
this is a comfy lang, can I make a game with it?

Attached: ruby.png (959x833, 96K)

try ruby-sdl2

mostly shitty ones but yeah

such a shitty language. it looks and behaves like a poor man's python with the additional bonus of having worse documentation than BASIC.

it's actually smalltalk clone with a bit of lisp though

>implying Python's documentation is any fucking better

Attached: 20190416_141914.jpg (838x745, 205K)

Performance is poor so it depends what kind of game. Turn based games like Civilization, sure. Fast paced games like Counterstrike, use a faster language.

It's actually slightly less shitty than Python.

(function() {
new GreenText("Implying you need anything more than JS, ever")

Attached: r1zr3jm86ba11.jpg (550x543, 83K)

choose python and go to

I personally choose JS

You should checkout Rust, very good language and library support. You'll get to do more, get more efficient executables, and join the community

So, I could make a turn based Counterstrike ?

Honestly I never learned Ruby simply because the aesthetic annoys me, much like Apple products.

For me, it’s the McChicken. The Best Fast Food Sandwich.

aren't you a retard

I'm extremely disappointed that noone here mentioned Crystal. It's Ruby syntax but compiled and very fast. The only downside is that it's not officially supported for windows just yet.

based rust promoter

if you think it is just like python, you obviously haven't used ruby

>programmer happiness
>the aesthetic annoys me
I'm a masochist too user

Ruby is basically the lang of the latter day saints

2 years already, admit it, it will never make it

The most beautiful language is Assembly.

Attached: 800px-Motorola_6800_Assembly_Language.png (800x1274, 185K)

i didn't say ruby is beautiful, but it is nice to write. hopefully ruby 3 is actually faster because it would be nice to start using it again

ruby is red because of satania

Attached: EA63F4A1-CD69-47FE-99B0-4B266D08E9F4.png (533x445, 238K)

just use Lua (it's like javascript but pascal)

It’s also a dead lang that was created for petroleum engineers who couldn’t into base 0 indexes

>muh 0 indexes
how to tell brainlet.txt