How do I make everything look better

Attached: 2019-04-15-210258_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 475K)

looks pretty good already

How have you removed the borders?

he didnt, he just made them small.
in ur i3 config: default_border pixel 2

changed the term scheme to gruvbox. looks pretty good

Attached: 2019-04-15-211031_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 600K)

ublock is not the same as ublock origin
use ublock origin


get drunk

install win10. that should do the trick.

Attached: 1547762666769.gif (610x667, 74K)

Firefox dark theme
Get rid of those shadows
i3bar on top

for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 0

>using fake ublock

why no shadows

Attached: 2019-04-16-001114_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 451K)

1. Install Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
2. Disable wallpaper
3. ?????
4. Profit!

>why no shadows
Shadows a bloat

Change your dmenu colours to fit the theme.

oh yeah, thaks
working on the bar as well

gib pape user

>2043 packages

>change font

What about it? Not OP but easy to get those packages because 1) deb files are fragmented into multiple smaller ones 2) someone with texlive-full, wine-staging, LAMP, video, audio, image-editor/video editor, torrent client and Office player gets easily around 1800-2000 on Debian mainly because texlive and wine have a shitton of packages. Ubuntu or Mint with all these packages would easily go over 2600-2800 most likely.
Never understood Jow Forums's boner for the number of packages honestly. Can guarantee you arch with 900 packages is most likely to have more "bloat" than a Debian install 1600 packages.

fuck off rajeesh

Good luck getting a usable scheme out of it.

I actually like its outputs.

Attached: Apr15::101249.png (1366x768, 1.53M)

switch to dwm

Well, good for you user. I have never gotten anything usable from pywal. Always have to use other scheme for my text editor.
Is there any criteria for choosing wallpaper to use with pywal?

install windows 7
nothing looks better than this

Attached: aero.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

what's the terminal program to the right?
looks really good user!

This is gotop. You can find it in AUR.

>service pack 1

Oh shit nigga what are you doing

Why no Tomorrow theme for Jow Forums?

keeping my computer secure