Muh codemonkey!!

>muh codemonkey!!

there is literally NOTHING wrong with being a codemonkey:
>no expectations of you == no stress
>if you have to submit some obscure difficult shit you just say you're no CS grad but a programmer
>if things go wrong you can blame the architects
>still a comfy desk job thats more stimulating than working in an office
>can even perform on bad days because you're the tech equivalent of writing blogs
>non IT people put you on a level with CS dudes
>only have to train your js game, do some design stuff, maybe a bit of db work
>never have to touch crap like C
fuck i LOVE being a code monkey

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I like Hotaru

>never have to touch crap like C

tfw C code monkey

I like Saya

youre no real codemonkey sorry, guys like you belong to the software engineers

what i dont get is, what comes after codemonkeying? there must be an in-between it and high profile software engineers

im on my way of becoming a code monkey and im loving it! i dont have much energy or creativity so i wanna keep it for my hobbies.

>work with what you love
no thanks :)

There is the meme software engineer that unironically uses muh design patterns to "design" software.

Feel free to die in agony, disgusting pedo scum.

What do you mean you dont like my AbstractLooObserverFactory?

All those labels really don't mean much. If you are an engineer at a shit company that could be an inbetween I guess.

i think something like consultant or freelance work maybe?

Depends on whether you're interested in actually designing software yourself or not. I personally am, therefore merely being a codemonkey would not be satisfactory.
That said, analysts and software engineers who never write code themselves are cancer. They almost always propose inane, often overcomplicated solutions since they are out of touch and don't even know how to take full advantage of the technologies they themselves chose.

redpilled as fuck

imagine actually being proud of having more responsibility than code monkeys while not getting paid any more than code monkeys

code monkeys are also far more likely to be promoted into management than someone who is "invaluable"

i like this work. the holy CS folk may laugh at me and chimp out when seeing my low skill but i take pride in my humble trade. its like being a plumber but a bit comfier and with better pay.


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wait untill you get older

I'm sorry.

Being promoted is ALL about social skills.
Actual technical skill is almost irrelevant, and anyone who denies this is just delusional.

>mfw friendless khv code monkey for last 3 years
>mfw boss and project leader are currently trying to get me to step up and take more responsibility because they think i have potential in management because of my "peoples skill"
help do i just quit at this point or something

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Define "codemonkey".

>t. coping pajeet

When was the next time you got promoted through old fashioned hard work alone?

>b..but muh binary trees and design patterns!!

Depends where you're being promoted into a technical position or management.

You don't have to be have great social skills to go from junior to senior developer, it just has to be visible that you do good work.

But to be promoted into management or as a project lead, yes, absolutely you need social skills.

alert status: red. do a barrel roll asap.

CS for the past 30 years or so has been literal snake oil.

>being okay with incompetence
>not striving for the better
Your problem is not being a "codemonkey" but they very attitude that reeks of incompetence and lousiness
might as well become an "influencer" on social media

I agree

Nothing wrong with being a codemonkey (someone who just implements a spec) but you should strive to be good at your craft.

There's a lot of highly paid codemonkeys at Google that are respected, for example, because they're very skilled at their craft and had good CS educations.


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>still a comfy desk job thats more stimulating than working in an office
Eh? Being codenigger is literally the worst of all worlds. You‘re still a standard office slave, but you‘re surrounded by autismos that can‘t hold a conversation longer than a scrum meet without having an anxiety attack. The work is mundane, unstimulating and 99% routine, the pay is good, but not extraordinary and you‘re more replacable than an accountant next door.

>i take pride in my humble trade. its like being a plumber but a bit comfier and with better pay.
That's because coding is literally a craft.

the thing is CS shit has its merits in time critical high performance tasks. your usual average business app doesnt need all this black belt tier crap.
this type of reasoning always comes from arrogant, but admittedly gifted, people. you have never seen the abyss of reaching your TRUE genetic maximum so come off your high horse. im not talking about reaching a plateau and giving up easily- most of your kind thinks this way. im talking an absolute maximum. when you reach such a point in your life you suddenly notice that having an attitude of "incompetence and lousiness" isnt that bad.

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Bein a code monkey is ok, but I always wonder why some people seem to have zero curiosity or passion.
On the other hand if you are just a code monkey and your passions are in some other field, maybe sports, reading, films or whatever that's fine.

>I always wonder why some people seem to have zero curiosity or passion.
I always wondered why some people have passions. I tried to fake it, but i don't think i can keep this up.

>When was the next time

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My passion is doing as little work as possible and taking it easy

dont think im a lefty but passion in itself is a privilege. if you dont have it, you cannot force it. but you can choose a career that is ok/ sometimes fun and that you can do reasonably well. not everyone needs to be elite.

What are some good languages to learn to be a code monkey? I'm learning Java in my Cyber Security degree, but it's certainty not to the extent CS majors learn programming. Should I learn stuff like JS, php, or python, or is java enough in case my meme degree doesn't work out?


if u can finish your degree maybe some legacy language


White space and Brainfuck are the best.

>no expectations of you == no stress
All the code monkeys at our place seem pretty stressed. I think it must feel pretty shit to be literally incapable of fixing problems and you have to constantly beg decent engineers to help you.

>never have to touch crap like C
What did he mean by this? I find C and C++ comfy.

> fuck i LOVE being a code monkey
I love to fuck candy sluts. To each his own.