but will you pay for cryptomeme in order to renew your pass come next year?
I think we should bury Dandy in the sand only his head showing and get a few barrels of soft dildos and then we'll all surround him at a distance and pelt him in the head with dildos until he turns straight.
>implying that would work
It would.
And who are you quoting?
Nah, he'd enjoy it.
And I quote myself.
But if it pains him enough being pelted on the noggin with hard rubber for days straight, shouldn't that dissuade him?
And the quoting function does not work as such.
As if he's not a masochist. And they're soft dildos, so they wouldn't hurt as much as hard dildos would.
>look look, me kwote meself
Ah, but just like Chinese water torture, he will soon grow increasingly insane from the constant, repetitive taps of rubber on the cranium.
And how can you quote yourself if what you are quoting is not present in any previous documented posts?
Yeah, that's when he gets one into his mouth and voraciously succ on it.
Also, he'd view it as just a group of guys being mean to him, and not a reason to quit the gay. If anything, it would entrench him in his gay.
>because I can anticipate future quotes and archive them the second I make my quotes
There's nothing some good duct tape over the mouth couldn't fix, and certainly you would concede that with enough time, there would be a point where he would simply grow insane, and afterward would associate homosexuality with insanity and heterosexuality with sanity.
And prove it.
>there would be a point where he would simply grow insane, and afterward would associate homosexuality with insanity and heterosexuality with sanity.
Associating heterosexuality with sanity while hetero guys are pelting him with dildos?
Also, what's to say that he wouldn't enjoy insanity?
Like I do.
>I anticipated this post and quote myself because I'm not insane.
>I anticipated this post and quote myself because I'm insane.
Prove it.
Disprove it.
Dandy irl
Maybe we should test the theory out on Kurei first and then if it works we'll do it on Dandy.
You ready Kurei?
he agrees. let's do this.
I'll prepare the dildos.
No need, since they're about to be bouncing off from your head. Now get in the hole.
I'll also prepare a red shell if he tries to escape.
Get in the hole, dummy, we're about to find out if hitting someone over the head with dildos whilst buried neck-high will make them straighter or gayer.
Only if he gets in the hole with me, facing away from me. What better way to test if dildo-whacking makes one gayer than testing on him?
Okay fine
alright... I won't enjoy it but for uh.. science I will go in first.
Wtf happened?
nice timestamp and dubs but wrong board