Post suggestion for new DE i should try. XFCE is great but kind of bored, want something fresh and fun. no docks...

post suggestion for new DE i should try. XFCE is great but kind of bored, want something fresh and fun. no docks, if you post docks, fuck you.

Attached: 1200px-Xfce_logo.svg.png (1200x1200, 331K)

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make your own DE

would be a fun project but i don't have time for that shit


i used to use KDE and KDE Plasma 5 but its too much like windows that i just hate it now. Mate/Cinnamon are a meme. LXQT with openbox is pretty based but i already have that running at work


It sounds like you should keep using Xfce because that's what you like. But if you insist, try Trinity or Enlightenment.

Attached: cirno_point.png (210x335, 27K)

Unironically Cinnamon. The best DE out there right now.

Arch + Xfce4 + I3wm


Attached: 88id35mj9cj21.jpg (1800x1073, 164K)

redpill me. last time i used cinnamon was at least 5 years ago...


Are there any hybrid tiling desktop managers? I like the idea of tiling, but I'd also like to be able to use a regular windowing system when convenient.

Try out frame DE, it's kind of high performanced and sweet looking (on the fan ofc)

It looks like a green Windows 7 and Linux Mint devs are currently working on making the WM faster.

Attached: 1533825089054.png (1920x1200, 1.06M)

If I'm not wrong, you can make your KDE looking like tiling DE

how much can i customize it? got any fun gadgets?

Who in their right mind would use anything other than based KDE?

>implying based
>looks like glossy windows 7
use XFCE or openbox fag. cleaner.

I did this to it, made it look like windows 95

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-04-15 00-43-46.png (1366x768, 607K)

I love Budgie so far it's great

i used to use budgie too but as mentioned i started to dislike docks. i like to see the title of my windows and click to the window im interested in, not hover over an icon and THEN click on the window i want.

interesting... ill have to try it on a VM and see what i can do with it years later.

Attached: 1552315272837.gif (607x609, 821K)

First thing I did after first boot is
apt remove plank
I fucking hate docks too
I made a panel with a task list and that made my day

Attached: macosx.jpg (1024x576, 89K)

Fuck off fag

KDE is the most chad DE on Earth, everything else in virgin-tier


fuck off

>self proclaimed chad
kys and let me pound your boipussy with openbox


Attached: 1514079771290.jpg (1152x864, 130K)


Deepin DE, but you have to set it to have a taskbar with 2 clicks

Why do all these win95niggers get the font wrong? It's literally biblically available for free.

Based konsole user

You just lack skill and/or will to do it. It's a weekend project with awesome

>getting bored
Yep, you'll be back to windows in a week.

found the defaultsettingsfag

Unironically Windows 7 Aero, Nothing else looks this good.

Attached: aero.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

it's chill


Purge all GTK


workspace_layout tabbed
hide_edge_borders smart

>no xcb
into the trash it goes

>LXQT with openbox is pretty based
one is a wip and the other is old and dead
meanwhile xfce is solid and up to date

iirc you can turn it off
e also has one of the best FMs
