When did you realize that the only reason you use Jow Forums over other smaller superior chans is because of network...

When did you realize that the only reason you use Jow Forums over other smaller superior chans is because of network effects and thus using Jow Forums makes you as stupid and normie as someone who uses Facebook or Reddit?

Attached: images (1).jpg (201x250, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I come here for shits and giggles, the other chans are either too japanese, too autistic or too racist/pedo for me.

You need to go back

Found the triggered Jow Forums refugee.

There is nothing wrong with not being racist and browsing Jow Forums contrary to what Jow Forums wants you to think

Jow Forums.org/rules#global3

who left the redditorcage open again? ffs

is that way

>Jow Forumstard calling others reddit

Attached: ladypedes.png (944x4013, 596K)

this level of samefagging

>newfriend who started browsing Jow Forums in 2015 and other boards in 2017 doesn't know how to detect samefags
as expected

>8 posts, 6 different posters
>posts are less than a minute apart
Hello, newfag.

Attached: reddit-vs-4chan.png (591x421, 74K)

>netwotk effects
With literally who?

With anonymooouse of course

Attached: anonymoose.webm (640x360, 1.35M)

it's cute you think im on pol just because i called you redditor, lil nigglet

it's obvious you are Jow Forums because you got triggered by the idea of a white person not being racist

No, he thinks you're on Jow Forums because you're posting outside your containment board, newfriend.

Attached: back-to-pol.png (546x700, 322K)

Network effects meaning more anonymous users meaning faster replies and more (You)s

>thinking the cool down is 60 seconds

>not knowing that the cool down timer varies from board to board
Back to Jow Forums with you

It is on Jow Forums

still not a pol browser

haha we only dislike facebook and reddit because its unpopular lol!

I like the inside jokes in Jow Forums
>install gentoo

Attached: 1554504069622.gif (540x266, 1.42M)

Regardless, you're obviously new here. Consider the irony of someone being this new telling people on 4chins that 4chins is lame.

It's so obvious that you think other boards are the same as Jow Forums though.

Jow Forums has been shit since ~2015
>US election autism
>Jow Forums started spreading
>youtubers uploading conspiracy videos about how Jow Forums is "super underground darkweb stuff"
>reddit started banning subs
>reddit users start pouring into Jow Forums
>every second post on this website now has reddit spacing
>obviously underage teens fucking everywhere now
>e-celebs posting on Jow Forums
>constantly posting pictures of article titles
>Jow Forums no longer fun
>every board now infected with newfag scum
Now my ISP has banned Jow Forums because of these fucking inbred incel cunts.
I miss Moot.

Attached: takemeback.jpg (1200x3026, 327K)

Jow Forums was always shit
It was shit in 2008
It was shit in 2011
It was shit in 2015
It is shit now.

The only difference is that Jow Forums is ultra-contrarian, so when Bush was in power, it was super leftist, and now it is very right-wing after 8 years of Obama. Wait until Trump's second term, and it will swing back again.

>Wait until Trump's second term, and it will swing back again.
Right wing boomers truly believe this place is a christian conservative website. I've seen complaints about porn ads on Jow Forums because they're too stupid to figure out an ad blocker. This place will be even more pro establishment by trump's 2nd term.

>Right wing boomers truly believe this place is a christian conservative website.
Ironic shitposting truly killed this site.

Believe me I realized this a long time ago.
I still have nothing better to do with my life.

Whatever you are, fuck off.


>not even using memes correctly
Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself, newfag.

I’ve been browsing since maybe 2012? 2011?
People have been saying Jow Forums has turned to shit since all the way back then.
But I can guarantee you that the boards I primarily browse have continued this downward spiral since I joined.

Jow Forums hurt this site hard. There was always a bit of racism and hitler did nothing wrong Type shit, but it was kinda ironic in a way. Now normies have come in, taken the meme too seriously, and we live in a storm front 2.0
Essentially actual good discussion, creativity, and commerodery has decreased. Bait threads, shills, and hate speak has risen dramatically.
The incel movement has definitely hurt us. Wizards are okay, incels are angry and delusional. Toxic in general

I want to leave but I cant

he thinks using fotm retarded pol memes makes him cool everywhere on the internet

I'm pretty cool to be fair

>not posting the updated version

Attached: 1554920082732.jpg (387x1199, 113K)

God this dude is embarrassing

I can’t believe I share a board with degenerate tourists like this

Honk meme is horrible.

She used to be such a happy girl too

>Jow Forums hurt this site hard
Jow Forums wasn't a problem until electionfags started leaking into other boards

Welcome to the Internet.

Nihilism is all the rage because you don't have to try at all

nice redditspacing

first panel: 2003-2009
second panel: 2010-2013
third panel: 2014-2015
fourth panel: 2016-2017
fifth panel: 2018
is it just me or are the meme zeitgeists getting shorter

Jow Forums legitimately has always been a containment board. That was it’s original purpose
Your exactly right, the problem arose when Jow Forums became the most popular board on the site. If Jow Forums was a small board, and it’s legion of virgins started bleeding out, it wouldn’t matter that much.
But it gained so much popularity so quickly, so many new profane to the site just for pol, that when the bleeding inevitably started happening the pol tourists outweigh the board locals to a high degree
They are also loud and rambunctious, they aren’t just lurkers. They make retard posts all the time

Creating pol really backfired, and was a mistake

>youtubers uploading conspiracy videos about how Jow Forums is "super underground darkweb stuff"
In 2007 we had Fox News saying the same thing. Buy a dog, Anonymous is coming.

>are the meme zeitgeists getting shorter
They are. Everyone wants the latest memes now and the internet is changing much more rapidly than compared to even 4 years ago.

actually first panel probably doesn't go all the way back to 2003, but i only started coming here in 2007 so i barely know what the memes were like before the "over 9000 epic fail guy lolcats winrar" era.

>tfw MILFs are browsing Jow Forums as we speak

Attached: tenor.png (500x486, 287K)

You're just being cultural enriched
Just be tolerant, else you're a bigot.

Realtalk now: I actually came through Jow Forums to this site in 2015. Since then, my transhuman hypercollectivist views haven't changed, but Jow Forums is now my main board. You guys taught me so much and I'm grateful for it. And I don't even shit up your board, because I normally post about 1 every week. Usually, I just lurk and learn. My posts don't get politically charged on Jow Forums, but this was just an opportunity I couldn't pass by
thanks for reading my Blog

Jow Forums has gifted us with a lot of good shit like the zimzam trials over the years. it's not Jow Forums, this has happened earlier with Chanology. the one constant in all of this is newfags refusing to lurk moar. it's the newfags, always the newfags.

Everyone who was involved with older Jow Forums stuff left years ago. Nu-Jow Forums doesn't even remember can't corner the dorner.

I mean not every pol user is terrible, maybe not even most of them, but there are enough loud annoying ones that don’t understand the boards culture and just shit all over the place with bait posts and blacked shill posts that it has brought down the quality of this site ten fold

The Shia shit was pretty funny too.
But the amount of good lolz pol has done is nothing compared to the destruction left in its wake

Newfags don’t help tho, your right

i stopped browsing Jow Forums for precisely this reason
when i started seeing people calling others a newfag for not using geolocations (when they got enabled) i realised the state of that board, FUBAR

>obviously underage teens, fucking everywhere now

Attached: y.gif (480x322, 1.81M)

Wait, I remember when Jow Forums had it so you could only pick your ideological flag (had shit like a Obama 2012 sticker) and then when they had just pure geoflags before they added "memeflags" as it is now, but there was a state before pure geoflags where you could pick memeflags AND geoflags? When was this? 2013?

As far as I understood, the timeline was like this

2011-2013: Only memeflags
2014-2017 (after Jow Forums harbor): Only geoflags
2018-present: Mixture of geo and memeflags

it's hazy, but I think you were able to use your geolocation initially too. very uncommon that people actually used it though, seeing as most of the time it only caused discussion to derail to calling names (yuropoor, americlap, poo etc). when they switched to full geolocations this got out of hand real fast, any real debate became practically impossible

I mean, it's still like that only now you are accused of shilling something if you use a "memeflag"

Good example of why sane defaults matter -- geolocation shouldn't be default, default should be flagless and geolocation should have to be explicitly chosen. Otherwise the act of changing your flag to non-geo means you're actively hiding something

you are very correct. gookmoot cleansing of Jow Forums(nel) when?

Anyone else wish they actually separate Jow Forums and 4channel?

I think ostracizing the 2 could actually be helpful for preserving board culture