/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>i7 8700/K - Extreme solution for absolute max FPS
>R7 2700/X - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>RX 570 8GB - good performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard
>RTX 2060 - high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor)
>RTX 2060 - standard
>RTX 2080 - high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor)
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2080 - standard
>RTX 2080Ti - better fit for 4K but expensive

>Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's 144Hz with adaptive sync
>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


Attached: serveimage.png (1389x500, 2.55M)

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First for shitel

there is literally nothing wrong with having a backdoor in your cpu

Buy Noctua products, sirs

>6gb cards

It's fine for 1080p as long as you aren't playing crappy AAA games.

Rate my shitty shit, this is all the budget I have for unpleasant reasons
The GPU and PSU are left overs from my old broken rig, so they are subject to change when I can stop being a fucking poor ass man
SSD is already taken into account

the psu might be insufficient? this is ok for 1080p60 gaming, should max a lot of shit

remove the cooler unironically
also wait for zen 2

Yeah, I should buy a cosair or cool master of 550W but as said before, I'm current a poor man

Pajeet can't afford noctua

Just a reminder that Ryzen is utter trash in single thread (both the 4670K and 4790K literally obliterate it in any game or single perf task). Feel free to prove me wrong (you can't).

oi any monitor recommendations for 1080p 144hz under 200 more or less?

Will they fix it with Zen 2?

Attached: D7F7D4FE-0902-4C19-800F-E333323457F0.png (951x547, 42K)

comboPI is due in a few weeks. Regressions in the beta aren't that surprising.

>HDD prices went up while I was spending an eon trying to find a case
Fuck cases and fuck my stupid requirements.

you already got a case right?
cant you just wait a month to get the 500w power supply? that would even allow you to switch eventually to a better GPU wich is frankly not needed unless you also do a monitor upgrade

Intel still king.

>R5 2600/X - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
i5-8400 is cheaper and seems comparable. Why the AMD chip?

Looking to upgrade my 6yr old shit-heap so I'm just building a whole new mid-range machine.

Mostly for the upgrade path. But if you don't plan on updating to zen 2, then the 9400f+ram+mobo combo is cheaper and performs better.

obsolete, go full ssd

t. man without forskin

more bang for bucko and better platform and more threads and future proof/more usecases

>i5-8400 is cheaper and seems comparable.
i5 is actually better with the same memory speeds and the K version wont have issues with low memory speed asides being overclockable to higher speeds and already capable of providing endgame 144fps on most high end cards

but you need a z board and a K processor asides possible water cooling solution so AMD shills just force everyone to ignore it.

I think I'm just being stingy, I can definitely buy the PSU along with the others, no plans in upgrading the monitor for now.
Thanks for the suggestion

>obsolete, go full ssd
Right, perfect for my NAS. Dickass.

I don't know what I want to slap into this gaming/video editing on the side rig, all gpu's either won't be enough for 1440p 144Hz or they're overpriced to all heck, christ almighty building a somewhat higher end pc is disgusting nowadays.

Attached: mmmmm.png (600x520, 1.19M)

just to be on the annoying side consider having a fan as intake and exaust, really helps prevent overheating on your pc

>he doesnt run full ssd in his nas

>building a somewhat higher end pc is disgusting nowadays.
true not worth it at all

Yeah, definitely already taking that to an account since that's exactly how my old rig got fucked

>speciellt i sverige

I wasn't aware of the 9400f - that's cheaper again. Thanks!

I went 'big' on my last build (SLI GTX780) because I thought having ultra settings and a decent framerate was something I valued. Turns out, not so much. I don't really notice lower graphics settings. I won't be bothering with incremental upgrades - will probably do another whole new build in 3-5 years depending on how things progress!

Eh, not literally nothing wrong but all manufacturers are guilty

>Moreover, researchers also claimed to have found two exploitable manufacturer backdoors inside Ryzen chipset that could allow attackers to inject malicious code inside the chip.

Nice memes, retard. Here's actual data instead of your butthole

>4670K obliterates Ryzen in any game
Nope, pic obviously related. The i7 only ties the R5 2600X

Attached: hitman 2 cpu vs gpu comparison.png (1611x927, 152K)

you dont need 144fps
if you dont want a 2080, wait for navy memery or the rumors of 2070ti, wich should be more of your liking at 1440p
a 2070 should provide something like 80~100fps

Wait for navi, sirs

>fake benchmarks where Steve just looks up at the sky

Posted too late so posting again. Rate my first build pls.

Attached: 1553961786760.png (1080x1132, 899K)

>if you have physical access and admin privileges and can enter the bios you can hack this piece of shit ryzen cpu and chipset

>no ssd
>extra cooler
>bronze psu
>ram ok if oc to 3200
status = J U S T

is a 100hz screen enough?

enough for what? 100fps? then yes.

You will never get those numbers in your image in a real world setting. Again, Ryzen is awful in single thread preformance when compared to Intel. This isn't even debatable.

what's wrong with extra cooler?

are those even made?
no go for 144+

if you're investing $30 into a low end cooler, might as well invest the extra $30-50 into a high end cooler that actually lets you OC decently.

well i guess what im actually asking is is the difference between 100 and 144fps actually noticeable? moving up from 60.

If it's so obvious, post your proof.

60hz is one frame per 16.6ms
144hz is one frame per 6.9ms

it's about a 10ms per frame difference, very noticeable for fast paced gaming.

Hell, if you know what to look for, it's even pretty noticeable just on the desktop moving your mouse cursor around.

lol you first. I'm not debating anything, it's you AMD shills that scream when anyone says anything you disagree with.

i probobly won't OC since i want for this build to last as long as possible (8-10 years) so i included cooler for extra cpu safety. Am i retarded for doing this?

>Ryzen is awful in single thread preformance when compared to Intel. This isn't even debatable.
Modern 8th or 9th gen intel sure.

But 4th gen intel? Ryzen is near tied.

According to user bench, the 4790k is only ~5% faster single core than 2600x, and the 4670k is ~5% slower.

Attached: 2019-04-16 18_24_39.png (1477x1317, 258K)

The denial is strong in this one
You've been unequivocally proven wrong

>Still posting the same garbage video from Nvidia Unboxed to make your point

Yes, if you're not OCing, just use the stock cooler.

I know it's called PC Building General... but can anyone recommend a pre-built Mini ITX small and kawaii system I can buy in the UK for gaming, for about £1000~? Or a list of components that will work?

Attached: 1554763749850.jpg (1600x900, 110K)

Trips confirm. 6 gb is not enough.

>Ryzen can't even beat 4th gen intel

Attached: yikes.jpg (689x720, 297K)

Just wait for ryzen 3000, sir.

So if i throw out cooler ,get better ram and gold standard psu and ssd all will be good?

there are several SFF cases that can even bend the GPU 90 degrees for you

you sure you dont wanna buy a sff case and partake in the most difficult task of finding SFF parts to make the tiniest room heater ever?

Greentext doesn't cover how stupid you are

Attached: 1530095031900.png (1024x1200, 163K)

Prebuilt? Not really, they mostly suck. Lenovo had one with a built in reciever for the xbox controller but it was overpriced. Overclockers UK claims they sell preconfigured ones but I don't see any mITX ones. Alternate.de sends to the UK afaik and you can custom order a PC and they build it for you but why bother with the extra cost for something this simple?
I'd just order something like this and build it myself. It's a nice afternoon task.
You could also go with AMD which would be more practical especially in the long run but somehow cpus and motherboards are a bit overpriced over there.

how small do you want to go? Small enough to warrant a short GPU? Small enough to not fit a real GPU at all?

wow it bets a 7 year old intel cpu, truly ryzen 2600x is amazing!

Attached: really.gif (230x227, 3.14M)

>Mobo manufacturers are refusing to update their current mobos because Zen 2 is a massive flop.

ayymd is FINISHED

ryzen threadripper has pentium dual core quaking in it's boots!

>not 3770k

The 3770 is ~5-10% slower than the 3770k.

Also, the 3770k is ~15% slower than the 4790k

So the fact a 2600x beats a 3770 by ~20%+ isn't shocking at all.

imagine buying poozen unironically

is there actually a difference between gsync and nvidia-freesync?

Yes, Gsync is more stable, I have a freesync monitor that works perfectly with fullscreen gaming with freesync compatability.

But windowed gaming causes dimming/flicker where the panel brightness goes from super low to super bright in rapid succession.

A proper Gsync panel wouldn't have that issue.

Not a big deal considering the panel costs are drastically different though.

I mean as small as is reasonable without destroying performance? But I'm willing to take a good performance hit for cute shit.

why is the 2070 not an option? its $300-350 cheaper than the 2080 in aus

What the fuck is up with Aus money anyway? Import tarrifs?

Shit seems a little too over inflated tbqhwyf

why tho
look at this
only issue is you will need some noctua high performance SFF cooler but this can take everything high end

>But windowed gaming causes dimming/flicker where the panel brightness goes from super low to super bright in rapid succession.

Is this only an issue in windowed games, no other weird effects in general? I'm looking into doing something similar to you.

no its just retailers shafting us

Please comment any ideas?


Literally doesn't get more kawaii than this:

Take that! AMD haters btfo! Keep walking son, this is where the big dogs play.

Your entering the Big Dogs area. No Intel poodles allowed. Only BIG dogs. What's that mom? I can't clean my room right now, Naruto is on.

What do you guys think of this for an mini itx build.
Should I go for a smaller case? I'm going for something I can transport easily

Attached: pc.jpg (1456x902, 199K)

Amazon warehouse deals?


Rate? This is my current build that I've had for about a year and a half (got some new ram).
I'm thinking about switching to Intel because I primarily play games but I'm a poorfag, So Ryzen is good for me. Should I wait until computex before making a decision?

Also looking for some advice on potential upgrades.

your rig is shat upon by the 1700
get a 2700 and you should be able to do 1440p144 with little issue

Computex is like 5 weeks away. Just wait until then.

Yeah I started noticing recently with some of the games I've been playing recently.

yea but which models are good like picture quality colors brightness etc

Your build is pretty much great as is. You might be able to a few more frames with Intel or a Ryzen 3000, but not many

Could be something else at play

Since I assume you're not going to be overclocking, either get the locked i5 or go Ryzen

It's just mediocre. Nothing really good about it

Why would you even bother posting that garbage?

>Why would you even bother posting that garbage?
to piss you off.


can I do better than this with a 700ish budget?

Vega 56 stomps on the 2060 and has more vram.
Vega 64 stomps the 2070.
Radeon 7 stomps on the 2080 and has more vram.
Fix your op, nvidia shill.

Don't be a jew and get a 2600X, it's only $15 more.

False, get wrecked

Attached: relative-performance_2560-1440.png (500x850, 50K)

Holy fucking shit non-Big Dogs BTFO

Now post benchmarks that aren't sponsored by Nvidia.

that's actually for someone else, I got the 2600x with a x470 the day it came out. I swallowed the nvidia jew though and bought the 1070ti because the 1080 was 800%+ and the 1080ti was 1200$+ at the time.

Is the radeon 7 worth it or should I just hold my nut for when they launch new cards later this year? I want freesync for this chink monitor I bought

>m-m-muh conspiracy!!1!

Attached: Radeon VII performance.png (1960x770, 383K)

>buy the louder and hotter 2600x for 1% gains
lol no

>doesn't realize tha 1% makes all the difference

based retard, I'll frag you into oblivion. Nigger.

Pascal and Turing cards can all use Freesync now; Nvidia has given in. RVII isn't really worth it unless you want to play the undervolt lottery and you can find one for a decent price. Navi is coming out later this year, so if you've already got a 1070Ti, I'd just wait.

I like the silverstone any other suggestions? I've never done a itx build but it's an old enough pc that I only use for gaming so turning it into a super console might be fun.