Well ballers go get your money
This is pretty damning evidence against globe theory.
how do flat earthers explain satelites?
Flat earth retards aren't actually as stupid as they look. They don't actually believe the Earth is flat. The job is to make it appear that people believe the Earth is flat. In doing so, they create a shroud that masks real conspiracies.
For example, if you try to talk about an actual conspiracy like the recent UFO citings or even more acceptable ones like 9/11 being done by Mossad, you get branded a conspiracy theorist. And what is the face of conspiracy theorists? Well it's Flat Earth morons.
>"Oh you believe 9/11 was done by Israelis? You're just like those Flat Earthers."
>"UFO sightings? Let me guess you're a Flat Earth wacko aren't you."
It's impossible to discuss conspirary theories when the moment you mention one you get lumped in with Flat Earth retardation. It's really a brilliant way to destroy any conspiracy theory talk and make you look like a wackjob. The Flart Earthers have done excellent in that regard.
Assuming that thing is actually completely leveled and this isn't blatant bullshit
There's absolutely no way for someone to make a supporting column taller
I just can't imagine any way to do that
STAR TRAILS ARE EXACTLY THE SAME (obviously with a different perspective and angle) all over the world. Whether it be in the so-called "northern hemisphere" or the southern one. FOR ThOUSANDS OF YEARS OF RECORDED HISTORY ITS BEEN THE SAME. It's always been the same. We're not moving.
we dont got them - 99% of all data transmitted through world goes by land cables and undersea cables and cell towers. also the rest 1% is radio.
It’s almost like the earth isn’t a perfect sphere
>Every picture was taken from Earth
>Depending on the hemisphere/location of said picture taking, the same stars are visable that illuminate the same sky
>of the same planet
>can be seen
You're a faggot
it's like an extension of Operation Mockingbird so perfect it has to have been thought of by spooks
this is why we don't got satellites.
undersea water cables bro. what u see at night moving around in the sky are weather balloons/military drones
Hor do flat earther fags explain radar horizon?
possibly with memes
all military outlets in the world purposely Mia-aim their radars to only get higher altitutdes as part of the deception?
This also goes for most real crackpot type conspiracy theories. e.g. 9/11 being done with holograms and nuclear weapons instead of hijackings plus a controlled demo with normal explosives.
where does that norwegian cable go to
>inb4 hollow flat earth
real talk is the the moon made of cheese?
Or the concealed explosives rather than hijacked planes with a natural collapse funded by the Saudis and Israelis
if this map based on a ball earth is correct...why not fly directly across the ocean instead of a longer route to stop in USA?
Go align a satellite dish and come. back
>shilling against believing your own eyes
yep this one's a freemason
Theoretically we're all made of cheese.
"satellite dish?" oh u mean a dish that gets its radiofrequency from cell towers?
Your answering a question with a question. How do you explain radar horizon?
jews did 9/11 and the earth is flat
OK here is ur answer fgt:
If the radar waves traveled in straight lines, the distance to the radar horizon would be dependent only on the power output of the transmitter and the height of the antenna. In other words, the distance to the radar horizon would be the same as that of the geometrical horizon for the antenna height. However, atmospheric density gradients bend radar rays as they travel to and from a target. This bending is called refraction.
waves dont travel in a perfect line indefinitely.
Then how do you retards explain constellation drift?
Because economics you dipshit, the US is a Major worldwide hub for flights that people go to all the time, you leave some people there then fly somewhere else making your flight more efficient, do you have any idea how expensive it is to fly these machines? Direct flights make no sense economically you snow monkey
They've been muddying the waters with their own conspiracies and with crackpots for years. No better way to discredit actual truth seekers.
As some one who drives on that bridge at least one a month I can tell you that you lose sight of land after only few miles.
Then how come radar won't detect targets beyond and below the curvature?
Norwegians are too smart to post things like this unironically. Good on you for baiting gullible Jow Forumstards into wasting their time replying, here's another for (you)
Stand at one end and aim laser pointer at a target an equal height of the ground
The laser pointer will not be able to hit it
I think I just debunked ur spinning ball theory fgt.
upper map: globe earth flight path (not economical whatsoever)
lower map: flat earth map - plane flies in a straigh line.
poor bolivian guy - perhaps u was mistaken?
How do flat earthers explain gps navigation?
because of the interference from the waves bouncing up off the flat surface of the flat earth, there is no curvature
>the atmosphere of earth is so thick it distorts waves that won't meaningfully bend in any distance measured in less than light years
>this is a more sensible explanation
of how radar 'ducking' works than the earth being spherical in shape
Wew, lad.
>top pic is a globe
unironically become a Finn
triangles ur position using cell towers.
it will though, as long as the laser is sufficiently powerful, this is one of the key flat-earth experiments
>dumb asses like this are the best
Using same logic explain photos showing it is. Now explain Elon Musk's video of starman in the tesla. All can't be correct FYI
radio towers on land and sea.
This is undeniable proof that NASA just posts fake CGI composite photoshopped "pictures".
nice to see a fellow flat earther
Kek. Then how come over the horizon radar works by reflecting off the ionosphere? How come radar range increases when I mount the unit higher on the mast? How come the calculations are accurate?
That lake is in a hole so no curvature needed. theory destroyed.
How do they explain their existence given that every single "idea" they've ever proposed has been debunked and obliterated by reality?
How do they explain time zones?
It literally will not if the target and you are less than 15 feet off the ground
fucking globalists think we're stupid
That's bounced off the ionoSPHERE and would not work if it was FLAT.
why wouldn't a US Admiral sit in front of a flat earth map, makes sense to me?
>cell towers are so large and tall they can bounce signals to the otherside of a flat disc
>it will though
Jesus fucking Christ you people are stupid. It's pretty god damned apparent that every single flat earther out there never attended a science class higher than 3rd grade.
But how do gps systems and satellite phones work in locations without cell or radio towers in receivable range?
flat earthers are some of the most gullible boomers you'll ever meet
It's called focal length. Basic photographic concept.
Or tides? Or whirlpools rotating in opposite directions between Northern and Southern hemiSPHERES?
Ok then shoot the laser from New York to LA with it 10' in the air.
Let me ask you guy
Why would all the governments of the entire world along with all the scientists lie about the flat earth In a grand global conspiracy when there's absolutely nothing to gain from it? conspiracies have a reason behind it, 9/11 is because oil and lucrative war business, fake Moon landing to win the space war
What's the reason for flat earth? There's absolutely none I'll stay just to watch your mental gymnastics on this one.
We're on the same page. No argument from me.
radio waves and cell towers user
There are towers all over the world/sea. All a satellite phone does is give you priority to connect your call.
The thing with the flat earth idea is that it opens up more questions and hypotheticals than it actually solves. The earth being a globe fits in with almost all basic tenets of physics. Once you start saying the earth is flat you have a bunch of questions to answer.
Why is the Moon and Sun round?
How do pilots circumnavigate the earth if its flat?
Why would anyone want to keep the earth being flat a secret?
What is on the bottom of Earth?
How does water not spill off?
How do seasons that rely on the tilt of the axis work?
Even if you wanted to approach the theory scientifically you could not because it doesn't solve any questions. It merely forces you to redesign proven theories to fit the model and science doesnt work like that. I genuinely always feel like flat earthers are all shills. I genuinely do not believe anyone can be that stupid to try to discredit almost all basic physics and science based on easily explainable phenomena.
>focal length
LOL. It's emberassing how many people get this wrong while being a smart ass.
you mean reflecting off of the firmament
as for why, because well, it's the fucking firmament, fucking everything bounces right the fuck off that impermeable barrier, the distance involved in bouncing the bouncing waves off the firmament relative to size of the craft greatly mitigates the potential interference, assuming the craft is as high enough elevation
if the craft is flying low then you arent detecting shit of them via firmament bounced waves
just blindly follow ur science guys all ur life - fine by me. do not think for urself bro, that is dangerous.
science today is nothing more than people buttlicking the higher ups so they can get better positions. that is the whole system. if u disagree with someone u must leave the society.
What is a map projection?
>it does not!
the absolute state of globecucks
there are mountains in the way and a laser that powerful would be destructive af
>all a satellite phone does is give you priority to connect your call
You are one retarded motherfucker.
Are there cell towers in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?
I wish we could gather up the money to do an Antarctic excursion. I would love to drag a bunch of faggoty flat earthers half way across the earth, from wherever they lived by car or train and eventually boat to the South Pole and the other side of the continent.
the same way time zones are based off of now, based on the position of the local sun as it rotates around the sky above the earth
Multiculturalist are the only folks who are capable of seeing the earth for what it is: flat.
this guy claims Nazis secretly rule the world, and dodges any callers that question Holohoax.
He also claims the Port Chicago blast (in Concord, CA ammo port in WW2) was the US govt testing a mini-nuke on Negro sailors.
>nothing to gain
except to undermine the spiritual foundations of the west, like every other jewish conspiracy
Says the guy blindly following youtube shill channels.
Yeah, you're really my intellectual superior alright.
they do
You've allowed your distrust for NASA and the
government to drive you insane and now you
can only thiink in 2D form. You're beyond help.
The causway is the same height over a curved surface. You dumb fucking cunt.
every government is lying to you because if the people find out the world is flat that means we have a god and we were NOT an accident made from bacteria that was created from an explotion from NOTHING.
ball earth basically says to people: "Hey, we dont got a God cuz we got big bang and all our lives were an accident from an explotion out of nothing 13 billion years ago". How tiny does that make you feel?
We were all created by something.
Do you live in the "soul-lure system"?
Nice argument faggot.
Yes, there are barges with towers on them strategically located in various seas.
well yeah its a flat earth thread what the fuck did you think
There is a north pole and a south pole. Christ you are fucking stupid.
Then how do ship's get sat data? Why does the antenna point to a very specific location and that location becomes closer and closer to the horizon as they go north until they eventually lose contact?
You're not even a funny shitposter. You're just pathetic.
>tfw everyone is wrong
What the fuck. You guys have an alternate theory of gravity too then?
Who said to go over land? you can go over the ocean which is perfectly flat.