Duck alternatives?

Not trusting DDG anymore for privacy. What are all the open source alternatives? searx, YaCy, Jive Search, any others?

Attached: ddg.png (1000x2500, 113K)

Searx is also hosted in usa by a guy with a sonic the hedgehog profile pic
Just use startpage

not startpage. They support Google. Need !bangs and instant answers. Jive Search has those but just seeing what else is out there also.

Also, startpage has the same problems as Duck since they are just as opaque as Google. If they really cared about my privacy they'd have no problem open sourcing their code

Qwant isn't perfect but I like it

Qwant also not open source so in same boat as Duck and others. If they aren't transparent about what they do then they cannot be trusted.

Qwant -> being based in Europe means nothing if they are are tracking you and no one outside of Qwant knows that.

Fine I won't quote you either.

Attached: 8e83ba55969e89bb1.webm (600x1066, 2.53M)

Searx isn't hosted by only one person

The BS about DDG tracking users has been debunked repeatedly. They're still your best bet.

Why are niggers like this?

Hasn't been debunked. He's tracked users in the past and sold user data. Can't change the facts.

longcat is loooooooong

Show me how you can debunk his life history.
It is fact that this Jewish German guy amassed as.much private info as possible in order to bulk sell it do you want to deny this because there are records of him bulk selling the private data at his previous business.

Also do you want to tell me that ddg isn't U.S. based and run by a Jewish German? You non ironically have more privacy with Google than with ddg.

>trusting (((weinberg)))
Your country is brown because of jews, dont let them jew your search engine


I haven't heard of this, tell me more user

German meta search.
Should give more or less the google results.
Is muuh privacy

>hurf durf joos!!
imagine having such an uninteresting life you have to care about this shit

50% of the top 1% richest in usa are jews
One third of congress, supreme court and senate are jews, most of them have israeli citizenships
Less than half of one percent of white people owned slaves in usa when it was legal, but 70% of jews were slave owners
They control your media, finance, wall street, federal reserve, porn, lawyers, banks, and your technology

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Searx, Qwant/QwantLite and Ecosia.

Will probably stick to Jive Search. Is US but can easily setup an instance in Europe and that isn't a big deal. NSA will still get any traffic to/from Europe.

Nsa gets all traffic worldwide except north korea
Maybe even north korea

thats a long cat

Attached: dab bird.webm (854x480, 571K)

They must be genetically superior to you then huh?

judging on the past

>blacks and spics have lower IQs than whites
>evidence of genetic inferiority
>jews and chinks have higher IQs than whites
>evidence of nepotism and sociopathy

Yeah, I don't see why people focus on having to be Europe based.

The issue for me isn't the NSA since the search uses SSL. The issue is what info the search engine is collecting and why they refuse to be open source if they aren't. Duck/Qwant/etc haven't given good answers to that question so I assume they are hiding stuff and Gabriel is back to his old tricks of selling user data.

Since Jive Search is the only open source option that has !bangs, instant answers I can just host an instance anywhere in the world I want.

What's Jow Forums think of Yandex? The few times I have tried them, it's near impossible to find results (1) in English, (2) of remotely any relevancy to what you search for.

Attached: halloween-4-800x600.jpg (800x600, 182K)

Also, I forgot to mention, the NSA has SSL/TLS beat, so searches through anything is being intercepted as well, no?

Jews are only 2% of the american population. Even if you were to control for the IQ meme (which is propagated precisely for this reason) it simply doesn't add up.

Attached: 1555213105026.jpg.jpe.jpg (1080x1350, 209K)

Jive Search has a v3 Tor address so can't beat that. DDG is still v2 and none of the other options have that.

If you believe NSA has SSL beat then why bother with DDG or anyone else that isn't Google?

>goes from internet security to fucking jews
its another great day in Jow Forums.

>chrome follows firefox and bans dissenter from their store
Imagine being this butthurt that people can simply comment on web pages

It came out years ago that the NSA had pretty much all SSL/TLS beat in, like, 2012 or something. There's nothing that stops them or the Brits from putting firmware malware on certificate companies' servers and getting all the keys they want.

Attached: 1555278505102.gif (500x356, 1.93M)

Use Tor, and hidden services (youtube mirror) has a onion site

New tor textboard

Onion sites have no exit nodes, only end to end encryption and ssl is not needed at all