SIRS of Jow Forums please pls stop sttacking appla thank u
Invoking Satania
The cracks in the dam are appearing. It's all downhill from here!
>Apple Gayming
Facebook has all the fag games that women like to play, why bother.
Apple released the ipod in 01
But he probably did his math on an apple product
iToddlers BTFO
cringe samefag
cope ipajeet
i posted the other satania you nigger, but you ruined it. kys
Apple definitely is losing their edge. They had it easy with the iPhone, now with mobile stagnation they are somewhat clueless. That combined with longer lasting macbooks they have adopted nickel and diming tactics. It's kind of sad. After 2013 you can't upgrade jack shit on a macbook. To Apples credit 2012 macbook pros are still good laptops today. You can get them with i7s, upgrade Ram to 16gb and get an SSD, and run the latest MACos- That is still a great setup. New macbooks have shit for ports, a shit keyboard, and zero ability to upgrade RAM or SSD.
Apple may of fucked themselves with IOS mobile software and CPU. IPAD still sucks for doing real work. I don't know if they could make a cool mabook ios device. Can x86 be replaced?? Can linux run on IOS at all?
>not laughing
Anyone still buying an apple ever since they switched over to Intel is a fucking moron.
Apple watch was a success?
Anyone buying an apple ever is a fucking moron.
time to die fag
>being this mad
iTards BTFO
Say what you want about shit companies, but Granny Smith is a patrictian's apple cultivar and I'm offended by Christina Wallace's comparison. She can suck on her honeycrisps and my cock.
>doesn't post Satania because she's already dead
iToddlers BTFO
What the fuck? Granny Smith is excellent, unlike Apple.
There were mp3 players before ipods. There were streaming and gaming services before apple arcade and tv.
Tim Apple
they're too large to be disruptive. they should accept their fate and perfect their existing products instead of making shitty new ones like normal companies do when they age
oh no no no nono
the difference was the ipod actually outperformed them as a product
nobody is going to cancel their netflix subscription for apple tv+. nobody is going to cancel their steam account for apple arcade. they've gone from perfecting a product category every time they enter it, to lukewarm me-too shit like microsoft did in the 00's .
Please no bully the best apples, Granny Smith.
Fuck this author for associating them with tim crook.
>best apples
>Granny Smith
based tim apple taking them down from the inside. one of us truly
>mfw Steve Jobs tasked Tim Apple to destroy the company so they don't destroy his legacy.
forgot my face
Satania looks great with fat titties
This, you could say airpods were a commercial success though. But yeah journalists are retarded exhibit 158536435
All he had to do was make the laptops not break.
based bill
>nobody is going to cancel their netflix subscription for apple tv+. nobody is going to cancel their steam account for apple arcade
I want to cuddle with Satania
>service that pays many artists to release new music exclusively there first
of course it's going to be more popular. no normie wants to wait multiple weeks to stream the flavour-of-the-month album, so most people are FORCED to switch... not convinced or persuaded.
seething poorfags.
>of course it's going to be more popular
> in a market saturated with streaming services
> in 2019
apple should have done this a decade ago when they were still relevant.
Nice argument, Mr Poor
You do realize, you're not funny and never was?
Nobody likes you. Feel free to go back to r/anime
How that is a bad thing? Service economy is the way now, it’s laughable Apple can’t make a proper keyboard but going service is not the end of company, quite the opposite.
Here comes the coping with meme slides...
>apple should have done this a decade ago when they were still relevant.
So, what they've been doing with the itunes store since 2001?
Spotify has been doing exclusives for years now, sweatie. Nice cope though.
>t. seething iCuck
Based and bless satania poster
steve jobs is twice as smart as tim cook and steve jobs worked double overtime to keep apple in the lead, but apple is going down hill fast because that rich faggot running the show now dont have a fucking clue
As has happened the last time Steve Jobs wasn't the CEO of Apple. Steve Jobs IS Apple, without him they are literally nothing and will die sooner or later.
based is our queen of hell
cringe is the cum-drinking shit-skinned iFaggot
rich fag always wins in the long run
how can you hate this man
Have sex
based and redpilled
Imagine carrying balloons like these all the time.
William Gates being based as usual.
What did you say about mah granny, Zigger?
The thing that will doom them if they don't change is the fact that having a fancy phone is no longer a hip thing to do. It's now gauche. It's akin to having a giant 4k television in your living room. It's something people who wear cargo shorts and ball caps have.
Apple must find a new angle or die.
This couldn't come soon enough.
>a string of lucrative successes with the iPhone, App Store, and Apple Watch
>Apple Watch
literally what
>in the early 2000s Apple was the standard of innovation and design
Is that why they had basically no market share in the PC world?
This company has managed to nearly single-handedly fuck up the entire mobile phone world with their iPhone. Most--not all, I will admit, but most--of their consumer base are tech- and computer-ignorant dumbasses and hipster faggots who eat up every one of Apple's marketing ploys.
When they finally go bankrupt, it will be the greatest day of my life. Good riddance.
is a retarded comparison. you might as well be comparing a kids tricycle and a motorbike - one is objectively better at most things, but the other is easy for everyone to use and thats the selling point
>This company has managed to nearly single-handedly fuck up the entire mobile phone world with their iPhone.
no, they fucked up the internet by flooding it with retards. i'd say the first iphone did more good to the global mobile phone market by raising the bar for other manufacturers through its popularity.
>When they finally go bankrupt, it will be the greatest day of my life. Good riddance.
thats a yikes from me
Meanwhile in the real world.
>american teens
bright future for america right there
>82% of zoomers are iToddlers
not an argument
>I'll burn a demon!
Ackshually it literally is.
Yes it is, I was in the wrong here. I thought this was a thread about the quality of Apple products and posted without thinking.
Of course it‘s not. This is Jow Forums. It‘s a seething poorfag thread as usual.
I think the Galaxy Note is not e very cheap device.
But I will remove myself from this thread.
This desu desu senpaii famalam
>Implying that Granny Smith isn't the most God-tier apple
Among rich, young, educated urbanites for sure.