Is cash deprecated?

Is cash deprecated?

Attached: IMG_6530.jpg (1300x956, 114K)

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nah its just that everythings online these days so people tend to use the plastic

that and it hurts less to hand over actual cash because numbers != physical money

It's literally the only form of currency that offers full anonymity.
>inb4 muh blockchain botnet

Attached: 1552173961701.jpg (806x1074, 258K)

t. Luddite retard

can still be traced back

I love never having cash so I don't even feel remotely bad about not giving money to beggars

>full anonymity
CCTV cameras are everywhere

Calling people that know that blockchains can be a completely anonymous form of currency for retards doesn't change the fact that blockchains can be a completely anonymous form of currency.

Not in Japan, at least

I prefer cash but i don't mind cards

But if you are buying one fucking thing and there's a line behind you don't pull out that fucking plastic for fuck sake

Yes. I haven't used cash in years for anything but hookers and that's only because the hookers are too ignorant to accept crypto etc.

maybe in londonistan, in my country there are none on the street and its illegal inside private businesses without a sign that indicates that you're being recorded. On top of that there is GDPR so they can't sell the recordings to data mining businesses

>Use debit card more and more as 1st option.
>Bank starts charging for debit transactions over X#
>Carrying cash around in case I want coffee and a doughnut is suddenly a major inconvenience.

>Bank starts charging for debit transactions over X#
What third world nigger country you live in?

I use cash where possible.
Anonymous, no extra fees, more stable and usable than cryptocurrencies, and is accepted basically anytime, anywhere.

Cash takes longer than inserting your card if you don't have exact change pre-counted out. Unless you're in yurop where tax is already included in the printed price and everything just tends to end in a .00 or .50 then sure.

>But if you are buying one fucking thing and there's a line behind you don't pull out that fucking plastic for fuck sake
*taps on reader*
Cya later jackass

There are lots of places where they still require your signature you know

Cash? You mean bacteria packages?

Cash is heavy and disgusting. Getting back coppers is the absolute worst. Why would I want worthless change weighing me down.

>still using cash, contactless or credit cards
fucking grandpas

Attached: oldman.jpg (300x250, 20K)

All programs of adobe Free

>not living in botnet-free country

How can cash be deprecated when businesses literally aren't allowed to refuse it?

Quote from the linked article:
>So far, such arguments have proven persuasive enough for cashless bans to pass in Philadelphia and New Jersey. New York City, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., are all considering prohibitions on cashless establishments.



Not in the first world.

enjoy signing your check

There are plenty of situations where using cash can save you real money. Many gas stations have one price for credit and a significantly lower price for cash - that adds up year in and year out.

A lot of contractors and smaller businesses will lower their price and/or eliminate the tax if you pay them in cash.

Also, I believe it is important to always have a way to conduct transactions without having Big Brother watching your ass. Up in New Hampshirestan a lot of places will take silver coins, etc.

Just draw a happy face they never check it.

>Many gas stations have one price for credit and a significantly lower price for cash - that adds up year in and year out.

>A lot of contractors and smaller businesses will lower their price and/or eliminate the tax if you pay them in cash.
Tax avoidance. Illegal.

>Also, I believe it is important to always have a way to conduct transactions without having Big Brother watching your ass. Up in New Hampshirestan a lot of places will take silver coins, etc.
Cringe stallmantard.

Delete this image.

A debit card should be used like an ATM card and nothing else. You’re a retard.

>Tax avoidance. Illegal.
not your problem

>has cards and cash readily available anytime
>one time decided to use card on a whim
>the cashier is a new guy who doesn't know how to operate the device yet
>ended up taking 3 times longer than using cash

>Tax avoidance. Illegal.
tax avoidance is perfectly legal
come back when you know what you're talking abour

I pay with my phone like a chad™

No. The same people who have been saying cash is deprecated for the last 10 years are the same who will be saying laptops/desktops are deprecated for the next 10 years.

Good goy

A cashless society is a cµcked society. Speaking of which, how prevalent is cashless payment in Sweden?

i use cash because bank statement is getting depressing
>17/04/19 pub transaction, 1 pint
>18/04/19 pub transaction, 1 pint
these last 2 lines of text repeat multiple times to show borderline alcoholism but the system thought i was spamming so i removed them

>mfw when I look like the guy in pic related

Maybe the credit vs. cash discount is a reflection of how much it costs to operate a credit card terminal.

Do you even merchant, bro