Akuthota, 27...

>Akuthota, 27, apparently made video recordings of himself inserting the malicious USB device into the computers and said “I’m going to kill this guy” as the PCs were overloaded and permanently ruined.

>Akuthota is a citizen of India who is in the US on a visa, having earned a master’s degree in business from Saint Rose in 2017.

why do universities do this?

Attached: firefox_ffUNgxoBiT.png (1198x869, 1.23M)

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Forgot link, fuck

who cares?

honestly, based. Now those basedboys will have an extra example of the positive contributions of immigrants to America

So everything he touched turned to shit?

Attached: 1553754085261.jpg (715x1000, 320K)

Truly a technical Midas

Based pajeet.

Based pajeet.

Based pajeet.

Ameritoddlers BTFO