Why not just kill Microsoft?

Microsoft is the only thing keeping proprietary software alive. Once they're gone, it's over. Everyone else has switched to Linux and other forms of OSS.

Attached: SMUGNIX.jpg (428x428, 77K)

sounds retarded

Yes, Microsoft is the literal only company in the world in the business of making proprietary software. Nobody else in the entire world is making proprietary software.

Attached: 43.jpg (570x587, 43K)

Why are you gay?

>UNIX tshirt
>the literal original proprietary malware catalyst that caused the creation of GNU and the free open source software movement

Name a company making most of their money off proprietary software that isn't contained within their fetid software ecosystem.

Men are so much easier, and 1 in 3 women is fat. 18yo twink > post wall foid, and they put out on the first date

No one is powerful enough. Majority people dumb as shit in tech and dont even care.

The cause was Symbolics' shenanigans.

Lets fakku

But how?


It'll just move from proprietary software to proprietary services.

You can kill microsoft, but keep x86 alive.
If x86 dies, we will fall into a proprietary shithole we won't be able to climb off from.

>Everyone else has switched to Linux and other forms of OSS

Every point you made is objectively false.

Attached: Duuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.jpg (1385x705, 103K)

1. A lot of companies and users don't really give a shit about the desktop operating system they use so long as it runs the software they need. Similarly, they don't give a fuck about "proprietary vs open source". Microsoft has been entrenched for so long that a lot of businesses keep Windows around solely for compatibility purposes.

2. Microsoft markets their shit like mad, makes sure they're the defacto OEM install on every desktop computer, worms their way into every government and business decision on what OS to use, and ultimately does everything in their power to ensure that people are locked into their products and ecosystem. They make more money from MS Office than they do from Windows, and this is also precisely why they were trying so hard to give Windows 10 away for free.

There's a reason why every other realm of computing that's been spared from Microsoft's tendrils (server, mobile, IoT, etc.) has desperately wretched away from their horrid software and vendor lock-in bullshit, and why companies like Valve are trying to hard to escape from the grasp of Microsoft on the desktop space.

>free open source software movement
You are conflating two different movements with different goals.

who says i'm gay?

Linux derived systems are the predominate form of operating system in every other computing space apart from the desktop, which is OP's point. The chart you posted comes from a service that measures page hits.

X86 is proprietary and owned by jewtel

>every country only has one color, giving the impression of a 100% userbase instead of 50.0000001%
What a shitty image.

Yes, but it comes with a compromise that no other platform have, that is being tied to the ancient standard of the IBM PC, a standard with very known and open registers and memory addresses and an unsigned way to boot OSes.
ARM, Mips, RiscV, none of em have such thing, and who manufacture those chips don't have a slightest obligation to make a platform where you can boot your custom shit.

Microsoftcock suckers. Every other company listed makes OSS.