Search engines

A power user wouldn't use anything else.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-15 searx.png (1045x660, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>A challenger appears
SearX never seems to give me useful results

Attached: 1537378823199.png (1374x778, 45K)

Not using Qwant

Spidering the web myself with zmap


start page is also pretty dope
this has to be bait

zmap -p 80 -r 10000 | zgrab --port 80 --http="/" 2>/dev/null | grep -Ei "(search term 1|search term 2|search term 3)" >results.json
If you trust any third party with your searches, you don't belong on Jow Forums

>not using bing

Attached: disappointed.jpg (1536x1027, 294K)

use all of the "big 4" search engines semi equally ( thats not including google too much if at all )

Don't run this command, it has made my computer sentient and it's now hunting me.

searx uses them all. It's just a meta search engine.

I used to use searx to ui and results turned me off so I went back to startpage

>google search failed (captcha required)

starpgage has the worst results of literally any search engine in existence.

not a good one imho

>literally PAYS google for their results
>still somehow 10 times shitter than google's results

Attached: startpage.jpg (2436x2082, 700K)

I tried it, its too slow. I just use Startpage for the Google results

that would find you only nonsense that is served over webserver's IP and you can already use shodan for that

you would need actual domain names and lot of resources to do it in any meaningful time

without domain names you cannot really do it

Except you're not actually getting google results. You're getting gimped results.

>2019 and not using your own search engine

4098 and not using your brain cybernetics custom brain search engine

I see DuckDuckGo and Startpage weren't contrarian enough for you guys anymore

That's what searx does if you run it locally.

who actually cares

Jow Forums users

searx is terrible for images

Bing gives you the CP images contained in closed honeypot sites, pretty good.

> being this dim

I think you actually need to use more than one search engines because some actually include stuff that not even Google has.

> wanting google to track you
are you okay? do you have brain damage?

What about qwant?

is there a way of set searx as default engine on google chrome?

It should let you in the search section of the settings unless google went full botnet

That's actually horrifying. Your IP is sent to 3rd party servers when viewing search engine images, afaik.

I'm on like 3 or 4 CP honeypots by now, but I don't actually cheese mongle

>A power user wouldn't use anything else.
>error retrieving results: captcha required
if everything power user does is cope, I agree.

use another instance of searx you downie

fucking hell I'm autistic af but finally figured it out.

Attached: Annotation 2019-04-15 120702.jpg (514x352, 16K)


Attached: file.png (417x126, 7K)

It's not really possible to prevent this. I tried quite a lot with filtron and banning spamming faggots without success. google just keeps banning your instance.

>use another instance of searx
That's also not a really good idea. You need to trust the instance because every instance could log all your search queries and your IP.

If you're using .me find another instance.

They all fail. And it's a poor solution when you use it as a search engine in omnibar on right click for example.

I like searx, I want to use it. I tried.

Make it work flawlessly and I will use it.

> unfree javascript

>search "weather"
>No weather

Fuck this shit search engine

I agree. I use Gooble when it doesn't return decent results. I'd love to self-host from a remote but that's pretty much retarded.

This. I have a searx instance of choice as my default search engine - and you have to look around a bit or setup one up yourself to avoid noob problems like
but I don't use it for images. No instance I've tried comes close to yandex and bing for image-searches.

On a much, much more general note, I can't say I really like searx as a technology. A site censored by the big search-engines doesn't exist, it doesn't and can't solve that particular problem. Something like YaCy but better (YaCy is quite useless) would be preferable.

where do they get the money to pay google?
where do they get the money for server costs?

advertisements, where else? it's a simple model, get two pennies per pageview from advertisements & pay google one penny per search-results. I have no idea what amounts are actually involved but that's essentially their model.

server-costs aren't all that, btw. I'm guessing startpage pays less for server than they do for their staff.


lmao bang on

>you can already use shodan for that
using shodan shares the search terms with a third party
you lose

just check whatever the rDNS is and then check that for a potential site

>You need to trust the instance because every instance could log all your search queries and your IP.
You're supposed to use Tor.

Based start page