>pacman -Syu fucked up my xorg.conf again
>fucking again
that's it. I am done with this garbage of a distro. maybe this is acceptable behavior for NEETs who don't mind spending hours tinkering with their system, but I have better things to do
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banned and vanned for blog posting
gentoo doesnt have this problem with emerge. you should switch to gentoo.
im not memeing you. gentoo is a very good distro.
Install Parabola
>he fell for "i use arch btw"
Install Solus
gentoo unironically has the best package manager. it's incredibly reliable and you will never go into dependency hell or have something fuck up. the only downside is that it's not the fastest
this but unironically
>not the fastest
That's an understatement! I like the distro but when I first started with portage after pacman it felt very slow
>"just compile everything from scratch bro! yeah it will take days, but you'll save nanoseconds un startup time in the long run"
is this a fucking joke?
well yeah it's defiantly going to feel like that after using the fastest package manager (I ever used)
I never said you had to use it but it's package manager really is the best out of all of them
apt-get literally just works though
Why are you touching xorg.conf in the first place?
you can install binary packages too ya know
it does but I did have dependency issues with more obscure applications in the past. hopefully they're fixed now
debian buster is superior for daily use
I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for 2000, Alex.
imagine getting DUBS HAHAHAHAHahaahhahahaHAHHSufbIAfbgEgskn hJR hjrn hjREnhjOLKRNhoikNMoghkINgoIKNDS[spoiler]xd[/spoiler]
what if xorg is the problem
This has litterally never happened to me. I am convinced that people who complain about pacman fucking up their configs did something stupid and are reaping what they sow.
where do i unsub from your blog
That's not how blogs work. This is probably why you think xorg.conf is broken, because you have next to no understanding of computers.
i dont care what a blog does faggot. where's the unsub button.
Left side, near the other social media buttons.
thank you fren :^)
>falling for the "compiling takes forever" meme
>he fall for redd*tors meme
Install gentoo
Never had these sorts of problems on arch, not sure what even started the "xorg.conf" meme.
Let's make it a true daily double, then Alex.
I've never even had to touch xorg.conf. What the hell are these retards doing that causes these problems?
Dude. I'm pretty sure Arch Linux doesn't even has a xorg.conf for a while now.
How hard is to to make a copy of the config file?
based and pedopilled
What annoys me is when some package fucks up updating because of some kind of security cert or some such thing that I have to go hunting around to find the really easy but elusive solution for.
Can you imagine being the parents of this guy? So much disappointment.
Would be peak b&r if it weren't for (((Intel))) and Novida
>much better than AMD
Holy shit. Fucking neck yourself.
>tor browser
I don't think he's using this to browse Facebook.
pacman doesn't overwrite user edited conf files.
a .pacnew file is generated alongside, and pacman spits out a message that this has been done.
It's up to the user to merge in whatever changes are neccesary.
So if xorg.conf actually ever did cause problems on updates (protip: it's a meme), you could just add an extra # somewhere to stop it from updating the lines that cause the problem.
>New Tab - Tor Browser
what are you hiding?
Look at dis retard and laugh. A file that hasn't been used in a few years.
lmao this is some old shit
>she isn't using gnome+wayland on arch