an actual OS after all.


This guide has been good for me but it also shows that you're just not gonna get a normal Vim experience with Emacs. So IMO I'll just use whichever suits me better as an editor, not trying to emulate one in the other.

Read the wiki there but all the problems aren't solved by it.

Not from what I know, I keep mine on repo but it's kinda mess.
We can start something

Watch Uncle Dave's videos on YouTube.

>there's no official support for making emacs have numberes lines
But that's just not true.
(display-line-numbers-mode 1)


there's no official support for making emacs have numbered lines without using parentheses.

Vim is really good, but emacs is able to do a lot more. I learned vim first, so I use spacemacs. Emacs is great at documenting its own features in the editor. Tramp lets you edit remote files. You can open dired, the file manager, on a remote machine with tramp and then just open whatever file. It can even open remote images in emacs.

You're supposed to leave emacs open.

Do you use multiple buffers/window/tabs in vim or open and close separate ones a lot? I got used to editing many files in one vim instance, which is closer to how emacs is generally used. It probably helped my transition.

Run through the tutorial with default settings and then customize it with evil-mode and such later.

You can use GNU Info through emacs as a sort of one stop shop for help.

>Imaging wasting time on a debate of fucking text editors

Vim in emacs' ansi-term


why should i use text editors like vim or emacs over using an IDE?
genuine question

emacs is an ide

Do you honestly need tho?

Emacs is easily reprogrammable, vim is fast to use and ubiquitous

I think emacs for the meme factor but realistically I think it's monolithic. Then again I love systemd so maybe I'm just a huge cuck

vscode. If you want to do it super open source without any filthy microsoft hands touching it, install vscodium instead. Why? The extensions works. The tasks works. The git integration works. It's basically the best thing that have came out of microsoft in the last ten years. God bless MIT license.