Say what you will about the gay fruit, but swift is excellent and their iOS dev is miles better than pajeetdroid dev

Say what you will about the gay fruit, but swift is excellent and their iOS dev is miles better than pajeetdroid dev

Attached: swift-og.png (1200x1200, 25K)

You're not wrong, OP

swift is a wannabe Go

as in what Go should've been

>blocks your path

Attached: 1024px-Kotlin-logo.svg.png (1024x1024, 44K)

>takes eternity to compile
>tied to Xcode which is absolute garbage

great language but not as mature as swift yet, also even with a great language android dev is a waste of time. Android Studio is a steaming pile of shit, and the most active android users are pajeets who steal your apps, so not only is the dev community terrible, it's less likely to give you any return on investment. Most apple devices are owned by rich kids and hipster faggots so they're more likely to pay for your apps/IAPs, this is statistically true
>Xcode which is absolute garbage
it's god-tier compared to android studio. But there's always AppCode if you really hate it. I haven't had many issues compiling so far, not even from my hackintosh

>android studio is shit
>xcode is good tier

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Attached: WtEeFa8[1].jpg (1314x1000, 81K)

>pajeet's eading comprehension
I said COMPARED to android studio, not that xcode is actually god tier

you can write retarded code in any language

I never had a problem with Android studio. Is it the framework you don't like? Its reasonably flexible and has some of the best documentation around.

>support unicode
seems normal to me

XCode is an absolute clusterfuck
Its slow, it doesn't tell you things any basic ide should tell you,
You need to update it every time your shitty iPhone gets an update or you can't debug anymore, it crashes a lot, project settings are stored in cryptic files within file-like-folders so command line automation is much harder than it should be, it doesn't give you information you need for some features, it doesn't support swift 3 anymore forcing you to keep updating your code to new versions sometimes with breaking changes, you can't style it enough (fucking occurrence highlight is a dotted underline)

iOS development is the worst dev experience I've ever seen, and XCode is a worse ide than notepad.

Today, I will remind them.

Attached: 1533089406049.jpg (2016x1210, 278K)

>it doesn't tell you things any basic ide should tell you
like what?
>You need to update it every time your shitty iPhone gets an update or you can't debug anymore
it's better like this so everyone is on the same version. The "you can't update unless you're in Mojave" was typical apple bullshit to force you to buy their latest garbage computers I'll give you that. From what I've read from swift 5 they're aiming to be more future-proof. I hope that's true cause if it happens again I'll drop iOS dev forever.
I've had a good experience overall with XCode 10 though, and storyboards aren't terrible anymore, though a hybrid/pure code approach is still best

cant be any further from the truth. swift and go have nothing to do with each other and their objectives are completely different

been doing ios professionaly for the past 3 users (most recently working at Goog) and couldnt agree more. xcode is a huge piece of shit compared to anything put out by jetbrains. took 10 version for them to finally implement "find and replace" and it still doesn't even work half the time. just viewing a .storyboard file alters it so you always have to remove changes to it on git

swift is a good language tho

As someone who codes in both as apart of my job, I can tell you xcode is fucking dogshit compared to android studio. It’s just so fucking buggy.

>like what?
When you forget to add a permission. String to your plist, when you forget to add an app store icon to your assets etc.
You can happily upload your app to the incredibly slow apple servers, go on your way home because it finished uploading with the big green checkmark and half an hour later you get an email telling you that you forgot something. To add salt to the wound, the version number must now also be increased because you already used it for a broken version. WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T THE IDE TELL YOU THAT??? I can tell you why! Because apple hates all its users

>it's better like this so everyone is on the same version.
Fuck that.
You can use an ages old android studio version, heck you could still use eclipse to make android apps and you could still debug on a phone that came out yesterday. Everyone shits on android because Muh fragmentation, but on ios everything stops working as soon as you're a minor version away from another device. Thats not a good thing

++ is for faggots.
+= 1 is for real men
which one looks better and makes more sense?
> x += 1
> y += 2
> x++ // What the fuck is this shit? Why doesn't x++++ work?
> y += 2