It's been too long, let's get a game going.
The rules can be found in the bottom right corner of pic related
It's been too long, let's get a game going.
The rules can be found in the bottom right corner of pic related
Connecticut - Fagville - Rose
Added. We'll start when we get two more players.
American Emus
Royal Blue
Also please namefag with your nation's name and a tripcode of your choice
Added. Waiting on player three
Thanks laddie
Dixie Land
The stage is set. Start rolling boys
March north to wyoming
What about it? Please be clear with your moves
Fill texas
Noted. Dixie Land, I'll be using your first reply () as your roll
Awaiting Fagville action
Fagville going once, you are about to forfeit your turn
Fagville going twice
Fagville has forfeited their previous roll
Moving on
Continue nothern expansion
boonk north
Keep filling texas
Current standing
Fagville, please namefag with your country's name and a tripcode of your choice so I don't have to backtrack to find you
Begin western expansion into utah and nevada
Fagville and Dixie Land, awaiting your rolls
Fagville and Dixie Land going once
Fill texas, sorry being late
Fagville and Dixie Land going twice, about to forfeit
Fagville has forfeited their roll, moving on
If you do wish to rest a turn, simply say so instead of making other players wait
Unrelated, I'm about to switch to my laptop, my name and trip will remain the same
Keep filling texas
Expand into nevada
Fagville will be treated as AFK soon
Fagville is now effectively AFK for not responding for two turns
Forgot to denote that this will be my ID from this point forward
Fill in nevada, spills go to colorado
fill texas
Current standing
fill texas
Finish nevada, spills to colorado
Dixie and Emus lookin hefty
Finish colorado, spills to california
>fill texas
fill texas
Almost missed Dixie's dubs
Finish colorado spills to california
fill texas
No gets this round
Invade Arizona
fill texas
My laptop a shit right now
I got work tommorow guys. Im goin to bed. It was fun
fill texas
RIP this thread
Well it was fun indeed, congrats Dixie Land, I suppose you're our winner by default. I'll try this again in the next couple days maybe during the actual daytime