I jacked off to girly boys
I jacked off to girly boys
Shame on you you fucking faggot
kill yourself
How do I stop doing that?
further proof that bokufags and people who like tomboys in general are faggots
SHAME SHAME SHAME. An application of yellow mushrooms to the penis should be enough to cure your gay. Don’t do red mushrooms, it’ll catch fire.
Get a qt crossdressing gf (male)
I'm not attracted to masculine girls but I have a thing for feminine boys
Checkmate kraut
I'm technically thinking of fucking a girl so it's not gay
than masturbate to girls, peasant
For fuck's sake i accidentally stained my coat with cum what do i do frens
I get tired of jacking off to girls
Wipe it off? What do you expect?
So you would rather get infected with the worst disease known to man? Also stop masturbating, might be why you’re tired of them.
I'm in the library restroom hope no one notices
I have much better experiences with guys
Traps aren't gay and masturbation is harmless. I don't see any problem here.
Daddy is disappointed
Than it is too late for you
Than your fucking GAYYYYYY
We don’t have these kinds of faggots around here
No I'm totally gingerfluid
There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking girls (males)
You can remain straight while fapping as much to boypussy as you like. Just open two tabs open your desired porn on the first one, then open another one with straight porn playing on it. You masturbate to cute boys being grinded, but when you are about to cum just switch to the other tab.
t. korbo
it is harmless for your mental health
Fuck off pooftah
try jacking it to fuzzy girls, you fucking faggot
furry is gay though
Okay, at least your not a limp wristed wanna be tranny like that autistic namefag Serbian Rozen poster.
Also top hat doll is cute.
Lift weights get Jow Forums, you'll still be a faggot but you'll waste less time fapping.
Oh my god is that you again pisa user?
your alien overlod
I stopped crossdressing and looking at traps and haven't had a boner in over a month kms
When will Korbo stop the gay desu arc? I don't like this arc.
Oh yeah lol, I remember on the first or second day on Jow Forums a brit-bong and Saudi were both having an in depth conversation on CP.
when will you stop being an attention whoring namefag
when i first saw rozen maiden i was 100% convinced souseiseki was male. it was only when i watched it again years later i realised i was retarded.
thx for reading my blog
when i watched rozen maiden i dropped it after s1 because of how much retarded it had become compared to the manga
nah, I am such an attention whore that I am pretty sure that I can always catch you out 100% no matter how hard you try to be anonymous
Can you stop being so gay and start being an edgy Celine lover again thx? What would Celine think of you if he knew you were gay?
should i read the manga? is it worth buying when i get bux? reading manga on a screen sucks balls, so
Bi is not gay I just lean more toward guys because i'm closer to the in the first place
>What would Celine think of you if he knew you were gay?
>implying you need to appreciate the person to enjoy his works
Yeh it gets more serious later on even though peach pit suck balls at writing solid plots without putting their works on hiatuses all the time
when do you plan on shooting up that university again?
alright, thanks korboid