The current state of amdfags

>the current state of amdfags

Attached: AYYMD ON SUICIDE WATCH.jpg (6669x268, 35K)

>state of shills
I hope you continue to live your loser life giving fucks

>90+ exploits

Nice cropping faggot

Attached: c15.jpg (2000x2060, 116K)

What da FUCK is that crop, you shit eating triple nigger? Unironically should be banned from internet for life.

Damn. Intel cpu's don't even have enough threads to crop right.


Attached: 1448142514208.png (528x648, 62K)

Is this you?

Attached: EFG.gif (400x400, 3K)

what the fuck is that?

oh haha whoops mb
its fixed now

Attached: dddaccvdvdrvdyu65u6u.jpg (9999x2320, 685K)

Who the fuck is going to even look at your pic after the abomination in the OP retard?

Attached: nagatoro_smug.png (343x349, 144K)

The fuck is this shit?

still have no idea what that dumbass graphic is showing

Amount of dicks OP sucked to get Nvidia and AMD GPU
He even rated them
Can you be even more faggot

GREAT thread

Attached: Op+is+a+fgt+_aada749426dbde4be6ccdf7ff1780a9d.jpg (555x406, 32K)

haha epic. Gay nigger OP BTFO

Attached: 1434050997213.jpg (386x363, 38K)

Who is this cutie?

>so asspained from being repeatedly explained why he's a retard in another thread () that he decided to make a new thread
>fucks up his crop and doesn't even tell people what the chart is so nobody even knows what he's talking about
You are a class A fuckup, OP. Just delete your thread and save yourself the shame.