I like to put lipstick, mascara and make up on my smol bepis. I then love to rub in coconut oil and watch bepis thump and grow bigger.
I like to put lipstick, mascara and make up on my smol bepis...
press s to spit
stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it
Only room for one Karen that like smol bepis around here you faggot Southerner and that is the original, ME!
I'm not a southerner though.
oh god there's two of them
No, there is only one, ME. And the other is an imposter
which one is the leaf and which one is the scot?
Why would you put all that shit on your bepis and then rub it in oil? What a mess! Also didn't your bepis grow already when playing around with it while putting all that shit on it?
I'm neither, I'm from Manchester
dumb southerner
Lmao Southerner see I told you
Why are you being mean to me? I wasn't mean to you
oi you're a southerner too
i am the norfest brit here
You stepped on my turf
please stop posting tahnks
post picture of your smol bepis
@homo karenposter
stop gayposting
sincerely the best karenposter
Shitposting has evolved
I don't have smolle bepis I just like getting boys (mainly American bant posters 18+ ofc) to post smolle bepis
neither of them are even english this isn't our fault
>this level of denial
I've tried to prove it many times but retards like you don't take the information on board. You just scream "ehh someone could have sent you that pic" at whatever I post so what is the point in proving anything to you anymore
All people in this thread have smol bepis unless proven otherwise
I can suck my own dick, so it's not that small.
this is not true please delete
It just means you are very flexible and possibly a smol boi
My benin is bigge but I can get nowhere near it because tall+shitty flexibility
t. Girl
even not truerer delete right now
I have a BMI of 26.5 and I'm 174 cm in height. So no, I'm not that flexible
The smol benin girl(male) of bant
Wow fatboi
You are 20cm shorter than me tho
*bigg benis male(male) of bint
Yeah I know
Thank you for the compliment girlie
Big dick trip