Get on my level foolish mortals

Get on my level foolish mortals

Attached: Capture.png (1404x768, 63K)

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Is your level using the non-POSIX compliant Winblows API?

I have no clue I only know the basics of programming from cout to pointers and classes

I don't think anyone wants to get on your level then, mortal


object oriented faggotry

>Botnet Telemetry Studio

use c and posix

Can I learn all the c# development on loonix without visual studio? With that mono and dotnet core thing.

Great job, keep on learning. Every day you learn, you improve the ability to better your own life and the world.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>needing 10 tries to make a Hello world c++
Since you are already on wangblows just use c# you faggot

nice nigger code

there's even an option for making the cmd stay up

Yes you can. Microsoft made a huge step forward by accepting and developing for the linux ecosystem.

Attached: 92c1e63.jpg (700x862, 103K)

Yeah, all you need to Visual Studio Code and dotnet core. Don't use mono, mono is trash

That's pretty cool program!
Are you planning to release source code?

After seeing that pic, I have seen everything.

Attached: thomas.jpg (981x785, 100K)


Attached: 1543353347670.jpg (267x323, 7K)

> Project10.exe
nice homework, zoomer.
pic related is what I use to code, I learned everything with Karlie Kloss. I use Swift for native iOS apps and Flutter + Dart for Android/iOS stuff.

Post your koder levels as well anons!

Attached: heh nothing personnel kiddo.png (1954x390, 410K)

getch( )


>not getchar(), the actual standard function
>not cin >> char, the actual c++ standard function

nice digits

>not main(void)

now do it in arm assembly

Got links to tutorials or books specifically about this? Practically all c# guides I've encountered start with a 10gb visual studio installation

you can also download and extract the _.tar.gz manually and point to it using env variables like DOTNET_ROOT

>atom and sublime
why? they both do the same thing

thanks for this vaguely c++ thread, because I have no clue why I'm segfaulting here. I vaguely think it's because I cant handle nullptrs but I'm not sure how to handle that.

Attached: Capture.png (532x536, 35K)

you should try programming it correctly

thanks, I'll keep trying

i believe in you